Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on Documentation > Developer Guide > Customizing graph nodes
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Node template elements


This section provides information on the following NodeTemplate elements:

Node Panels

NodePanels act as containers for other elements and can nest within each other. The NodePanel default constructor centers elements horizontally across the panel. You can also choose to specify a vertical arrangement for a top-to-bottom placing of elements. When you add node elements to a panel, the add-on draws the elements in order of inclusion. This behavior establishes the Z-ordering of the elements.

Text Blocks

You can use NodeTextBlock to display text on a node. The textAlign property specifies where the add-on draws the characters horizontally within the text block. The setBindingText() method can set text using a:

Node Images

You can use the NodeImage class to display images in nodes. Its properties allow you to give exact dimensions for the image. Additionally, you can use the imageStretch property to automatically fit the image to its boundaries. The setBindingSource() method can set the image source in the following ways:

Node Indicator icon and expand button

You can add a node indicator icon by using NodeIndicator. Each node template should have only one indicator. The add-on determines display behavior based on availability of node expansion.

Use NodeExpanderButton to display a button on the node that collapses and expands given elements. Pass the target using setTargetElement(NodeElement targetElement). If the targetElement is a panel, it must not contain the current expand button.

Data tables

A node can use a table to organize data using rows and columns. You input the number of columns and add cell data on a row by row basis using addRowData(). Data can be added as follows: