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Tags and tag clouds

Working with tags

Tags provide descriptive metadata about assets. By creating tags based on relevant keywords that accurately define and describe assets, you enable filters and searches to retrieve the best results. To ensure consistency and accuracy, it's a good practice to double-check all asset metadata against an expected outcome.

A tag cloud facilitates grouping of related tags. A single tag can belong to multiple clouds. Administrators can make one or more tag clouds available to each D.A.C.

As described in the following section, you can create tags dynamically when uploading assets, or predefine tags to apply to assets at anytime.

Creating tags and applying them to assets

You can create tags in the following ways:

In addition to applying tags when uploading an asset, you can add tags when:

Using tag clouds

If you have administrative privileges, you can create tag clouds and manage which tags are included in each cloud. The following steps describe the process:

  1. In the TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on administration area, navigate to Classification > Tag cloud.

  2. Click the '+' icon to create a new tag cloud and provide a label and description.

  3. After saving, you can add tags to this cloud by creating new, or using the Actions menu to associate existing tags with this cloud.

You can open any tag cloud and use its Actions menu to: