Class TransferConfigurationSpec

    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      TransferConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation sourceDataset, java.util.List<EBXTable> sourceTables, com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Transfers multiple tables based on the specified source tables outside of a UIService.
      TransferConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation sourceDataset, java.util.List<EBXTable> sourceTables, java.util.Map<EBXTable,​TableFilter> sourceTableFilters, com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Transfers multiple tables based on the filtered source tables outside of a UIService.
      TransferConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable currentTable, com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Transfers a table and is used outside of a UIService.
      TransferConfigurationSpec​(DataExchangeServiceContext dexServiceContext)
      Transfers tables based on a DataExchangeServiceContext.
      TransferConfigurationSpec​(EBXTable sourceTable, TableFilter tableFilter, com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset, com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
      Transfers a table with filter and is used outside of a UIService.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getCurrentDataset()
      Returns the current dataset.
      com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable getCurrentTable()
      Returns the current table.
      ImportMode getImportMode()
      Returns the specified import mode.
      ServiceType getServiceType()
      Returns the service type.
      com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
      Returns the current session.
      java.util.Map<EBXTable,​TableFilter> getSourceTableFilters()
      Returns a map of table filters and a Table instance as the key parameter.
      java.util.List<EBXTable> getSourceTables()
      Returns the list of source tables.
      com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getTargetDataset()
      Returns the target dataset.
      boolean isComputedValueIncluded()
      Returns true if the computed values on the source tables are transferred to the target tables.
      boolean isEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked()
      Returns true if all empty or null primary keys were checked before data import and false if this verification was not performed.
      boolean isEmptyOrNullValueIgnored()
      Returns true if all empty or null values are ignored in the process of importing data.
      boolean isImportForced()
      Returns true if all triggers and constraints are disabled in the process of importing data.
      boolean isStopAndRollBackOnError()
      Returns true if all executed transfers have been successful and the whole transaction committed.
      void setComputedValueIncluded​(boolean computedValueIncluded)
      Sets whether to transfer the computed values on the source tables to the target tables.
      void setEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked​(boolean emptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked)
      Sets whether all empty or null primary keys were checked before data import and false if this verification was not performed.
      void setEmptyOrNullValueIgnored​(boolean emptyOrNullValueIgnored)
      Sets whether all empty or null values are ignored in the process of importing data.
      void setImportForced​(boolean importForced)
      Sets whether all triggers and constraints are disabled in the process of importing data.
      void setImportMode​(ImportMode importMode)
      Sets the import mode.
      void setStopAndRollBackOnError​(boolean stopAndRollBackOnError)
      Sets whether the all executed transfers have been successful and the whole transaction committed.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • TransferConfigurationSpec

        public TransferConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation sourceDataset,
                                         java.util.List<EBXTable> sourceTables,
                                         com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset,
                                         com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                  throws DataExchangeException
        Transfers multiple tables based on the specified source tables outside of a UIService.
      • TransferConfigurationSpec

        public TransferConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation sourceDataset,
                                         java.util.List<EBXTable> sourceTables,
                                         java.util.Map<EBXTable,​TableFilter> sourceTableFilters,
                                         com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset,
                                         com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                  throws DataExchangeException
        Transfers multiple tables based on the filtered source tables outside of a UIService.
      • TransferConfigurationSpec

        public TransferConfigurationSpec​(com.onwbp.adaptation.AdaptationTable currentTable,
                                         com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset,
                                         com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                  throws DataExchangeException
        Transfers a table and is used outside of a UIService.
      • TransferConfigurationSpec

        public TransferConfigurationSpec​(EBXTable sourceTable,
                                         TableFilter tableFilter,
                                         com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation targetDataset,
                                         com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session)
                                  throws DataExchangeException
        Transfers a table with filter and is used outside of a UIService.
    • Method Detail

      • setImportForced

        public final void setImportForced​(boolean importForced)
        Sets whether all triggers and constraints are disabled in the process of importing data.
      • setImportMode

        public final void setImportMode​(ImportMode importMode)
        Sets the import mode.
      • setEmptyOrNullValueIgnored

        public final void setEmptyOrNullValueIgnored​(boolean emptyOrNullValueIgnored)
        Sets whether all empty or null values are ignored in the process of importing data.
      • isComputedValueIncluded

        public final boolean isComputedValueIncluded()
        Returns true if the computed values on the source tables are transferred to the target tables.
      • setComputedValueIncluded

        public final void setComputedValueIncluded​(boolean computedValueIncluded)
        Sets whether to transfer the computed values on the source tables to the target tables.
      • isEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked

        public boolean isEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked()
        Returns true if all empty or null primary keys were checked before data import and false if this verification was not performed.
        Specified by:
        isEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked in interface ImportConfigurationSpec<EBXTable>
      • setEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked

        public final void setEmptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked​(boolean emptyOrNullPrimaryKeyChecked)
        Sets whether all empty or null primary keys were checked before data import and false if this verification was not performed.
      • getTargetDataset

        public com.onwbp.adaptation.Adaptation getTargetDataset()
        Returns the target dataset.
      • isStopAndRollBackOnError

        public boolean isStopAndRollBackOnError()
        Returns true if all executed transfers have been successful and the whole transaction committed.
      • setStopAndRollBackOnError

        public void setStopAndRollBackOnError​(boolean stopAndRollBackOnError)
        Sets whether the all executed transfers have been successful and the whole transaction committed.