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Indicator configuration

Global view

The TIBCO EBX® Insight Add-on data model, located in the Administration area, is used to configure indicators.

The first sub-domain, D.E.C. definition, allows declaring the MDM assets on which it will be possible to configure indicators. A D.E.C. or Data Element Concept is used to define any information assets known to EBX®, such as tables, fields, group of fields, dataspaces, datasets, workfows and rules.

The Indicators sub-domain contains all the properties needed to define the behavior of any indicator. It also includes the definition of the relationship between the indicators and the D.E.C.

The Permission sub-domain is used when additional permissions are applied to complement with the EBX® standard permissions.

The Preference sub-domain is used to save the Indicators preferences used as groups of indicators to facilitate the execution and query.

Please refer to the Dashboard section for the configuration of this domain.

Data element concept definition

A Data Element Concept (D.E.C.) is a meta-representation of any type of MDM asset known to EBX®. The term D.E.C. comes from the ISO-IEC 11179 standard. This standard provides a specification for defining metadata for registries. It is also used by other EBX® add-ons such as the EBX® Information Governance Add-on.

Data Element Concept (D.E.C.)

The configuration of a Data Element Concept relies on an association with an EBX® data element, such as a table, field, workflow, etc. Usually, this EBX® data element is reachable by identifying a dataspace and a dataset.

Some metadata is used to facilitate the configuration of meta-Data Element Concepts such as the definition of a D.E.C. that represents tables directly or all the datasets within a dataspace.

Special notation:


Some fields are dependent on each other. With an EBX® version below 5.3, the user must submit forms in the UI to see dependent fields refreshed.



D.E.C. code

The identifier of the D.E.C., cannot be changed.

Business code

This business code can change over time. It is used for information only.


The short name of the D.E.C.

When it is not provided by the user, the add-on automatically provides a default name once the associated data element is identified (through the selection of the D.E.C. type and its data element).


Short and long descriptions of the D.E.C.

Dashboard label

The label used for the dashboard display.


Possible type are as follows: Table, Field, Group (of fields), Operation, Business rule, Permission rule, Workflow, dataspace, dataset. Depending on the type value, different properties are available to configure the D.E.C.

EBX data element

Associated EBX® data element, such as a table or a field. A tool-tip on the field gives the full path with the dataspace and the dataset.


This group of fields allows configuring a dataspace and a dataset. This special value is possible: [All dataspaces] when an indicator is executed on all dataspaces and/or on the repository by itself.

Note: When the D.E.C. is a table (or field) the dataset is used to reach the table definition only (data model). This means that the table (or field) is then declared for any datasets that can exist in the repository at execution time. For instance, a D.E.C. 'Employee' table in the 'DS01' dataset is declared. An indicator INDIC-01 is attached to this table. This means that the 'Employee' table is under the control of the INDIC-01 indicator in all datasets that can exist in the repository, not only the DS01.

Is table

The name of the table considered as the D.E.C.

This value is required if the D.E.C. type is Table or Field.

Table code: any business code value

Is group

The name of the group of fields considered as the D.E.C.

Group code: any business code value

Is field

The name of the field considered as the D.E.C.

This value is required if the D.E.C. type is Field.

Primary key: boolean value to state whether the field is a primary key ('True') or not ('False')

Field code: any business code value

Is operation

The name of the operation considered as the D.E.C.

This value is required if the D.E.C. type is Operation.

Is business

The name of the business rule considered as the D.E.C.

This value is required if the D.E.C. type is Business.

Is permission rule

The name of the permission rule considered as the D.E.C.

This value is required if the D.E.C. type is Permission rule.

Is workflow

The name of the workflow considered as the D.E.C. This value is required if the D.E.C. type is Workflow.

Special value: [All workflows publications] when an indicator is executed on all workflow publications and/or on the workflow repository by itself.

Validity status

This status is managed according to organizational needs.

It is not used for the computation of indicator results.

Business type

This business type is managed according to organizational needs.

It is not used for the computation of indicator results.


One or many users that are owners of the D.E.C. in the organization.


One or many users that are administrators of the D.E.C. in the organization.

Creation date

The D.E.C. can be documented with its creation date.

It is not used for the computation of indicator results.

Validity start date

The D.E.C. can be documented with its validity start date.

It is not used for the computation of indicator results.

Validity end date

The D.E.C. can be documented with its validity end date.

It is not used for the computation of indicator results.

Expiration date

The D.E.C. can be documented with its expiration date.

It is not used for the computation of indicator results.

