Data Exchange Add-on Documentation > Reference Guide > Import Options
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CSV import options


This section describes the fields and available options when importing from an CSV file. You initiate import from a table's Actions > Data Exchange > Import CSV menu. CSV import presents you with several pages. Follow the links in the descriptions below for detailed information on each page:

Preferences page

Preferences allow you to automatically populate fields, and map between a source and target using saved information. This page contains the options shown in the following table:




Choose a preference to load configuration and mapping information.

Configuration page

This page allows you to modify behavior of the import. Part of the modification can include specifying Java classes to transform, or validate data. This page contains the options shown in the following table:



Import mode

  • Update or insert: If a record with the same primary key already exists in the target table, it is updated. Otherwise, a new record is inserted.

  • Insert only: Only record creations are allowed. If a record exists in the target table with the same primary key as in the source, an error is returned.


    Use of this mode is not recommended when importing a large volume of data. When working with larger amounts of data, you can instead use the Update or insert, or Update only modes.

  • Update only: Only modifications of existing records are allowed. If a record with the same primary key does not exist in the target table, an error is returned.

  • Replace all content: All existing data in the table will be deleted before importing the data from the file.

First row contains header

Use this option to specify whether the first row of every column in the file being imported is a label (Header), or contains data to import (No header).

File encoding

Specifies the character encoding to use. The default is UTF-8.


Specifies the separator to use. The default is ';'.

List separator

Specifies the separator to use for values lists.

Line returnSpecifies the line return used in the file.

The character used to mark the beginning and end of a cell in the CSV file. By default, CSV files do not use a delimiter. If you select 'Only string', the delimiter is only used for String data types.

Decimal symbolThe character used to denote a decimal.
Force import

Specifies that all triggers and constraints are disabled when this option is activated. Otherwise, all triggers and constraints are enabled.

Download file of invalid data

Export all records with errors in their data rows to a downloadable file.

Use case-sensitive comparison when matching the header

Differentiate between lower-case and upper-case when matching the imported file's column header with the field's label in EBX®.

Ignore the empty or null values

By default, the existing record is not updated with null and empty cell values from the imported file.

Check empty or null primary keys

The add-on verifies that all primary keys are mapped and validates the data before importing. If you disable this option, the add-on does not perform this verification.


Specifies the Java class that is implemented to transform data during import/export processing.


Specifies the Java class that is implemented to validate data during import.

Column mapping page

This page allows you to map source columns in the CSV file with EBX® table columns. Use the drop-down list next to each table column to specify which source gets mapped to which target. You can use the tooltip icon next to each mapping to display additional transformation information. Additionally, at the top of the screen, you can expand Data file sample to see a preview of how the current mapping would import.

Simulation page

This page allows you to use the current configuration and mapping settings to simulate import. The simulation results can include different levels (error, warning, and information) of technical, validation, and business messages. Use the result information to make any needed changes before performing the actual import.

The table below describes the page's main components.



Validate imported records only

When selected, the validation report only runs on the records being imported. If unselected, the report also includes all records in the target table.

Skip validation report

When checked, the simulation result does not include the detailed validation report.

Simulation stopped

Select conditions that determine when to stop the simulation.

Simulation result

Displays simulation results on a table-by-table basis. Each tab corresponds to a simulation for a table.

Import option

Choose whether to stop the import process when there are validation errors.