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Application domain


The Application domain contains the declaration of every application that is involved in the data flow (import, export, transfer) managed by the TIBCO EBX® Data Exchange Add-on.


An application is used as a source and/or target in the execution of a data flow process (import, export or data transfer).



Universal name

Any naming convention is valid.

Logical name

The logical name is automatically provided by the add-on to ensure a unique identification.


Any naming convention is valid.

Last modification date

Date of the last modification applied to the application.

Application by type

An application can be associated with one or many of the following types: Default SQL, SQL, CSV, Excel, Default XML, XML and EBX.




The reference to an application.

Application type

The type of the application.

Application path

When this is an EBX type application, the path gives the dataspace and dataset.


An application can be associated to a version. This version is used as documentation included in the exported data file when the targeted format can integrate it (this is the case in XML as app info tag). It has no impact on the data mapping configuration management.




Any naming convention is valid.


Any naming convention is valid.

Application by type

The reference to an application with its type.

Application interface preference

The preferences here store option values of an Application interface. These option values can be retrieved during import and export. The preferences are available from the Load application mapping preferences dropdown list (Import) and Application mapping preferences dropdown list (Export).




Code of an application interface configuration.


Specific name of the application interface configuration object.

Application interface

Description of a mapping between two applications.

Selected table's paths

The selected tables that will be exported or imported.

First row contains header

Imported or exported file with header or no header.

File encoding

Specifies the character encoding to use. The default is UTF-8.

Import mode

Modes of import such as update and insert, update only, insert only and replace all content.


Describing separator option to use for importing/ exporting CSV file such as commas, semicolon, space, tab and other (in case of inputting a character that is customized by user).

Separator character

Describing a character separator in case of choosing "other" option when selecting a separator.

List separator

Specifies the separator to use for values lists.

List separator character

Specifies the separator to use for values lists in case of using "Other" option.

Line returnType of line return used in this preference.
Delimiter character

The character that is used to mark the beginning and end of a cell in the CSV file.

Delimiter for string only

The delimiter is only used for string data types.

Download file of invalid data

Export all records with errors in their data rows to a downloadable file.

Save as type

Specific type of the exported Excel file includes: xls or xlsx.

Primary key label

Add an information column with the label of the primary key in exported file.

Primary key permalink

Add an information column with the hyperlink for the primary key in the exported file.

Foreign key label

Add an information column with the label of the foreign key in the exported file.

Foreign key permalink

Add an information column with the hyperlink of the foreign key in the exported file.

Export mapping mode

Export all columns of table based on their order or on the mapping defined by the selected import preference.

Force import

Specifies that all triggers and constraints are disabled when this option is activated. Otherwise, all triggers and constraints are enabled.

Number format

The character used to denote a decimal.

Ignore the empty or null values

By default, the existing record is not updated with null and empty cell values from the imported file.

Check empty or null primary keys

The add-on verifies that all primary keys are mapped and validates the data before importing. If you disable this option, the add-on does not perform this verification.

Validate data before transformationDetermines whether data is validated before the transformation.
Transformer Java class

Stores the path of the old transformer class (from Adix).

Validator Java class

Stores the path of the old validator class (from Adix).

Remove redundant characters

Replace all line-breaks and continuous space characters in the Excel header with a single space character during matching.

Use case-sensitive comparison

Differentiate between lower-case and upper-case when matching the imported file's column header with the field's label in EBX®.

Include computed values

Specifies whether computed values must be included in the export.

Export static enumerations

The exported file will contain enumerations matching the one in the data model. Warning: it leads to increase the size of the file.

Include reference sheet

You can add a reference sheet called 'Reference table mapping' at the end of the Excel file. This sheet contains metadata such as the sheet name, the table label and the table path used to detect the mapping between sheets and tables upon import.

Date format

Specify the format of date values in the CSV exported file.

Date/time format

Specify the format of date/time values in the CSV exported file.

Force precision as displayed

Specifies the accuracy of numbers when importing Excel.

If set to 'Yes': The displayed value of numbers in each cell will be read and imported. If set to 'No': The accuracy value of numbers in each cell will be read and imported. Default value: 'No'. This feature is only applied to the Number format cells (Number is used for general display of numbers). For the other format cells, the accuracy value in each cell will be read and imported.

Export the ignored field as a blank column

If the option is activated, the ignored field will be exported as a blank column. Otherwise, the ignored field will not be exported. This option is only available on Excel export. Default value: 'Yes'.

Info message export

The exported file will contain any information level validation messages.

Warning message export

The exported file will contain any warning level validation messages.

Error message export

The exported file will contain any error level validation messages.

From referenced tables

Include details of records referenced in the current export (might include records from external tables).

From tables that reference the selected record

Include data from external tables that reference the selected record.


Specifies the owner user created preference.

Restriction policy

If ‘Restriction policy’ value is ‘Yes’, the minimum permissions of these restricted rules are applied. If ‘Restriction policy’ value is ‘No’, the maximum permissions of all matching rules are applied.

Permissions group

User profile

The profile impacted by the permission settings.

Use the preference

Determines whether the specified profile can use the preference. If disabled, the preference will be hidden from the profile.

Modify the preference

Determines whether the specified profile can modify the preference.

Delete the preference

Determines whether the specified profile can delete the preference.


An interface allows data to flow between two applications.



Source application

Reference to the application with its type playing the role of the source.

Target application

Reference to the application with its type playing the role of the target.


Description of the interface.

Object class by Application

An application can hold one to many Object Class items. You can use the Object Class to create the relationship between a Table in the Data model and its related item in the Semantic model. Several tables can be linked to the same Object Class.




Reference to an application.

Object class

Reference to an Object Class.


Description of the relation between the application and the Object Class.