Class FileExportConfigurationSpec

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      FileExportConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable currentTable, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Exports a table outside of a UIService.
      FileExportConfigurationSpec​(com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)
      Exports within a UIService.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods Deprecated Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getCurrentDataset()
      Returns the current dataset.
      com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getCurrentTable()
      Returns the current table.
      java.util.Locale getLocale()
      Returns the specific locale.
      com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
      Returns the current session.
      boolean isComputedValueIncluded()
      Returns true if the exported XML file contains computed values.
      boolean isDataFromReferencedTablesExported()
      Returns true if the export includes the related data from the referenced tables.
      boolean isDataReferencingSelectedRecordExported()
      Returns true if the export includes the related data from tables that reference the selected record.
      boolean isHeaderExported()
      Returns true if the first row of every column in the file contains the column label in the Excel, CSV file or the exported XML file contains {addon.label} header.
      boolean isWriteAccessLockDisabled()
      Since 3.0.0, the 'Disable write access lock' option was removed from the add-on.
      void setComputedValueIncluded​(boolean computedValueIncluded)
      Sets whether to include computed values in the exported XML file.
      void setDataFromReferencedTablesExported​(boolean dataFromReferencedTablesExported)
      Sets whether the export includes the related data from the referenced tables.
      void setDataReferencingSelectedRecordExported​(boolean dataReferencingSelectedRecordExported)
      Sets whether the export includes related data from tables that reference the selected record.
      void setHeaderExported​(boolean headerExported)
      Sets whether the first row of every column in the file contains the column label in the Excel, CSV file or the exported XML file contains {addon.label} header.
      void setLocale​(java.util.Locale locale)
      Sets the specific locale.
      void setWriteAccessLockDisabled​(boolean writeAccessLockDisabled)
      Since 3.0.0, the 'Disable write access lock' option was removed from the add-on.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileExportConfigurationSpec

        public FileExportConfigurationSpec​(com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceContext serviceContext)
                                    throws DataExchangeException
        Exports within a UIService.
      • FileExportConfigurationSpec

        public FileExportConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable currentTable,
                                           com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                    throws DataExchangeException
        Exports a table outside of a UIService.
    • Method Detail

      • isWriteAccessLockDisabled

        public final boolean isWriteAccessLockDisabled()
        Since 3.0.0, the 'Disable write access lock' option was removed from the add-on.
        Always throws exception.
        Specified by:
        isWriteAccessLockDisabled in interface ExportConfigurationSpec<EBXTable>
      • setWriteAccessLockDisabled

        public final void setWriteAccessLockDisabled​(boolean writeAccessLockDisabled)
        Since 3.0.0, the 'Disable write access lock' option was removed from the add-on.
        Always throws exception.
      • isHeaderExported

        public final boolean isHeaderExported()
        Returns true if the first row of every column in the file contains the column label in the Excel, CSV file or the exported XML file contains {addon.label} header.
      • setHeaderExported

        public final void setHeaderExported​(boolean headerExported)
        Sets whether the first row of every column in the file contains the column label in the Excel, CSV file or the exported XML file contains {addon.label} header.
      • setComputedValueIncluded

        public final void setComputedValueIncluded​(boolean computedValueIncluded)
        Sets whether to include computed values in the exported XML file.
      • getSession

        public final com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
        Returns the current session.
        Specified by:
        getSession in interface ConfigurationSpec<EBXTable>
      • getLocale

        public final java.util.Locale getLocale()
        Returns the specific locale. Returns the session's current locale by the default.
      • setLocale

        public final void setLocale​(java.util.Locale locale)
        Sets the specific locale.
      • isDataFromReferencedTablesExported

        public boolean isDataFromReferencedTablesExported()
        Returns true if the export includes the related data from the referenced tables. The export includes data referenced by a foreign key from the exported record(s). This option is only available when exporting a single table, it does not support exporting multiple tables.
      • setDataFromReferencedTablesExported

        public void setDataFromReferencedTablesExported​(boolean dataFromReferencedTablesExported)
        Sets whether the export includes the related data from the referenced tables. The export includes data referenced by a foreign key from the exported record(s). This option is only available when exporting a single table, it does not support exporting multiple tables.
      • isDataReferencingSelectedRecordExported

        public boolean isDataReferencingSelectedRecordExported()
        Returns true if the export includes the related data from tables that reference the selected record. The export includes data from tables that hold a relationship to the exported record. This option is only available when exporting a single record.
      • setDataReferencingSelectedRecordExported

        public void setDataReferencingSelectedRecordExported​(boolean dataReferencingSelectedRecordExported)
        Sets whether the export includes related data from tables that reference the selected record. The export includes data from tables that hold a relationship to the exported record. This option is only available when exporting a single record.