The TIBCO EBX® Match and Merge Add-on finds duplicate records in related tables. This facilitates data management and cleansing to avoid data quality issues due to duplicate, or incomplete data. Based on how you configure table field match settings, the add-on automatically identifies which records are suspected duplicates. A rich, TIBCO EBX® integrated, end-user interface provides all the services required to govern duplicate records. Users can reject or merge duplicate records in order to build an accurate record, also known as a golden record.
To use the EBX® Match and Merge Add-on, you must also deploy the TIBCO EBX® Information Search Add-on.
The following types of users interact with this add-on and will benefit from the information contained in this document:
A 'Data Steward' uses EBX® without requiring any specific training for the add-on. Feedback is received when the creation or modification of a record results in a potential duplicate record (based on real-time matching).
A 'Matching Data Steward' uses the add-on to manage records that are considered suspect. This is accomplished by using a stewardship user interface provided by the add-on that is also available through an EBX® workflow. For example, a workflow can be automatically executed when Data Stewards create or modify records that result in a suspect record.
A 'Matching Steward' uses the add-on to configure and test matching policies. This type of user also uses the add-on to clean up existing data and perform a data cleanse after importing bulk data.
Since the add-on is part of EBX®, all MDM data governance features of EBX® are fully leveraged, such as:
Audit trail: Every matching operation is historized.
Permission management: User roles can be finely configured, such as at the field, record, or matching service-level.
Data staging:Matching benefits from the dataspace life cycle. For example, it is possible to use specific matching policies configured by dataspace and dataset.
Workflow: Data workflows can be used to create matching tasks performed in collaborative processes.
Basic knowledge of EBX® features is a prerequisite to use the add-on.
You can see the following typical use cases when using the add-on:
Use matching to find the golden record and potential duplicates.
Use matching to find the golden record and merge the potential duplicates.
Use cleansing to detect, correct inaccurate or missing data, and delete obsolete records.
Use crosswalk to match data in difference tables.