Data Exchange Add-on Documentation > Reference Guide > Export Options
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SQL export options


The sections below describe the pages and options you will be presented with when importing from an external database:

Simulation page

This screen allows you to select an external database location to export to and select a Java class used to map columns. The options include:



Import mode

  • Update or insert: If a record with the same primary key already exists in the target table, it is updated. Otherwise, a new record is inserted.

  • Replace all content: All existing data in the table will be deleted before importing the data.

SQL table or view

Allows you to choose from external database tables or views based on the data source names which are declared in the configuration.

Mapping Java class

Displays all pre-defined SQL java classes used to map columns.

Results page

This page provides an overview of results from an import. From this page you can exit, or start a new import.