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Add-on specific services

Overview of add-on specific services

The TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on provides several custom services that allow you to perform asset management-specific actions. To access these services open the Actions menu for the specified dataset, or table. The following describes the location of each service and its scope:



TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on dataset

The Migrate digital asset manager data service applies to the dataset.

Migrates previous add-on versions to the latest version.

The Create D.A.C. for data model service applies to the dataset.

Automatically creates a D.A.C. for a data model you specify. Before running the service, ensure that the data model contains a 'media type' field.

The Manage digital assets service applies to all assets in all Drives.

Allows you full control over any asset in any Drive.

The Backup service applies to the dataset.

Creates a backup of your digital assets.

The Restore service applies to the dataset.

Allows you to restore digital assets.

Drive table

The Delete all digital assets in selected drive(s) service applies to selected records.

Deletes all digital assets contained in the selected Drives.

Change physical root path

Allows you to change the selected Drive's physical root path.

Digital asset table

Identify unused assets

Locates any unused assets and filters the table display so that only those records display. An unused asset is one that is not attached to a field.

Import from a ZIP file

Allows you to perform a bulk import of assets from a ZIP file.

The Create new version service applies to selected records.

Creates a new version of the selected asset.

The Upload new digital asset service applies to the table.

Allows you to upload a new digital asset.

The Deactivate (Logical delete) service applies to selected records.

Changes the selected asset's state to 'Deactivated'. You can return the asset to 'Activated', or another state by opening the asset and using the 'State' drop-down list.

The Permanently delete (Physical delete) service applies to selected records.

Physically removes the digital asset from the Drive.

Digital asset version table

The Create new version service applies to the table.

Allows you to upload a new version of an asset.

The Delete digital asset version applies to selected records.

Physically removes the digital asset version.