Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on Documentation > Reference Guide
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Data model graphs configuration group


The settings in this group allow you to create a configuration used to display a data model. Additionally, any saved graph configurations are stored here.

Configuration table

Each record in the Configuration table specifies options for displaying a visual representation of a data model.




The name used by this configuration.

Graph type

Determines whether this graph will be generated from an TIBCO EBX® data model (Schema), or from another data source (Custom).

Publication mode

When the graph type is set to Schema, use this property to indicate whether the data model is embedded, or in a module. The Data model drop-down will then populate with available data models of the corresponding type.

Data model

Specifies the data model the add-on uses to render the graph.

Data source

Displays when graph type is set to Custom and must specify the fully qualified path to the Java class that implements this graph.

Display in dataset

Determines whether this configuration is available when users display custom graphs from a dataset's Actions menu.


Specifies the template applied to this configuration. Templates determine a graph's color and display options.

Enable table selection

Determines whether users will have the option of selecting which tables display when generating this graph.

Templates table

You can use the Templates table to customize the look and feel of a data model graph.




The name used by this configuration.


Determines border, background, and text color for tables displayed in the graph.


Specifies the background and text color for tooltips.


Sets the color for links between tables and for link labels.

SynchronizationIf a data model related to a saved graph has been updated, the add-on can indicate where and what type of changes were made. Updated graphs highlight new items in green, changed items in blue, and deleted items in red.

Highlight color

Determines the color of links and box borders when moused, or hovered over.

Display options

This group allows you to display/hide the following graph components:

  • Cardinality on links: Toggles display of link cardinality value.

  • Cardinality on fields: Toggles display of field cardinality value.

  • Labels on links: Toggles display of foreign key labels.

  • FK as fields: Toggles display of foreign keys as fields.

  • Hidden fields: Toggles display of fields that are set as hidden in the DMA.

Preferences group

The Preferences group stores information when users save a graph layout. Note that the descriptions for this group are for informational purposes only as records are automatically updated by the add-on after saving a graph. This group includes the Saved graph table described in the following section.

Saved graph table

Each record in this table represent a graph that has been saved by a user.




The name used by this saved graph configuration.

Data model

The data model represented by this graph.

User profile

The user profile that created this graph.

Publication mode

Specifies whether the graph was generated from an embedded data model or one from a module.

External model

List of additional data models displayed in this graph.

Graph configuration

The configuration used for this graph.

Shared Policy

List of users or roles that can interact with this graph.


The saved graph's description. Users can provide a description when sharing a graph.