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Drive group


The Drive group contains tables for Drive and image configuration.

Drive table

This table defines a Drive, or asset storage location. After creating a Drive, you can link it with a data model field using a Digital asset component. This enables the selected field access to assets stored in the Drive.



Drive id

Id of drive.

Label and description

Defines the label and description for this Drive.

Drive type

Specifies whether the Drive points to a local or network location, or to an externally managed storage location. Connections to external locations, require implementation of the add-on's API and any additional third-party requirements. See the add-on's Developer Guide for more details.

Physical root path

Specifies the path to this Drive's storage location. This location stores all assets and asset versions uploaded to this Drive.

User permission group

Restriction policy

Defines whether the permission is restrictive or not. For all user-defined permission rules that match the current user session: If some rules having restrictions are defined, the minimum permissions of these restricted rules are applied; if no rule having restrictions are defined, the maximum permissions of all matching rules are applied.


User profile to which this set of permissions applies.

Allow to upload new asset

Determines whether the chosen profile can upload files to this Drive.

Allow to upload new version

Determines whether users associated with the specified profile can upload new versions of assets.

Allow to change current version

Determines whether users associated with the specified profile can choose which asset is considered the current version. If users are allowed to upload new assets, this property defaults to 'Yes'. If you set this to 'No', the most recently uploaded asset is considered the current version.

Allow to share and download

Determines whether users associated with the specified profile can download and/or share the asset via email.

Allow to delete

Determines whether the chosen profile can delete files in this Drive.

Allow to view digital asset of other user

Determines whether users associated with the specified profile can view assets uploaded by other users.

Maximum allowed file size

Specifies the largest file size (in MBs) that the selected profile can upload to this Drive.

Max usable space

Caps the amount of usable disk space for a Drive that uses this configuration. Once storage reaches this threshold, users cannot upload additional files, unless files are physically deleted.

Physical used space

Amount of disk space used by assets in this Drive.

Physical free space

Amount of disk space remaining.

Image configuration

Specifies the image configuration used by this Drive. The image configuration sets a maximum width and height for uploaded images.

Restrict file upload

Determines whether file type restrictions apply by default for a Digital Asset Component (D.A.C.) that uses this Drive. By default, the add-on does not limit upload to specific file types. With this option enabled, you can select allowed file types when creating a D.A.C. that uses this Drive. Note that you can override this option when creating a D.A.C.

Blacklisted extensions

The add-on blocks any extensions you list here. Separate entries using a comma, semicolon, period or whitespace. For example: exe, msi, sh, bat

Encrypt files

When activated, the add-on encrypts files and thumbnails before storing in the file system. The add-on automatically decrypts these files before displaying or allowing users to download. Note that you cannot modify this field after saving.

Image configuration

This table allows you to create configurations that set limits on the width and height of uploaded images. These settings can be applied to Drive configurations.




Specifies a unique value to identify this configuration.

Label and description

Defines the label and description for this configuration.

Max width

Sets the maximum width for images uploaded to a Drive that uses this configuration.

Max height

Sets the maximum height for images uploaded to a Drive that uses this configuration.