Table 8: D.E.C. definition - Data Element Concept (D.E.C.)

Special notation:


Is business and Is permission rule are not managed.

D.E.C. classification

A classification scheme is available to manage the D.E.C. information.

A classification is defined using a classification nature and a set of reference values based on a code and a label.

This classification is not used to compute indicator results. It is mainly used for configuring aggregated reports to define which D.E.C.s will be considered in indicator computation.

D.E.C.s are classified into hierarchy. Classification nature is conceptually at highest level and each classification nature can have several classification items. Both these data types are defined under the Reference data section of D.E.C. definition. D.E.C. classification is handled based on these types. This organization mechanism allows you to filter D.E.C. easily while dynamically producing indicator result.



Data Element Concept

The D.E.C. to classify.


The classification scheme used to associated the D.E.C.

A D.E.C. can be associated with an unlimited numbers of classifications.

Table 9: D.E.C. definition - D.E.C. classification

Reference data tables



D.E.C. Type

List of Data Element Concept types


Classification scheme for the D.E.C.

Classification nature

Classification scheme for the D.E.C.

Validity status

Status values applied to the D.E.C.

Business type

Business types applied to the D.E.C.

Table 10: D.E.C. definition - Reference data tables


It is possible to create any number of indicators based on the same indicator definition. This type of declaration is useful when a company wants to manage the same indicator with varying property values depending on different execution contexts, or to apply different configurations to the same indicator over time.

Special notation:


Some fields are dependent on each other. With an EBX® version below 5.3, the user must submit forms in the UI to see dependent fields refreshed.

Indicator definition




The identifier of the indicator. This value cannot be changed. The indicators provided by the add-on use a naming convention with the '[ON]' prefix.


These properties are automatically retrieved by the introspection procedure into the indicator definition Java classes.


  • List of the indicators names from the Java implementation.

  • To declare a new indicator, it is mandatory to select one name in this list.

Output parameters

  • For information only. It shows the data structure and data type of the output parameters for the selected indicator.

Input parameters

  • Shows the list of existing input parameters that can be configured to modify the behavior of the indicator.

Storage procedure

  • For information only. Explains how the indicator stores its results. For example, when the result is a boolean, it could save only 'True' values, only 'False' values, or all values.

Storage mode

  • Either the 'Flat data report' table or the 'Big data report' table.


True: the indicator is active and is used to assess the quality of the data.

False: the indicator is not executed.

Default value: True

Dataset storage

The location where the indicator results are stored. It is possible to overwrite this property with another location when the indicator is associated with a D.E.C.

Refer to the table 'Indicator on D.E.C.'

Applied to D.E.C. type

An indicator can be run on a certain type of D.E.C. such as a table, a field, a dataspace, etc. When the indicator is associated with a D.E.C., it must be compliant with the 'D.E.C. type' property value.

Refer to the table 'Indicator on D.E.C.'

Business label

Name of the indicator. This label is used by the reports in the user interface.

Business description

Short and long descriptions of the indicator.

Linked records

You can configure the indicator to save 'Linked records' in the results table. For instance, the 'Number of missing values for a field' indicator saves the list of records for which the field is missing. This list of 'Linked records' is displayed through the UI query and dashboards (service in the tile dashboard).


  • 'Yes': the linked records are saved

  • 'No': the linked records are not saved

Tile layout in dashboard

Output parameter

  • Selection of the output parameter that the tile will display. You can overwrite this selection when configuring the 'Indicators in section' and the 'Tile preference' by user-profile.

Pie chart options

Defines the way the pie chart is calculated:

  • Last measure only: only the last value is considered when showing the pie chart

  • Addition: aggregates the results per output

  • Average: calculates the average for each output

Bar chart's default periodicity

Defines how indicator results will be divided into periodical groups in bar charts:

• Daily: The average results of the current week by day (Mon, Tue, Wed, Thu, Fri, Sat, Sun) will be displayed.

• Weekly: The average results of the current month by week (1st week, 2nd week, 3rd week, 4th week, etc.) will be displayed.

• Monthly: The average results of the current year by month (Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec) will be displayed.

• Quarterly: The average results of the current year by quarter (1st quarter, 2nd quarter, 3rd quarter, 4th quarter) will be displayed.

• Semester: The average results of the current year by semester (1st semester and 2nd semester) will be displayed.

• Yearly: The average results of all times by year (2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, etc.) will be displayed.

'Daily' will be used if no periodicity is selected.

