Class SpreadsheetImportConfigurationSpec

    • Constructor Detail

      • SpreadsheetImportConfigurationSpec

        public SpreadsheetImportConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable currentTable,
                                                  SpreadsheetTable spreadsheetTable,
                                                  com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                           throws DataExchangeException
        Imports data into a table outside of a UIService.
      • SpreadsheetImportConfigurationSpec

        public SpreadsheetImportConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation dataset,
                                                  java.util.List<SpreadsheetTable> sourceTables,
                                                  com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                           throws DataExchangeException
        Imports data into multiple tables outside of a UIService.
    • Method Detail

      • getServiceType

        public ServiceType getServiceType()
        Returns the service type.
      • isHeaderComparedToIgnoreCase

        public boolean isHeaderComparedToIgnoreCase()
        Return true if a case-insensitive comparison is used when matching the header column.
      • setHeaderComparedToIgnoreCase

        public void setHeaderComparedToIgnoreCase​(boolean headerComparedToIgnoreCase)
        Sets whether a case-insensitive comparison is used when matching the header column.
      • isRedundantCharactersInHeaderRemoved

        public boolean isRedundantCharactersInHeaderRemoved()
        Return true if redundant characters contained in the header are removed during matching.
      • setRedundantCharactersInHeaderRemoved

        public void setRedundantCharactersInHeaderRemoved​(boolean redundantCharactersInHeaderRemoved)
        Sets whether redundant characters contained in the header are removed during matching.
      • getDataPositionInSheets

        public java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​DataPosition> getDataPositionInSheets()
        Returns a map of data positions and Excel sheet names as the key parameter.
      • setDataPositionInSheets

        public void setDataPositionInSheets​(java.util.Map<java.lang.String,​DataPosition> dataPositionInSheets)
        Sets a map of data positions and Excel sheet names as the key parameter.
      • getCurrentDataset

        public com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getCurrentDataset()
        Returns the current dataset.
      • getCurrentTable

        public com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getCurrentTable()
        Returns the current table.
      • getSession

        public com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
        Returns the current session.
      • getSourceTables

        public java.util.List<SpreadsheetTable> getSourceTables()
        Returns the list of source tables.
      • getSourceTableFilters

        public java.util.Map<SpreadsheetTable,​TableFilter> getSourceTableFilters()
        Returns a map of source table filters. Returns null when importing CSV, Excel and XML.
      • isForcePrecisionAsDisplayed

        public boolean isForcePrecisionAsDisplayed()
        Returns true if the displayed value of numbers in each cell will be read and imported. Returns false if the accuracy value of numbers in each cell will be read and imported.
      • setForcePrecisionAsDisplayed

        public void setForcePrecisionAsDisplayed​(boolean forcePrecisionAsDisplayed)
        Specifies the accuracy of numbers when importing Excel. If set to true: The displayed value of numbers in each cell will be read and imported. If set to false: The accuracy value of numbers in each cell will be read and imported. This feature only applies to Number format cells (Number is used for general display of numbers). For the other cell formats, the accuracy value in each cell will be read and imported.
      • isDataBeforeTransformationValidated

        public boolean isDataBeforeTransformationValidated()
        Returns true if the import data is validated before transformation execution.
      • setDataBeforeTransformationValidated

        public void setDataBeforeTransformationValidated​(boolean dataBeforeTransformationValidated)
        Sets whether the import data is validated before transformation execution.
      • isImportSequence

        public boolean isImportSequence()
        Returns true if the Excel sheet data are imported sequentially at simulation import mode.
      • setImportSequence

        public void setImportSequence​(boolean importSequence)
        Sets whether the Excel sheet data are imported sequentially at simulation import mode.
      • setImportOnlyValidRecord

        public void setImportOnlyValidRecord​(boolean importOnlyValidRecord)
        Sets whether only valid records are imported if validation errors exist.
      • isImportOnlyValidRecord

        public boolean isImportOnlyValidRecord()
        Returns true if validation errors exist and the user chooses to import only valid records.