Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on Documentation > Reference Guide
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Value and relationship graphs group


The Data configuration group allows you to define how the add-on renders graphs showing data values. This group contains the following tables:

Configuration table

Each configuration specifies general graph behavior. They also act as an anchor point for the settings that determine a graph's scope, displayed tables, and included links. When more than one configuration applies to the same table, the add-on allows users to choose which will display.




The name used by this configuration.


Defines the graph's default orientation for relationships displayed using lines. You can choose from the following options: Left-to-right, Right-to-left, Bottom-up, or Top-down.

Allow links to overlap nodes

Determines whether lines drawn for links can overlap nodes. Note that if disabled, this can negatively impact performance.

Highlight color

Sets the color used to highlight relationships and nodes when selected.

Scope table

The Scope table allows you to specify the locations used in graph construction.




The configuration to which you want to apply these settings.


Sets the dataspace searched by the add-on when searching for nodes to display in the graph.


Sets the dataset(s) searched by the add-on when searching for nodes to display in the graph.

Table configuration

Each record allows you to associate a table with a data graph configuration. The add-on renders these tables when users generate the specified graph configuration. After adding a table to a configuration, you can configure links to and from the table that determine how graphs display. Two different tabs display and allow you to configure the main and node style configuration options. The following table provides descriptions for the fields on the Main tab:




Specifies the configuration to which this table will be added.

Data model

The data model containing the table to include in this configuration.


The table to include in this configuration.

Allow generation from selected table

Indicates whether users can generate the graph configuration from this table's Actions menu.

Default label

Text to display on nodes. You can use an XPath expression to define the label. The Default label only applies when the Localized Label and Programmatic Label are undefined.

Localized label

Text to display on nodes according to locales. You can use an XPath expression to define the label. The Localized label only applies if no Programmatic Label is defined.

Programmatic label

Specifies a class to display a custom label on nodes. The value you enter in this field must specify a complete custom class that implements the NodeLabelRenderer interface. For example: com.orchestranetworks.dmdv.ProgrammaticNodeLabelForItem

The following table provides descriptions for the options on the Node style tab:



Default style group

Defines the default styles for nodes.


Specifies the color for the border, background and text. Additionally, sets the width and style for the border configuration.


Allows you to associate an icon with the node. By default, the icon displays on the left-hand side of the node. You can use the Standard option to select from the icons supplied with the add-on. Use the Image URL option to provide a URL to a custom image. The image must be located in the same domain as the running instance of EBX®. Supported filed types include: SVG, PNG, GIF and JPG. Any image larger than 21 by 21 pixels will be automatically resized when displayed in the graph.

Conditional styles group

Defines conditional style for nodes. The add-on applies these styles only certain conditions have been met. You each style component's Condition property to set the desired criteria.

Background color

Conditional background color.

Label in legend

Text displayed in the legend for this background color conditional style.


Color of background displayed both in graph and legend if condition is true.


Condition statement associated with the background color. All of the current table's fields are available through the XPath editor. For example: "./available=true" where "available" is a boolean field of current table)

Label Color

Conditional label color.

Label in legend

Text displayed in the legend for this label color conditional style.


Color of the label displayed both in graph and legend if the condition is true.


Condition statement associated to the label color. All of the current table's fields are available through the XPath editor. For example: "./available=true" where "available" is a boolean field of current table).

Border Color

Conditional border color.

Label in legend

Text displayed in the legend for this border color conditional style.


Color of the border displayed in the graph and legend if the condition is true.


Condition statement associated to the border color. All of the current table's fields are available through the XPath editor. For example: "./available=true" where "available" is a boolean field of current table).

Border Style

Conditional border style.

Label in legend

Text displayed in the legend for this conditional border style.


The border style displayed in the graph and legend if the condition is true.


Condition statement associated to the Border Style. All of the current table's fields are available through the XPath editor. For example: "./available=true" where "available" is a boolean field of current table).

Border Width

Conditional border width.

Label in legend

Text displayed in the legend for this conditional border width conditional style.


The border width displayed in the graph and legend if the condition is true. Borders can be a width of 1 to 4.


Condition statement associated to the border width. All of the current table's fields are available through the XPath editor. For example: "./available=true" where "available" is a boolean field of current table).

Node template

Specifies a class to customize node appearance. The value you enter in this field must specify a complete custom class that implements the NodeTemplateFactory interface. For example: com.orchestranetworks.dmdv.NodeTemplateForItem

Link configuration

This table determines how the add-on displays relationships in the graph.




The configuration these link display options apply to.

Display relationships as

Specifies whether the graph displays this relationship using lines to connect nodes, or containers with nested nodes.

Target/Parent table

Sets the table used as the target if the relationship type is set to Line, or the parent table if the relationship type is Container.

Source/Child table

Sets the table used as the source if the relationship type is set to Line, or the child table if the relationship type is Container.

Display parent/target nodes automatically

Determines whether the child or source nodes defined in this link configuration automatically expand to display their respective parent and target relationships. When enabled, the add-on automatically expands this relationship when a user opens a graph displaying these child/source nodes, or when a user expands an existing node to display these child/source nodes.

Custom filter class

Specifies a class that implements a custom filter. The value you enter in this field must specify a complete custom class that implements the DisplayFilter interface. For example: com.orchestranetworks.dmdv.DisplayFilter

Default label

Text that will be displayed as default. This applies only if no Localized Label and no Programmatic Label are defined.

Localized label

Text that will be displayed according to locales. This applies only if no Programmatic Label is defined.

Programmatic label

Specifies a class used to display a custom label on a link. The value you enter in this field must specify a complete custom class that implements the LinkLabelRenderer interface. For example: com.orchestranetworks.dmdv.LinkLabelRenderer

Foreign keys

Each path entry defines a foreign key relationship between the source/target, or parent/child table to display in the graph. This group's fields are described below:

  • The Path field sets the FK's path. Click the wizard icon to display and select the desired FK.

  • The add-on automatically sets the value of Reverse direction when the defined foreign key references another table. If the defined foreign key is self-referencing, this property's setting determines the direction in which the add-on follows the foreign key. The direction determines how the generated graph renders the relationship.

  • Use the Conditional Filter field to define an XPath predicate and apply a specific filter on a link. This limits the number of displayed nodes in the graph.

The following table provides descriptions for the options on the Link Style tab:



Link styles group

Contains the link style definition.


If no condition is defined, the style is considered always valid and will be applied.


Defines the link's color.

Shape Type

Defines the link's shape.

Line Type

Defines the type of line used for the link.


Defines the width of the link. The width can be set from 1 to 4.

Label Maximum LengthDefines the maximum length of the link label in pixels. If the label value is longer than this number, the value is truncated automatically. Hover your cursor on the label to see the entire value.

Programmatic Style

Specifies a class used to display a custom link style. The value you enter in this field must specify a complete custom class that implements the LinkStyleFactory interface. For example: com.orchestranetworks.dmdv.LinkStyleFactory