Class LinkedRecordDefinition

  • public final class LinkedRecordDefinition
    extends java.lang.Object
    Declares the rule that defines what kind of records affecting an indicator result.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      Creates a linked record definition that includes the activation option.
      LinkedRecordDefinition​(com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage activeDescription)
      Creates a linked record definition that includes the activation option.
    • Method Summary

      All Methods Instance Methods Concrete Methods 
      Modifier and Type Method Description
      void addOption​(ParameterDefinition options)
      Adds an extra option to help users customize the rule.
      void addReferencePath​(java.lang.String optionValue, com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path path)
      Adds an association between a linked record option's value and a Flat data path or Big data path.
      com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage getActivationMessage()
      Returns the activation message.
      java.util.List<ParameterDefinition> getOptions()
      Returns the extra options.
      com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path getReferencePath​(java.lang.String optionValue)
      Returns the Flat data path or the Big data path matching the linked record option's value.
      • Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object

        equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait
    • Constructor Detail

      • LinkedRecordDefinition

        public LinkedRecordDefinition()
        Creates a linked record definition that includes the activation option.
      • LinkedRecordDefinition

        public LinkedRecordDefinition​(com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage activeDescription)
        Creates a linked record definition that includes the activation option.
        activeDescription - The extra information to help users know the business.
    • Method Detail

      • getActivationMessage

        public com.onwbp.base.text.UserMessage getActivationMessage()
        Returns the activation message.
      • getOptions

        public java.util.List<ParameterDefinition> getOptions()
        Returns the extra options.
      • addReferencePath

        public void addReferencePath​(java.lang.String optionValue,
                                     com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path path)
        Adds an association between a linked record option's value and a Flat data path or Big data path.
        optionValue - The value of a PredefinedValue which belongs to a linked record option.
        path - Must be a path from the Flat data table or Big data table.
        See Also:
        addOption(ParameterDefinition), PredefinedValue
      • getReferencePath

        public com.orchestranetworks.schema.Path getReferencePath​(java.lang.String optionValue)
        Returns the Flat data path or the Big data path matching the linked record option's value.
        See Also:
        addReferencePath(String, Path)