Digital Asset Manager Add-on Documentation > Reference Guide
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Digital asset group


This group contains information about any digital asset under add-on management.

Digital asset, Digital asset version, and Metadata value tables

When you open a record in the Digital asset table, tabs display that contain the same information as the corresponding table. The following table describes each property.



Information tab/Digital Asset table

Physical name

The asset's original file name.

Label and description

An asset's label and description.

Creation date

Shows the asset creation date — the date when the asset was added to the add-on control.

Last update date

Date of the last update to this asset.

Digital asset type

Indicates the asset type.

File extension

Displays the asset's file extension.


An asset's current state value.


Location of this asset.

Version management tab/Digital asset version table

Physical name

Displays the asset's file name.

Storage date

Date on which the asset was uploaded to a Drive.

Digital asset

The digital asset of which this is a version.

User profile author

Indicates who added this asset to the add-on.

Version name

Lists any versioning applied to this asset (1.0, 2.0, etc.).


Displays comments applied to this asset version.

Current version

Indicates whether this version is considered the current version.

Metadata tab/Metadata value table

Digital asset

The digital asset to which this metadata applies.

Metadata nature

Displays the metadata nature applied to this digital asset.


Holds the metadata value applied to this asset.

Tags tab


Displays the tags attached to the selected asset.