Computation frequency

Defines the event on which the indicator is computed. The possible values are:

  • 'real-time': The computation is executed every time a modification occurs on the D.E.C. This is performed by using a probe, such as a trigger, on the D.E.C. or a listener on a data source that is updated in real-time, such as an audit-trail.

  • 'on demand': The computation is executed by user request through a service provided by the add-on.

  • By default, every time the indicator is executed, the add-on saves its results into the reporting tables. The 'Not save outcome' properties can cancel this storage.

Not save outcome

This property displays all computation frequencies that have been selected with the 'Computation frequency' property. It is then possible to cancel the storage of the outcomes by computation frequency.

Periodicity of control and watchdog

The indicators that check if their results are compliant with the predefined results use the 'periodicity of control' and 'watchdog' properties.

Watchdog on

  • Watchdogs can be declared and applied to any Boolean type output parameters. For instance, the 'Empty field' indicator returns a boolean value of 'True' when the field is undefined. On this output, a watchdog can be configured to automatically raise an alert (email notification).

Threshold on

  • Value of the boolean (True or False) on which the threshold is considered. This property is used to display the color corresponding to the threshold (refer to the dashboard configuration) and to raise an alert (email notification).

Periodicity of control

  • Time period over which the control is applied. Possible periods are: monthly, weekly, daily, etc.

  • The indicator result is computed for the time period defined by the periodicity of control.

Minimum threshold (watchdog)

  • Minimum value over which the indicator result is considered normal.

Maximum threshold (watchdog)

  • Maximum value under which the indicator result is considered normal.

Tolerance number (watchdog)

  • This is a positive number used to lower the minimum value and raise the maximum value of thresholds.

The names of the watchdog properties are directly defined in the Java implementation, then reused automatically at configuration time. These naming conventions are reused to adapt the labels of the three watchdog properties to make them more meaningful to the user: minimum threshold, maximum threshold, tolerance number.

Synthesis view configuration

The synthesis view is used to display a condensed view of the indicators results.

Synthesis on

  • Selection of the output indicator to use for displaying the result on 'Synthesis view'.

Synthesis classification

  • Selection of the classification to use for displaying the result on the 'Synthesis view'

Probe and filter

When the computation frequency is based on a real-time mode, then a probe must be indicated. Most of the time, an indicator can be executed using only one probe, such as a trigger. It is possible for the same indicator to work either on a trigger or a listener applied to a data source. In this situation, the probe selection will allow configuring which one is used (the trigger or the listener).


  • Selection of a real-time execution approach either trigger or listener.


  • Three filters are possible: 'on new', 'on update' and 'on delete'.

  • At least one filter must be selected.

Save only last value in indicator report table

Boolean value

Applied to the report data structure based on the 'Indicator report' and 'Indicator result' tables.

True: indicator execution results are stored by updating the last known value. This means that the reporting does not keep the history of past results.

False: indicator execution results are stored in a new information record. This means that the reporting keeps a history of past results. This is required for future data analysis and reporting.

Default value: False

Save only last value in flat reporting table

Boolean value

Applied to the report data structure based on the 'Flat data report' table or the 'Big data report' table.

True: indicator execution results are stored by updating the last known value. This means that the reporting does not keep the history of past results.

False: indicator execution results are stored in a new information record. This means that the reporting keeps a history of past results. This is required for future data analysis and reporting.

Default value: False

On email alert

Boolean value

True: when a watchdog is alerted then an email is sent to the recipients that are defined in the 'Indicator email subscription' table.

False : no automatic email is sent

Default value: False

Email template

Configure the template to use when emails are sent either automatically when the 'On email alert' property is activated or manually through services available with reporting.

Enable grouping

Enables grouping of result values. When you associate this indicator with a D.E.C., you can configure grouping options for this indicator on the D.E.C.

Table 11: Indicators - Indicator definition

Indicator view

This table is used to configure the data view used for a specific data storage.

When no data view is configured for a data storage, the add-on uses the default EBX® data view.




Name of the indicator view.

Data storage

A dataspace and dataset where the indicator results are stored. This is the location of a big data report on which a data view is then configured with the property 'Data view'.

Data view

Name of the data view the add-on will use to display the results of the indicator. This is the view's label of the data view.

Table 12: Indicators - Indicator view

Indicator on D.E.C.

This table is used to configure the Data Element Concepts on which indicators are applied. When a D.E.C. refers to a meta-concept such as all tables, it means that all related data assets benefit from the indicators.

