Single Sample Goodness of Fit Indices

Statistica provides a variety of single sample goodness-of-fit indices for evaluating the SEPATH model you have created. You can access these indices by clicking the Other Single Sample Indices button on the Advanced tab of the Structural Equation Modeling Results dialog box. This button activates a spreadsheet with a sampling of some of the better known single sample indices of fit, and some related measures.

Joreskog GFI
Values above .95 indicate good fit. This index is a negatively biased estimate of the population GFI, so it tends to produce a slightly pessimistic view of the quality of population fit. We give this index primarily because of its historical popularity. The Population Gamma index is a superior realization of the same rationale.

Joreskog AGFI.  Values above .95 indicate good fit. This index is, like the GFI, a negatively biased estimate of its population equivalent. As with the GFI, we give this index primarily because of its historical popularity. The Adjusted Population Gamma index is a superior realization of the same rationale.

Akaike Information Criterion
This criterion is useful primarily for deciding which of several nested models provides the best approximation to the data. When trying to decide between several nested models, choose the one with the smallest Akaike criterion. The criterion is defined, for the k'th model, as:

Ak = FML,k + (2nk/N+1)


nkdegrees of freedom for the k'th model
FML,kthe maximum likelihood discrepancy function for the k'th model
Nsample size
Schwarz's Bayesian Criterion
This criterion, like the Akaike, is used for deciding among several models in a nested sequence. When deciding among several nested models, choose the one with the smallest Schwarz criterion value. The criterion is defined, for the k'th model, as

Sk = FML,k + [nkln(N)/N-1]


nkdegrees of freedom for the k'th model
FML,kthe maximum likelihood discrepancy function for the k'th model
Nsample size
Browne-Cudeck Cross Validation Index
Browne and Cudeck (1989) proposed a single sample cross-validation index as a follow-up to their earlier (Cudeck & Browne,1983) paper on cross-validation. Cudeck and Browne had proposed a cross-validation index which, for the k'th model in a set of competing models is of the form


In this case, F is the maximum likelihood discrepancy function, S is the covariance matrix calculated on a cross-validation sample.  


is the reproduced covariance matrix obtained by fitting model k to the original calibration sample. In general, better models will have smaller cross-validation indices.

The drawback of the original procedure is that it requires two samples, i.e., the calibration sample for fitting the models, and the cross-validation sample. The new measure estimates the original cross-validation index from a single sample.  

The measure is:

Ck = FML[Sn,Sk(q)]  + 2fk/(N-p-2)


Nsample size
pthe number of manifest variables
fkthe number of free parameters for the k'th model
Independence Model Chi-square and df
These are the Chi-square goodness-of-fit statistic, and associated degrees of freedom, for the hypothesis that the population covariances are all zero. Under the assumption of multivariate normality, this hypothesis can only be true if the variables are all independent. The "Independence Model" is used as the "Null Model" in several comparative fit indices.
Bentler-Bonett (1980) Normed Fit Index
One of the most important and original fit indices, the Bentler-Bonett index measures the relative decrease in the discrepancy function caused by switching from a "Null Model" or baseline model, to a more complex model.  It is defined as:

Bk = (F0 - Fk)/F0


F0the discrepancy function for the "Null Model"
Fkthe discrepancy function for the k'th model

This index approaches 1 in value as fit becomes perfect. However, it does not compensate for model parsimony.

Bentler-Bonett Non-Normed Fit Index
This comparative index takes into account model parsimony.  It may be written as

BBNk = [(c02/n0) - (ck2/nk)]/[(c02/n0)-1]


c02chi-square for the "Null Model"
ck2chi-square for the k'th model
n0degrees of freedom for the "Null Model"
nkdegrees of freedom for the k'th model
Bentler Comparative Fit Index
This comparative index estimates the relative decrease in population noncentrality obtained by changing from the "Null Model" to the k'th model.  The index may be computed as:

1 - (t-hatk/t-hat0)


t-hatkestimated non-centrality parameter for the k'th model
t-hat0estimated non-centrality parameter for the "Null Model"
James-Mulaik-Brett Parsimonious Fit Index
This index was one of the earliest (along with the Steiger-Lind index) to compensate for model parsimony. Basically, it operates by rescaling the Bentler-Bonnet Normed fit index to compensate for model parsimony. The formula for the index is:

πk = (nk/n0)Bk


n0degrees of freedom for the "Null Model"
nkdegrees of freedom for the k'th model
BkBentler-Bonnet normed fit index
Bollen's Rho
This comparative fit index computes the relative reduction in the discrepancy function per degree of freedom when moving from the "Null Model" to the k'th model. It is computed as:

rk = [(F0/n0) - (Fk/nk)]/(F0/n0)  


F0discrepancy function for the "Null Model"
Fkdiscrepancy function for the k'th model
n0degrees of freedom for the "Null Model"
nkdegrees of freedom for the k'th model
Bollen's Delta
This index is similar in form to the Bentler-Bonnet index, but rewards simpler models (those with higher degrees of freedom). It is computed as:

Dk = (F0 - Fk)/(F0 - nk/N)


F0discrepancy function for the "Null Model"
Fkdiscrepancy function for the k'th model
nkdegrees of freedom for the k'th model