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Data mapping domain


The Data mapping domain contains the data mapping configuration for tables and fields.

Table mapping

The data mapping configuration between the tables.



Source table

Reference to the table used as the source for the data flow.

Target table

Reference to the table used as the target for the data flow.

Source application

Used to sort the records based on the application name and type. This data is computed automatically from the source table value.

Java class

This property specifies the Java class used to validate data on import, or transfer. This class ensures that only records that meet specific conditions are imported, or transferred. When used in a bidirectional data transfer this class applies when data moves from the table specified in the 'Source table' property to the table in the 'Target table' property.

Java class description

Description of the 'Java class'.

Inverse java class

This property specifies an optional Java class you can use to validate data in a bidirectional transfer. The class you specify here validates data when it moves in the inverse direction of the table mapping. So, it applies when data moves from the specified 'Target table' to the 'Source table'.

Inverse java class description

Description of the 'Inverse Java class'.

Field mapping

The data mapping configuration between the fields.



Source field

Reference to the field used as the source for the data flow.

Target field

Reference to the field used as the target for the data flow.

Source application

Used to sort the records based on the application's name and type. This data is computed automatically from the source field value.

Reference field

Contains the path to any referenced field.

Mapping type

The mapping can be performed in a 'direct' way (the target field is equal to the source field) or based on split, or aggregation policies. In the current version of the add-on, only the direct mapping type is available.

Table mapping preference

This table stores any data mapping configuration preferences between tables.




Any naming convention is valid.


Any naming convention is valid.

Ignored table

The table will be ignored during import/export execution if value is set to True.

First row of content

The first row of table content in imported file.

First column of content

The first column of table content in imported file.

Export with title

Exported Excel file will contain the title if value is set to True.

Title of table

Any naming convention is valid.

Style for title

Reference to a style object on which title style is defined.

Export with subtitle

Exported Excel file will contain the subtitle title if value is set to True.

Subtitle of table

Any naming convention is valid.

Style for subtitle

Reference to a style on which the subtitle style is defined.

Export with border

Cell of export excel file has borders if value is set to True.

Style for column title

Reference to a style object on which column title style is defined.

Style for data content

Reference to a style object on which data content style is defined.

Table mapping

Reference to a table mapping.

Application interface preference

Reference of an application interface preference.

Field mapping preference

This table stores any data mapping configuration preferences between fields.




Any naming convention is valid.

Ignored field

Field is ignored during import/export execution if value is set to True.

Date time pattern

Date time pattern that is used for importing/ exporting CSV.

Field mapping

Reference to a field mapping.

Table mapping preference

Reference of a table mapping preference.

Field mapping transformation

The data transformation applied during field data mapping.



Field mapping

Reference to a Field mapping declaration.

Transformation function

Reference to the transformation function to be applied.


Execution order of the transformation function in case several functions must be applied. When a field mapping contains multiple transformation functions, the function with the lowest order will be applied.


Lists each input parameter's name and value. Values can be edited.

Additional field mapping

The Additional field mapping table allows you to configure fields that are involved in a one-to-many fields transformation function, such as aggregation and split.



Field mapping

Reference to a 'Field mapping' declaration.

Additional field

Field involved in the mapping.


Order of source field when executing aggregation of fields or order of target field when executing a split of fields.

Additional field mapping transformation

The Additional field mapping transformation table is used when you have to declare a transformation function on a field that is used in an Additional field mapping record.



Additional field mapping

Reference to an 'Additional field' mapping declaration.

Transformation function

Reference to the transformation function to be applied.


Execution order of the transformation function in case several functions must be applied.