Data Exchange Add-on Documentation > User Guide > Advanced Data Exchange Options > Using a custom transformation
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Implementing a custom transformation


This section shows how to implement a basic transformation function for the EBX® Data Exchange Add-on. This type of implementation requires the following:

Transformation definition class

The following code sample shows a definition class for an add-on transformation function:

public class NumToWeekdayTransformationDefinition implements TransformationDefinition

	public String getCode()
		return "numToweekday";

	public UserMessage getLabel()
		return UserMessage.createInfo("Num to Weekday transformation Function");

	public UserMessage getDescription()
		return UserMessage.createInfo(
			"On import a number in the source is converted to its corresponding day of the week.");

	public List<InputDefinition> getInputDefinitions()
		List<InputDefinition> inputDefinitions = new ArrayList<InputDefinition>();
			new InputDefinition(
				"String Input",
				UserMessage.createInfo("Input is a String"),
		return inputDefinitions;

	public OutputDefinition getOutputDefinition()
		return new OutputDefinition(
			UserMessage.createInfo("A day of the week"),

	public List<ParameterDefinition> getParameterDefinitions()
		return new ArrayList<ParameterDefinition>();

	//You can use this transformation definition to automatically detect the file type. Based on the type, it can return a different transformation.
	public Transformation getTransformation(ServiceType serviceType)
		switch (serviceType)
			return new ConvertNumToWeekday();
		case CSV_IMPORT:
			//Add your own transformation for CSV or other formats.
			return null;

	public boolean isBidirectional()
		return false;

	public boolean isAggregation()
		return false;


Note that as shown in the image, the methods shown above return values used by the add-on to define a transformation configuration.


Transformation implementation

The following code sample shows an implementation of a transformation that takes a numeric value in the source and outputs the value's corresponding day of the week in the target:

public class ConvertNumToWeekday implements Transformation<ImportTransformationExecutionContext>
	private Locale locale;
	public void setup(TransformationConfigurationContext configurationContext)
		throws DataExchangeException
		if (configurationContext == null)
			throw new DataExchangeException(UserMessage.createError("Context is not initialized."));
		this.locale = configurationContext.getSession().getLocale();

	//This method gets the input data to transform and defines the transformation logic.
	public Object execute(ImportTransformationExecutionContext executionContext)
		throws DataExchangeException
		if (executionContext == null)
			throw new DataExchangeException(UserMessage.createError("Context is not initialized."));

		//Obtain the value to import from the source application.
		Object inputValue = executionContext.getInputValue();
		if (inputValue == null)
			return null;

		//Performs a check on the target location.
		SchemaNode schemaNode = null;
		if (EBXField.class.isInstance(executionContext.getTargetField()))
			EBXField ebxField = (EBXField) executionContext.getTargetField();
			schemaNode = ebxField.getSchemaNode();

			if (schemaNode.isComplex())
				throw new DataExchangeException(
							+ " is a complex type node. The transformation function 'Convert an integer to a string and vice versa' only supports simple type node."));

		//Sets how the data is transformed. In this case it is from one value to another. You could also specify that data types be transformed, values concatenated, etc.
			switch (schemaNode.formatToXsString(inputValue))

			case "1":
				return "Monday";
			case "2":
				return "Tuesday";
			case "3":
				return "Wednesday";
			case "4":
				return "Thursday";
			case "5":
				return "Friday";
			case "6":
				return "Saturday";
			case "7":
				return "Sunday";

			throw new DataExchangeException(UserMessage.createError("Invalid input data."));
		catch (ClassCastException ex)
			throw new DataExchangeException(ex);
		catch (ConversionException ex)
			throw new DataExchangeException(ex);
		catch (Exception ex)
			throw new DataExchangeException(ex);

See Deploying and Adding to the add-on's catalog for instructions on the next steps.