Class DriveContext

  • public final class DriveContext
    extends java.lang.Object
    Specifies the media field's drive context.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      DriveContext​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation dataset, com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable table, com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path mediaPath, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      DriveContext​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable table, com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path mediaPath, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Create a new DriveContext.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getDataset()
      Returns the user dataset.
      java.lang.String getDigitalAssetComponentId()
      Returns the digital asset component id.
      java.lang.String getDriveId()
      Returns the drive id referenced by the media field.
      com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path getPath()
      Returns the media path.
      com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
      Returns the EBX® session.
      com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getTable()
      Returns the table that contains the media field.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • DriveContext

        public DriveContext​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation dataset,
                            com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable table,
                            com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path mediaPath,
                            com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
        Initialize a new DriveContext.
        dataset - the user dataset
        table - the table containing the media field
        mediaPath - the media path. This must be the absolute path.
        session - the EBX® session
      • DriveContext

        public DriveContext​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable table,
                            com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path mediaPath,
                            com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
        Create a new DriveContext.
        table - the table containing the media field
        mediaPath - the media path. This must be the absolute path.
        session - the current user session
    • Method Detail

      • getDriveId

        public java.lang.String getDriveId()
        Returns the drive id referenced by the media field.
      • getDataset

        public com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getDataset()
        Returns the user dataset.
      • getTable

        public com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getTable()
        Returns the table that contains the media field.
      • getPath

        public com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path getPath()
        Returns the media path.
      • getSession

        public com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
        Returns the EBX® session.
      • getDigitalAssetComponentId

        public java.lang.String getDigitalAssetComponentId()
        Returns the digital asset component id.