Class Field

    • Method Detail

      • getReferenceTable

        public Table getReferenceTable()
        Returns the table node referenced by the current node.
      • setReferenceTable

        public void setReferenceTable​(Table referenceTable)
        Sets the table node referenced by the current node.
        referenceTable - the target table
      • isForeignKey

        public boolean isForeignKey()
        Returns true if the current node is a foreign key.
      • getMinOccurrence

        public int getMinOccurrence()
        Returns the minimum number of occurrences of this node.
      • getMaxOccurrence

        public int getMaxOccurrence()
        Returns the maximum number of occurrences of this node.
      • setCardinality

        public void setCardinality​(int minOccurrence,
                                   int maxOccurrence)
        Sets the node's cardinality.
        minOccurrence - minimum number of occurrence
        maxOccurrence - maximum number of occurrence
      • getDataType

        public java.lang.String getDataType()
        Returns a string that describes the data type of the current node (ex.: String, DateTime, Number, etc.).
      • setDataType

        public void setDataType​(java.lang.String dataType)
        Sets the node data type.
        dataType - a string that describes the data type
      • isHidden

        public boolean isHidden()
        Returns true if the current node is hidden.
      • setHidden

        public void setHidden​(boolean hidden)
        Sets to true if this node must be displayed.
        hidden - a boolean value
      • isComputed

        public boolean isComputed()
        Returns true if the current field is a computed field.
      • setComputed

        public void setComputed​(boolean computed)
        Sets to true if the current field is a computed field.
        computed - a boolean value