Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Data Exchange Add-on Documentation > Release Notes
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All release notes

Version 6.1.0

Released: March 2023

New features

This release contains the following new features:

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.10

Released: February 2023

New features

This release was updated to ensure compatibility with the TIBCO EBX® Add-ons Bundle version 5.6.1.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains no closed issues.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.9

Released: November 2022

New features

This release contains no new features.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

[ADIX-3677] Import simulation throws an error when the value to import in the primary key field is empty.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.8

Released: November 2022

New features

This release contains no new features.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

[ADIX-3670] Excel import and export services are not working due to a library conflict.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.7

Released: September 2022

New features

This release contains no new features.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

The Apache POI library was updated to version 5.2.2.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.6

Released: June 2022

New features

This release contains the following new features:

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.5

Released: March 2022

New features

This release contains no new features.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

The jQuery library was upgraded to version 3.6.0.

Closed Issues

[ADIX-3552] [API] DataExchangeResult.SpreadsheetImport.getErrorFile() returns null.

[ADIX-3560] There is an inconsistency in handling multi-valued groups under single value group when exporting Excel.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.4

Released: December 2021

New features

This release contains no new features.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no functionality changes.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no third-party library changes.

Closed Issues

[ADIX-3527] Validate SQL data source inputs.

[ADIX-3528] Validate column header inputs.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import: Checking privileges for a view in PostgreSQL is not supported.

Dynamic data modeling: Foreign key statements in the DDL file are not managed.

Version 3.0.3

Released: September 2021

New features

Fields are now exported even when their visibility in the Data Model Assistant (DMA) is set to hidden.

Changes in Functionality

If a table contains records and you import an empty file using the Replace all content mode, all records in the table are deleted. Note that this behavior applies to all import formats, but does not apply to data transfer.

Changes to third-party libraries

The Apache Commons Compress library was upgraded to version 1.21.

Closed Issues

[ADIX-3461] A NullPointerException is thrown when printing a foreign key field mapping.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import:

Dynamic data modeling:

Version 3.0.2

Released: July 2021

New features

This release includes an updated trademark.

Changes in Functionality

This release includes no updated functionality.

Closed Issues

This release includes no closed issues.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

SQL export:

SQL import:

Dynamic data modeling:

Version 3.0.1

Released: June 2021


A warning is now provided when discrepancies exist between preference settings and an import's source file.

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 3.0.0

Released: March 2021

New and updated behavior

This release includes the following updates:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.7.7

Released: February 2021

Bug fixes

[ADIX-3370] The import results are not correct when using the Import CSV service.

Version 2.7.6

Released: January 2021

Product updates

The add-on no longer supports the Document Type Definition declaration in XML files. If this causes an exception, the add-on will inform you that this declaration is not allowed.

Bug fixes

[ADIX-3334] An unexpected exception occurs when selecting the Import XML service.

Version 2.7.5

Release Date: October 20, 2020

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.7.4

Release Date: September 18, 2020


This release contains the following updates:

Bug fixes

[ADIX-3308] An invalid Excel file is displayed incorrectly after being imported using the Download file of invalid data mode.

Version 2.7.3

Release Date: June 23, 2020

New and updated behavior

This release includes the following updates:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.7.2

Release Date: April 20, 2020

New and updated behavior

This release includes the following updates:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.7.1

Release Date: December 10, 2019

Updated behavior

When using the Validate imported records only option, the add-on only validates records included in the import. This update can improve performance as previously the entire table was validated and results were filtered to only show those related to imported records.

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.7.0

Release Date: November 8, 2019

New features and updates

The new features and updates for this release are described below:

Updates and enhancements

This release contains the following updates and enhancements:

API Updates

API updates included in this release provide the:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.6.4

Release Date: September 3, 2019

Updates and enhancements

This release contains the following updates and enhancements:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Version 2.6.3

Release Date: June 20, 2019

Updates and enhancements

This release contains the following updates and enhancements:

Enumeration export enhancements

The add-on allows you to include enumerations in CSV and Excel exports of tables, or individual records. The following describes behavior for each supported export type:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 2.6.2

Release Date: January 18, 2019

Updates and enhancements

This release contains the following updates and enhancements:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 2.6.1

Release Date: December 14, 2018

Updates and enhancements

This release contains the following updates and enhancements:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 2.6.0

Release Date: October 26, 2018

Featured updates

The EBX Data Exchange Add-on has undergone significant updates to ensure compatibility with the EBX® 5.9.0 GA release.

