Released: January 2022
This release contains no new features.
When the Using cleansing property is set to No, the Inline cleansing data group is hidden.
This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.
This release contains the following closed issues:
[DAQA-3894] An error message displays when running the Merge view service from the Light view.
[DAQA-3901] A NullPointerException
occurs when executing the Refresh relationships service.
[DAQA-3902] The label input is validated when running the Statistics service from a dataspace.
This release contains the following known issues related to matching functionality:
The EBX® session lifetime is limited for security reason, meaning the user is logged out automatically after a certain amount of time passes without activity. In some situations, this can open the login EBX® screen inside a frame of the EBX® Match and Merge Add-on views. To exit from this type of situation, select any action outside the frame, and then EBX® full login screen will appear. This limitation has no consequence on data integrity or security issues. This is an ergonomics known limitation.
When the search panel is active on the EBX® tabular view, it will be inherited in the matching views. Then, it is no longer possible to remote it at the level of the matching views. It is mandatory to remove it from the EBX® tabular view.
All EBX® Match and Merge Add-on services and triggers are deactivated on children data-sets.
If you want to use old configuration archive files from a previous version, after importing them, you must restart the system.
Search option on matching views is disabled for searching on foreign key which is configured as matching field with multi hop links.
Multi occurrence field and foreign key field with multi hop are not supported when executing 'Exact match at once' operation.
You should avoid matching with inherited fields or value functions because they are not indexed in EBX® and can lead to performance issue.
Matching is not enabled on D3 slave delivery dataspaces.
The enumeration fields are not taken into account when matching.
Only single-occurrence fields at the first level of a multi-occurrence group are considered when matching.
Match at once parallel does not support 'Data life cycle context' in Matching policy.
Exact match at once in memory does not support 'Matching policy context' in Matching policy.
In a surrogate matching, complex fields, foreign key fields, multiple-value fields and enumeration fields cannot be taken as alternative matching fields.
When changes are made to the configuration while the 'Match at once' service is running, the add-on reloads the index and executes matching with the new configuration.
When data referenced by foreign keys, or contained in linked tables, is modified during a matching operation, the system automatically clears and reloads the cache.
If a related table's foreign key is in a list, you cannot run the Align foreign key of merged record service on the golden, or pivot record.
The Restore from history service is not available on tables containing the DaqaMetaData group.
This release contains the following known issue related to cleansing functionality: The cleaning procedure 'Foreign key fixing' does not support multi-valued FK. It is not possible to fix a FK that is a part of a primary key.
This release contains the following known issue related to the crosswalk feature: The crosswalk function does not support matching on foreign keys.