When the indicator is attached to a D.E.C. it is possible to override the periodicity of control and watchdog properties if they are used by the indicator. It is also possible to override the location of data storage and other properties.

You can limit indicator execution to one or more dataspaces and datasets using the dataset(s) for execution group. This feature helps when you only want indicators to execute in a production environment and not in others.




The indicator that is attached to the D.E.C.


The D.E.C. on which the indicator is configured.

Business label

Allows you to overwrite the indicator's business label.

Business description

Allows you to overwrite the indicator's business description.

Filter predicate

An XPath predicate used to filter table records before running the indicator. For example, ./FirstName = 'Michael', etc. This property is only applicable for indicators on D.E.C. table, D.E.C. group and D.E.C. field.

Enable grouping

Specifies whether grouping of this indicator's results is active. When enabled, you use the Group by value drop-down menu to select the field with the values to group. In bar charts, grouped values display as separate or stacked bars. In line charts, grouped values display as separate lines. In tabular views of query results, each group is given a record in the results. If you don't see grouping configuration fields, save the record to load them.

Group by value

Choose the field containing the values you want to group.

Order by

Choose the field by which grouped values will be sorted for linked records in the tabular view.

Maximum number of groups

If you set a limit, the add-on begins grouping by the highest priority—defined by the Group priority property. When it reaches specified limit, it combines the remaining groups of values into an "Other" group. Use the Other group name field to change this group's name. Note that after making changes to this field, you may need to save the record to display the required priority parameter. The default value is '6'.

Group priority

Determines which groups display first in charts—groups with the highest, or lowest number of records.

Other group name

Optionally, set a custom name for the "Other" group. See the definition for the Maximum number of groups property.

Display option

Specifies whether groups display in bar charts stacked on top of each other, or side-by-side.

Dataset(s) for execution

A set of datasets on which the indicator is allowed to execute. Only visible when the type of the configured D.E.C. is 'dataset', 'Table', 'Group', or 'Field'.

These datasets must share the same data model as the configured D.E.C. (Please refer to the 'dataset' group in the 'D.E.C. (Data element concept)' table for more information).

If no dataset is defined, any dataset that shares the same data model will be considered.

Input parameters

Overwrites the 'Indicator definition' table's Input parameters' group.

Data storage

By default, the data storage defined at the indicator level definition is used. You can override it at this level.

Linked record

Overwrites the 'Indicator definition' table's 'Linked record' field

Periodicity of control

By default, the value configured in the indicator definition is used. You can change this value to suit the context of the relationship between the D.E.C. and the indicator.


By default, the values configured in the indicator definition are used. You can change these values to suit the context of the relationship between the D.E.C. and the indicator.

Save only last value in indicator report table

Overwrites the 'Indicator definition' table's 'Save only last value in report table' field.

Save only last value in flat reporting table

Overwrites the 'Indicator definition' table's 'Save only last value in flat reporting table' field.


Determines whether this indicator is active for the given D.E.C.

Table 13: Indicators - Indicator on D.E.C.

Special notation:


Attachment of an indicator to a group of D.E.C.s.

Indicator email subscription

This table is used to configure the recipients that receive automatic email notifications when a watchdog is alerted.




The indicator on which recipient subscription is declared.


A user or role that is the recipient of automatic email notification when a watchdog is alerted during the execution of the indicator.


Additional main recipients.


Additional recipients as copied.

Blank copies

Additional hidden recipients.

Is active

If set to True: the email is sent.

If set to False: the email notification is stopped.

Table 14: Indicators - Indicator email subscription

Indicator classification

A classification scheme is available to manage indicator information.

A classification is defined using a classification nature and a set of reference values based on a code and a label.

This classification is not used to compute indicator result.




The indicator to classify.


The classification scheme used to associate the indicator.

An indicator can be associated with an unlimited numbers of classifications.

Table 15: Indicators - Indicator classification


A probe is as a trigger on a table or a listener. It is used for the indicators of type real-time.



Probe code

It is not possible to change this code. The probes provided by the add-on follows the naming convention with the '[ON]' prefix.


Name of the probe.

Table 16: Indicators - Probe

Reference data tables




Classification scheme for the indicators.

Classification nature

Classification scheme for the indicators.

Periodicity of control

List of possible values for periodicity of control.

Computation frequency

List of possible computation frequencies. The feature "timeline" is currently not available.


List of datasets used to configure the 'dataset(s) for execution' property of the 'Indicator on D.E.C.' table.

Email template

Email template used for automatic notifications.

