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Result storage

Data structure for saving indicators results

Every indicator saves its results in two different data structures that are compliant with the relational persistence mode of EBX®. This means that these tables can be accessed directly through SQL by third party tools, bypassing access to the semantic datasets.

The add-on systematically saves the results of the indicator execution into both data structures (see also appendix Report data structures).


To ensure that access to only these two data structures is sufficient for building any report, some data values must be replicated from the semantic configuration (such as periodicity of control, computation frequency, part of D.E.C. and indicator data). This replication is performed automatically whenever a modification is applied to the configuration. However, in case of archive imports directly into the configuration, it is necessary to force a refresh of the replicated data. To do so, the Refresh relational tables service, is available at the level of the configuration of the add-on (see figure).

The Removed boolean value allows you to state that a D.E.C. or and an indicator has been removed from the configuration. This deleted asset remains in the reporting data model until it is manually deleted or cleaned up through a purge.

Special notation:


The Big data report table will not be available if you start directly with v2.0.0 or a higher version of the EBX® Insight Add-on.

This table will no longer be supported in the future. It is recommended to adapt your custom indicator implementations and run the Migrate to the "Flat data report" table service after upgrading from a version older than v2.0.0.

Storage with history

You can specify whether or not to store result history for each data structure and indicator. See the Save only last value in indicator report table and Save only last value in flat reporting table properties applied on the indicator definition.

Special notation:


The option of saving a new measure every time an indicator is executed allows you to collect row information for data analytics operations.

Data storage localization

The results storage (data schema) location is configured when defining an indicator with a dataspace and dataset selection. When an indicator is attached to a Data Element Concept, it is possible to override this information if necessary by selecting another dataspace and dataset.

Special notation:


Two ready-to-use data storages are provided. Their dataspaces and datasets are named by the add-on and they can not be changed. A business label is available to provide a custom business name:

  • Insight - Reporting

  • Insight - Integration