In-Datasource Workflow Authoring

If you want to work in a web-based cloud environment, and you are working with big data in a database or Hadoop cluster, Team Studio has authoring tools, project management, and a server environment to accommodate you. This design provides for data exploration of big data.

You can use Team Studio for your big data projects to prepare your data for exploration, transformation, sampling, modeling, and prediction. In addition, you can combine the authoring tools to execute a model you created in TIBCO® Enterprise Runtime for R (TERR™) in your Team Studio workflow by configuring your workflow to use the TERR engine in the R Execute operator.

You can use Jupyter Notebooks both in your Team Studio, or to call into the Team Studio platform.

In the TIBCO Data Science - Operations side, Team Studio Server provides governance, job scheduling, scoring, collaboration, and project management.

You can export an HDFS tabular database or a database table from Team Studio to the Spotfire® SBDF format to be downloaded for use in a Spotfire analysis.

As a stand-alone product, Team Studio and Team Studio Server are licensed as TIBCO® Data Science Team Studio. For more information about working with Team Studio, see the documentation at TIBCO Data Science Team Studio.