The indicator results can be sent by email either manually from the reporting UI or automatically when a watchdog is raised:

  • When sent manually, the sender is the user connected to EBX® and the recipients are the owners of the Data Elements Concepts (D.E.C.).

  • When sent automatically, the sender is configured with the 'Email sender' property in the 'Configuration' table. This table is located in the 'Indicators' 'Reference data' sub-domain. The recipients are declared in the 'Indicators email subscription' table.

Pre-defined variables are available to dynamically enrich email templates and include for example: ${table} (current table's label in execution time), ${field} (current field's label in execution time), ${workflow} (current workflow's label in execution time).

Full list of predefined variables:

  • ${dataspace}: current dataspace's label in execution time.

  • ${dataset}: current dataset's label in execution time.

  • ${table}: current table's label in execution time.

  • ${field}: current field's label in execution time.

  • ${workflow}: current workflow's label in execution time.

  • ${operation}: current operation's label in execution time.

  • ${indicator.code}: indicator's code

  • ${indicator.label}: indicator's label

  • ${indicator.result}: indicator's result

  • ${dec.label}: D.E.C.'s label

  • ${dec.businessCode}: D.E.C.'s business code

  • ${link.table}: link to the table (a.k.a permalink)

  • ${link.record}: link to the record

  • ${system.time}: system time

  • ${system.date}: system date

  • ${system.datetime}

Table 17: Indicators - Reference data tables


Email sender

Email address used to send notification.

Base URI

URI used to build the full path of permanent links allowing to reach D.E.C. or other data in the repository. Such paths are used in the export Excel files.

Examples: 'http://hostname:port/ebx/', 'http://proxyname:proxyport/ebx/'

Maximum nb. of graphs

The maximum amount of charts to display for an indicator.

Dynamic graph generation

Display charts dynamically when they appear on screen instead of drawing them all at once.

Show "Filter by current user" option

Show the 'Filter by current user' option in the Query tab in the 'Execute and query' service.

Table 18: Indicators - Configuration


Dataset to store indicator executions.

Under the version EBX® 5.2.7 only two data stores are know by the add-on:

  • Insight - Reporting

  • Insight - Integration

The 'default data storage' is used on the query UI by default.

In a future version of EBX®, it will be possible to configure any data storage for the add-on.

Table 19: Indicators - Storage


The add-on is configured to manage permissions using one of the following modes:

The mode is configured in each user profile in the Default permission table.

When a user profile is not configured in the add-on's Default permission table, then that user cannot access the add-on's services. You can also configure whether or not execution and query operations are permitted.

When the add-on is configured with only EBX® permissions, a user cannot execute or query the indicators applied to data assets that are restricted by EBX® (that is, if the user has neither read nor read-write rights). For example, if a user has no rights on an Employee table, that user cannot execute or query any of the indicators on this table. However, in certain cases, by using the permissions provided by the add-on, access restrictions on a data asset do not necessarily mean that the user cannot execute indicators and query the results on this data asset.

The EBX® permission is used to configure the rights applied to the Big data report, Indicator report and Indicator value reporting tables.

Default permission



User profile

User profile this permission configuration applies to. Configuration settings allow the user access to add-on services for execution and query.

Use Insight permission

Boolean value

If set to 'True': The permission configuration provided by the add-on is used to manage the rights for the related user-profile.

If set to 'False': The permission configuration provided by the add-on is not used to manage the rights for the related user-profile.

Default value: False

When the 'Use Insight permission' option is set to 'True', the EBX® standard permissions applied to a Data Element Concept (D.E.C) extend to the permissions declared through the add-on. This means that a user with no rights on a D.E.C. can be authorized to execute and query indicators on this D.E.C. This procedure does not bypass EBX® standard permission regarding the ability to read-write data belonging to this D.E.C. Only the rights to execute the indicator on the D.E.C. and to query the results are extended. It is understood that the results are displayed by regular views in EBX® that take into account standard permissions ('Big data report', 'Indicator report' and 'Indicator value').

For example, a user 'User01' has no rights on the 'Employee' table and cannot modify or read any data on this table. In the add-on, the 'Number of working hour per month' indicator is applied to the 'Employee' table. The add-on permission is then used to make the 'User01' able to execute and query the result of the 'Number of working hour per month' indicator on the 'Employee' table. This permission set at the add-on level does not change the fact that 'User01' cannot access the 'Employee' table data.

Indicators of Workflow, Operation, Business rule, and Permission rule types are offered at the reference dataspace level. To execute the indicator on a workflow, the user must be at least a participant in this workflow.