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 2.5.1

Release Date: July 17, 2018

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 2.5.0

Release Date: July 4, 2018

New features and enhancements

The new features and enhancements in this release are highlighted in the following sections:

Inclusion of validation messages in Excel export

You can now include validation messages when exporting to Excel. In the exported file, the add-on highlights fields and rows containing messages. If a message applies to a table, the add-on creates a new sheet in the exported file and appends "-MSG" to the name. See Including messages in exported files for more details. The image below shows an example of how messages display in an exported file:


Simplified SQL data source connections

Administrators can now create a connection to an SQL data source without having to manually define the connection information in the application server. Connection settings can be configured using the new JNDI data source table located under Administration > Integration > EBX Data Exchange Add-on > Reference data. For further instructions, see Connecting to an SQL data source.

Enhanced data transfer options

You can now select multiple target tables when transferring data. Additionally, the new Stop and rollback on error option allows you to specify behavior when errors occur during transfer. When you enable this option and errors are encountered during transfer, the add-on cancels all transfers in progress and rolls back any transferred data. When the option is disabled and errors are encountered, the add-on only cancels transfers for the tables where errors occurred and completes any remaining transfers.

Updated table and column mapping screen features

As highlighted in the following image:


Improved transformation function features

The following enhancements have been made to transformation functions:

To help you locate data linked to specific records, the add-on now allows you to include related data when exporting to:

The option to export related data is only available when exporting from the table level, or individual records. For more information, see Exporting related data.

Addition of default options and preference permissions settings

Administrators can now set the default selections and preference permissions for each import and export operations. When users perform an import/export, they can still change selections if needed, or load available preferences.

Additional improvements

This release contains the following additional improvements:

Java API

Additions to the API included in this release allow you to:

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.9

Release Date: June 8, 2018

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.8

Release Date: May 23, 2018

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.7

Release Date: May 2, 2018

Latest updates

The EBX Data Exchange Add-on import now relies on the commit threshold value set in If left undefined, the threshold value defaults to 100.

Release Note 2.4.6

Release Date: April 20, 2018

Latest updates

This release of the EBX Data Exchange Add-on simplifies preference loading by consolidating functionality. You now use only the Preference drop-down menu to specify preferences for Excel and CSV import and export. The new behavior also applies to workflows.


Java API

It is now possible to get the procedure context of an ongoing transaction when importing. See com.orchestranetworks.addon.dex.transformation.TransformationExecutionContext in the Java API documentation for more information.

Backwards compatibility

The getImportPreference and setImportPreference methods are no longer used. Export mapping based on an import mapping preference is no longer supported. The mapping defined in the export preference is used instead. See AdixExportSpec in the Java API documentation for more information.

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.5

Release Date: April 6, 2018

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.4

Release Date: March 28, 2018

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.3

Release Date: March 16, 2018

Bug fixes

This release includes the following bug fixes:

Release Note 2.4.2

Release Date: January 31, 2018

New features

This release contains the following new features and bug fixes:

EBX Data Exchange Add-on configuration Import/Export

You can now import and export entire EBX Data Exchange Add-on configurations using the following services:

As shown below, the services are available to administrators from the EBX Data Exchange Add-on dataset Actions menu:


For more information, see Importing and Exporting EBX Data Exchange Add-on configuration.

Importing when a table's PK is read-only

The following list outlines improved behavior when importing to a table that has a read-only primary key:

Java API

It is now possible to import and export EBX Data Exchange Add-on configurations from/to an XML file. See DataExchangeConfigurationService in the Java API documentation for more information.

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.4.0

Release Date: December 15, 2017

Overview of features and enhancements

The following list contains features and enhancements for EBX Data Exchange Add-on version 2.4.0. You can use the links provided for more detailed descriptions of the larger features.

Generating constant values

A new transformation function allows you to populate a column's fields with a pre-defined value on import, export, or transfer. This allows you to set a specific value to a target field even when there is no mapped source field.

