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Reference data domain


The Reference data domain stores values used by other configuration options.

Application type

The current version of the add-on manages the following types: Default SQL, SQL, CSV, Excel, Default XML, XML and EBX.




Code of the application type.


Name of the application type.

Predefined Application type

The add-on provides these predefined Application types.

Application type



An EBX type application is referenced through a dataset. Its tables and fields are described through an EBX® path.

Default XML

A 'Default XML' type application relies on default XML paths automatically created by the add-on when an Export XML process executes.


An XML type application relies on user-defined XML path declarations.

Default SQL

A 'Default SQL' type application relies on default SQL paths automatically created by the add-on when an Export SQL process executes.

SQLA defined configuration is required. The Generate models service can be used to look up SQL channels and generate tables and fields for the configuration. Note, that SQL functionality is currently limited to the Default SQL application type.
CSVA CSV application relies on defined paths that correspond to an external CSV file.
ExcelAn Excel application relies on defined paths that correspond to an external Excel file.

Data type

This table references all the possible data type of a field.




Code of the data type.


Name of the data type.

Mapping type

The mapping types that the add-on can use.




Code of the mapping type.


Name of the mapping type.


Description of the mapping type.

Predefined Mapping type

The add-on provides this predefined Mapping type.

Mapping type



The mapping between the source and target fields is executed in a direct way: the target value is equal to the source value. There is no aggregation and/or split of fields values.


The source field is split into two or more target fields.


Two or more source fields are aggregated to one target field.

Transformation function

During data mapping, the data value can be transformed before moving to the target application. A portfolio of predefined functions is delivered with the add-on and you can enrich it with bespoke functions. An API allows you to develop these new functions.




Code of the transformation function.


Name of the transformation function.

Java class

Java class of the transformation function.


Description of the transformation function.

Input data

List of input data used by the transformation function.

Output data

List of output data provided by the transformation function.

Is aggregation

If set to 'Yes': the transformation function is used for aggregating fields and will be available when the mapping type = 'Aggregate'.

Is bidirectional

If set to 'Yes': the transformation function can be executed in bidirectional mode. This means that the configuration from T1 to T2 tables is runnable for T2 to T1.


List of parameters that allow you to configure and adapt the behavior of the transformation function.

Predefined Transformation function

The add-on provides these predefined Mapping types.

Transformation function


No export

The source field value is not exported.

No import

The source field value is not imported.

No transfer

The source field value is not transferred.

SQL data source

The SQL data source table allows you to associate an EBX® data model with an external SQL database table or view. This allows users to import and export between the two components.




Code of the SQL data source.


Name of the SQL data source. If you want to use a connection configured in the JNDI data source table, enter the value from that table's Name property.

Data model

Stores the information schema location of a data model in EBX®. Each data model is configured to a JNDI Data Source of EBX®.

Table name pattern

A string that specifies a table naming pattern. When importing or exporting SQL, the add-on will only allow users to select from tables or views whose names match this pattern.

Schema name pattern

A string that specifies a schema naming pattern. When importing or exporting SQL, the add-on will only allow users to select from tables or views whose names match this pattern.


Description of the SQL data source.

JNDI data source

The JNDI data source Specifies the configuration used when establishing a connection to an external database. Creating the connection via this table alleviates the need to create the configuration in your application server.




Code of the JNDI data source.


Name of the JNDI data source. This name must be unique as you need to use it in the SQL data source table to associate this connection information with a data model.


A valid database URL in the form: jdbc:subprotocol:subname.


The database user on whose behalf the connection is being made. These permissions will be granted to each EBX® user that accesses this data source.

Date time pattern

Stores the date or date/time pattern string for the import and export processes.




Stores a string that specifies the date or date/time pattern.


Stores the mode of date or date/time or time pattern string. Available values are: Default CSV pattern, Default Excel pattern, Default time pattern and Common pattern (use for customer date or datetime).


Stores the type of date or date/time or time pattern string. Available values are: Date pattern, Time pattern and Date time pattern.


Stores references to Java classes used to validate imported, or transferred data.




A unique identifier for this validator.

Java class

This property specifies the Java class used to validate data on import, or transfer.

Label and descriptionAn optional label and description for this validator.

Style preference

This table contains all style configurations such as font type and color.




Any naming convention is valid.

Row position

Row position of element on which the style is applied.

Column position

Column position of element on which the style is applied.

Font name

Font name of the style.

Font size

Font size of the style.

Bold style

Font weight of the style.

Italic style

Font has italic style if value is set to True.

Underlined style

Text will be underlined if value is set to True.

Font color

Font color of the style.

Background color

Background color of the style.