  • Boolean value

  • True: Execution service is permitted

  • False: Execution service is not permitted

  • Default value: False


  • Boolean value

  • True: Query service is permitted

  • False: Query service is not permitted

  • Default value: False

Table 20: Permission - Default permission




User profile

Link to a record in the 'Default permission' table on which the indicator permission is then defined.


The indicator that is authorized for the user-profile.

When an indicator is not configured, its permissions are the ones defined by 'Default permission'. For example, the user-profile 'UPF01' is configured with 'Query' = 'Yes' and 'Execute' = 'No'. If the 'Number of records' indicator is not configured under permissions management, this indicator is available to query but not to execute.

When an indicator is configured, its permissions are no longer the default permissions. For example, for the same user profile as above, if the 'Table last modification date' indicator is configured with 'Query' = 'Yes' and 'Execute' = 'Yes' with a restriction on the 'DS01' dataset, this indicator is available to query and can only be executed in the 'DS01' dataset.

To execute the indicator on a workflow, the user must be at least a participant in this workflow.

Permitted dataset(s)

One to many dataset(s) on which the rights are granted. These datasets are configured in the related reference table 'dataset' in the permission domain

For indicators of type Workflow, Operation, Business rule, and Permission rule:

  • The configuration of 'permitted datasets' is not used since these indicators are not reliant on datasets.

  • The 'Indicator permission by D.E.C.' configuration is not applied since these indicators are not reliant on D.E.C.s.

All datasets permitted

Boolean value

If set to 'True': All dataset(s) are authorized for the indicator and the user-profile.

If set to 'False': All dataset(s) are not authorized for the indicator and the user-profile.

Default value: False

When 'All datasets permitted' is set to 'True' and one to many (Permitted dataset(s)) are configured then the restriction to these datasets are used to manage the permissions.

For indicators of type Workflow, Operation, Business rule, and Permission rule:

  • The configuration of 'All datasets permitted' is not used since these indicators are not reliant on datasets.



  • Boolean value

  • True: Execution service is permitted

  • False: Execution service is not permitted

  • Default value: False


  • Boolean value

  • True: Query service is permitted

  • False: Query service is not permitted

  • Default value: False

Table 21: Permission - Indicator

Indicator by D.E.C.



Indicator permission

Link to a record in the 'Indicator' table within the permission domain on which the indicator by D.E.C. permission is then defined.

Permitted D.E.C.

The Data Element Concept that is permitted for the context of the 'Indicator permission'.

For an 'Indicator permission', it is possible to restrict permissions to one or multiple Data Element Concepts (D.E.C.). When no 'Indicator by D.E.C.' is defined for an 'Indication permission', all D.E.C.s are permitted. When many D.E.C.s are permitted it is needed to create as many records 'Indicator by D.E.C.' than the D.E.C. to grant.

For indicators of type Workflow, Operation, Business rule, and Permission rule, the configuration 'Indicator permission by D.E.C.' is not applied since these indicators are not reliant on D.E.C.s.


These values are inherited from the related 'Indicator permission' record and can be overloaded for the current 'Indicator by D.E.C.'.


  • True: Execution service is permitted

  • False: Execution service is not permitted

  • Default value: False


  • True: Query service is permitted

  • False: Query service is not permitted

  • Default value: False

Table 22: Permission - Indicator by D.E.C.





Dataspace identification used to reach a dataset. This dataset can be used to define the permitted dataset(s) in the 'Indicator' table located in the 'Permission' domain.


A dataset within the related dataspace.

Table 23: Permission - dataset


A Preference is a group of indicators ready-to-use for execution and the query. You can automatically feed the Indicators to execute and Indicators to query lists in the execute and query UI.

These tables can be authored directly to create preferences at the time of configuration. It is also possible for users to create the preferences from the Execute and query UI.

User preference



User profile

User-profile who is the owner of the preference.

Indicators preference

Selection of one indicator preference.

Automatic loading

If set to 'True': the indicator preference is automatically loaded into the "Indicator to execute" and "Indicator to query" lists in the execute and query UI.

If set to 'False': the indicator preference is not automatically loaded into the lists.

Only one indicator preference can be stated as auto-loading for a user-profile.

Table 24: Preference - User preference




Preference name

Name of the indicator preference.

Table 25: Preference - Preference

Indicators by preference



Indicator preference

Selection of one indicator preference.


Selection of one indicator to add into the selected indicator preference.

Table 26: Preference - Indicators by preference