Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on Documentation > User Guide > Data model graphs
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Interacting with data model graphs


The following sections provide descriptions of what displays in a data model graph and available interactions:

How data model components display in graphs

What displays in a graph depends on the model content from which it was generated and the template settings. The following image and table describe data model graph components.


1) Groups and Tables

A box is automatically drawn around components included in a group. You can collapse, expand, re-size and rearrange groups. The bottom-right corner of the image shows a collapsed group. Tables display their labels and fields. Standard DMA icons are used to indicate keys and relationships.

When a graph displays multiple models, each model behaves as if it is a group. For example, clicking the white space around elements from the base data model draws a box around all of the model's elements. You can then drag to move all elements at the same time. External models include the additional option of expanding and collapsing to show/hide included tables.

2) Relationships

Arrows indicate foreign key relationships and their direction. The labels correspond to each foreign key field.

3) Underlined field, plus icon, and italic fields.

An underlined field belongs to a table located outside of the current dataset. The plus icon next to a field indicates you can expand to display more information, such as when fields are included in a complex type. Fields in italics represent inherited fields.

4) Table located outside of the current dataset

When a table is located outside of the current dataset, it will be shaded using a pre-defined color. You can display the external table's data model in the current graph using the right-click Display external model menu option.

5) Orphan fields

Fields that are not part of a table display without a title.

6) Display additional fields

When a table holds more fields than can display, use the arrow icon to expand/collapse.

Available actions when viewing a graph

There are several ways in which you can interact with and customize a data model graph. Whether you decide to alter a graph or leave the defaults in place, you have the option to share it with other users. See Sharing a graph for information on sharing graphs. The following table describes what you can do when viewing a data model graph:




You can navigate a graph by:

  • Clicking and dragging in a graph's whitespace to change the view.

  • Dragging the highlighted rectangle in the Overview map to display the desired portion of the graph. Note that you can also move the Overview map to any of the graph's corners by selecting its title bar and dragging.

  • Using your mouse wheel, or keyboard arrows to scroll.

Zooming and fullscreen

The icons at the top of the graph screen allow you to open the graph in a fullscreen view, zoom, and reset to the original magnification.


Use the combination of the Ctrl key and your mouse wheel to zoom in and out. Alternatively, hold down the Ctrl key and press the + and - keys to zoom.

Arranging graph components

Drag and drop components to arrange them. Once the layout is satisfactory, you can save the graph for re-use.

Showing/hiding components and changing look

Click the Template icon to open the Graph template configuration window.


Adjust the settings as desired. If you have a question about a property or setting, open its tooltip for more information. Once you are finished, click Save to record your changes to the template.

Locating tables and toggling table display

Click the filter icon to choose which tables and data models display.


The filter pane allows you to:

  • Search for tables and external data models shown in the current graph.

  • Toggle display of tables and external data models. Select Apply to update the graph display. Note that the /eye-icon-shadow.png icon indicates that the graph includes an external table, but its data model is not displayed.

  • Use the All, Displayed, and Hidden tabs to view the tables and models under these categories.

Exporting a graph

Click Export at the top of the screen to export and download the current graph in either PDF, PNG, or SVG format.


Group boxes automatically resize when you change the arrangement of its components. You can resize tables by clicking to select and dragging anchor points.

Right-click menu

When you right-click a table, you can hide or center it in the graph (shown left). Right-clicking an external table gives you the additional option of displaying the external table's data model (shown right).


Level selector

If a graph displays external models, you can change the level of detail shown using the level selector. The levels available to select include:

  • The default Field level, which displays expanded models and tables to show all model components including fields.

  • The Table level displays models and all tables collapsed to hide their fields. This level also hides any orphan fields in the graph.

  • The Model level displays all data models collapsed to hide tables and fields.


Load, Save, and Close the graph

The buttons below the graph Overview box allow you to save and close the current graph and load a different graph. For information on sharing a saved graph, see the Sharing a graph section below.

Sharing a graph

The add-on makes it simple to share saved graphs with other users. The option to share a graph is available when saving. Once you share a graph with a user, it displays from the list of available graphs when they choose to load a graph. Any tables for which a user does not have sufficient permission to view will not display in the shared graph. Unless explicitly defined as such, recipients of a shared graph are not considered its owners. If you neither are an administrator or owner of a graph, you can only save changes to the graph's description. However, if you make other changes that impact the graph, you can save the graph using a different name to keep your changes.

To access the share feature:

  1. Select Save at the bottom of a data model graph.


  2. Provide a name for the graph and optionally include a description.

  3. Optionally, set the graph's owner. By default, you are considered the graph's owner. However, you can use the Owner property to specify another profile as owner. Note that administrators can also edit graph owners.

  4. Use the Share with box to select one or more users/roles with whom to share the graph.


Permissions for shared graphs behave as you would probably expect. Without sufficient permissions graph elements do not display. Even if you have permission to view a table that was hidden in a graph shared with you, it does not display. You would have to generate a new graph of the model to display it. If permission to view a graph element is revoked after receiving a shared graph, the impacted element does not display.