In the image below, the add-on automatically inserted a pre-defined value in the table's leadSource column during import. This column did not exist in the source spreadsheet. See the User Guide > Generating constant values for more information and step by step instructions that demonstrate a use case.


Generating models

In EBX Data Exchange Add-on, models are required for user-defined and auto-generated mappings. Previously, administrators were required to manually create models for Excel and CSV type applications. This process has been greatly simplified and the add-on can now automatically generate models from a supplied file.

Suppose an administrator needed to create a configuration that uses a transformation function during Excel import. The following provides a high-level outline of the simplified process:

Data transfer enhancements

This release includes the following new features and enhancements to data transfer functionality:

Transfer data to/from any table

A previous limitation prevented you from transferring data between tables within the same dataset. This limitation has been removed and you can transfer data between all tables in the repository (of course, mapping configuration requirements and permission constraints still apply). The following describes behavior when transferring data within the same table:

Filtering records

When transferring data between tables, you may only want to transfer a subset of records. Data transfer now supplies this functionality. As shown below, you can select the records you want to transfer in the tabular and hierarchical views:


API Updates

When transferring data using the API, you can now retrieve information such as source and target record primary keys. Additionally, the API now allows you to filter records during transfer. See the API documentation for examples.

Java API

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.3.2

Release Date: November 10, 2017

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.3.1

Release Date: September 20, 2017

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.3.0

Release Date: August 3, 2017

New features

Java API

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.7

Release Date: July 6, 2017

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.6

Release Date: May 19, 2017

New features

Release Note 2.2.5

Release Date: April 18, 2017

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.4

Release Date: March 31, 2017

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.3

Release Date: February 23, 2017

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.2

Release Date: January 23, 2017

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.1

Release Date: December 16, 2016

New features

Java API

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.2.0

Release Date: November 18, 2016

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.9

Release Date: October 12, 2016

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.8

Release Date: August 4, 2016

New features

Java API

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.7

Release Date: July 8, 2016

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.6

Release Date: June 10, 2016

New features

Java API

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.5

Release Date: May 19, 2016

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.4

Release Date: March 18, 2016

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.3

Release Date: February 26, 2016

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.2 fix 002

Release Date: January 18, 2016

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.2 fix 001

Release Date: January 11, 2016

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.2

Release Date: December 11, 2015

New features

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.1

Release Date: October 14, 2015

New features

User interface improvements

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.1.0

Release Date: August 24, 2015

New features

Java API

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.0.11

Release Date: July 9, 2015

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.0.10

Release Date: June 29, 2015

Bug fixes

Release Note 2.0.9

Release Date: May 6, 2015

Memory usage improvements

Release Note 2.0.8

Release Date: April 27, 2015

New updates

Release Note 2.0.7

Release Date: March 17, 2015

New updates

Bug Fixes

Release Note 2.0.6

Release Date: February 12, 2015

New updates

Release Note 2.0.5

Release Date: January 26, 2015

Bug Fixes

Release Note 2.0.4

Release Date: December 8, 2014

Bug Fixes

Release Note 2.0.3

Release Date: December 4, 2014

Bug Fixes

Release Note 2.0.2

Release Date: November 19, 2014

Bug Fixes

Release Note 2.0.1

Release Date: October 10, 2014

New updates

Bug Fixes

Release Note 2.0.0

Release Date: September 12, 2014

New updates

Release Note 1.3.0

Release Date: December 16, 2013

New updates

Release Note 1.2.1

Release Date: October 3, 2013

New updates

Release Note 1.2.0

Release Date: August 5, 2013

New updates

Known limitations

This version contains the following known limitations:

Release Note 1.1.2

Release Date: June 11, 2013

New updates

Bug Fixes

Release Note 1.1.1

Release Date: April 11, 2013

New updates

Release Note 1.1.0

Release Date: February 25, 2013

In this version, the import and export features have been updated to be more user-friendly. When exporting the labels of primary or foreign keys to Excel, it is now possible to also define a hyperlink to the underlying record. The export of multiple tables to an Excel file and the import of multiple sheets from an Excel file are now supported.

New updates

Release Note 1.0.0

Release Date: October 31, 2012

Known limitations

This version contains the following known limitations: