Data Exchange Add-on Documentation > User Guide > Mapping concepts
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Defining mapping concepts

The following table defines key concepts surrounding the main tables used to configure mapping details:




In the EBX® Data Exchange Add-on, applications represent the source and target for exchanging data. You store the definition of these applications in the Application table.

Application by type

An application type declares the format of the source or target. One application can have multiple types. Some examples are:

  • EBX: the application corresponds to a data model in EBX®—referenced through a dataset.

  • Default XML: the application corresponds to a XML data structure fully managed by the add-on with default XML paths.

  • XML: the application corresponds to a XML data structure issued in the user-defined data mapping configurations.

  • Default SQL: The application corresponds to an external SQL data source.

  • CSV: The application corresponds to a CSV formatted file. Note that the file does not strictly have to use the comma character as the value separator.

  • Excel: The application corresponds to an Excel workbook file (.xsl, .xslx).


An interface specifies declares the source and target of data exchange. Import, export and transfer of data is not possible between applications without an interface definition. The add-on creates an interface when the end-user executes a default SQL/XML import or export.

Semantic model

The semantic model consists of Object Classes and Properties which store metadata about tables and fields. The add-on can automatically generate mappings between source and target for tables and fields that are linked to the same Object Classes and Properties. Additionally, you can use semantic model metadata to provide data lineage view.

The semantic model is described in greater detail in Semantic model.

Object Class

An Object Class is a container that holds metadata such as a table, a group of fields or a complex data type. An Object Class can be linked to one or more tables.


A Property is a business abstraction of a table's field, group of fields or complex data type. A Property can be linked to one or more Object Classes and fields.

Data model

A data model provides a logical layer to link the EBX® Data Exchange Add-on application with physical tables and fields and optionally the semantic model. For example, EBX type applications link to published EBX® data models. The EBX® Data Exchange Add-on Data model's tables and fields create the link to the EBX® table and field paths. In contrast, an XML type application defines the corresponding paths in an XML file. See Custom data mapping for an example of generating data models.


When referring to an EBX type application, this is the table in the related logical data model. When referring to an XML type application, this is an XML path.


When referring to an EBX type application, this is the field in the related logical data model. When referring to an XML type application, this is an XML path.

Data mapping

The Data mapping group is where you create the mapping between source and target tables and fields.

Table mapping

Defines the source and target tables.

Field mapping

Defines the sources and target fields.