Class NodeTextBlock

  • public final class NodeTextBlock
    extends NodeElement
    Represents a text block that displays a text string in a given font size.
    • Constructor Detail

      • NodeTextBlock

        public NodeTextBlock()
        Constructs a new NodeTextBlock with a font size of 11 units.
    • Method Detail

      • getTextColor

        public java.lang.String getTextColor()
        Returns the text color in hex.
      • setTextColor

        public void setTextColor​(java.lang.String textColor)
        Sets the text color in hex.
        textColor - a color in hex.
      • setBindingText

        public void setBindingText​(java.lang.String text)
        Sets the text content. This can be a string, a field path, or combination of the two. A field path must use the following pattern: ${fieldPath} not including table path. Example: - A fixed string: "Name". - A field path: "${/group1/label}". - Combination of string and field path: "Name: ${/group1/label}"
        text - the content for this text block.
      • setBindingText

        public void setBindingText​(NodeValueRenderer action)
        Sets the text content using NodeValueRenderer.
        action - an implementation of NodeValueRenderer.
      • getTextAlign

        public TextAlignmentType getTextAlign()
        Returns the alignment format in the text block's given space.
      • setTextAlign

        public void setTextAlign​(TextAlignmentType textAlign)
        Sets the alignment format in the text block's given space. This is only relevant when the width is set for the TextBlock.
        textAlign - an alignment type for text block.
      • getFontSize

        public int getFontSize()
        Returns the font size of the text.
      • setFontSize

        public void setFontSize​(int fontSize)
        Sets the font size for the text.
        fontSize - the integer for font size.