Interface TrustedSources

  • public interface TrustedSources
    Represents the trusted sources that have been configured for the matching table.

    Code Sample

     public class CustomService implements UserService<TableViewEntitySelection> {
         public void setupDisplay(
              UserServiceSetupDisplayContext<TableViewEntitySelection> context,
              UserServiceDisplayConfigurator configurator) {
             AdaptationTable table = context.getEntitySelection().getTable();
             ConfigurationOperations configurationOperations = OperationsFactory
             TableConfiguration tableConfiguration = configurationOperations
             TrustedSources trustedSources = tableConfiguration
             List<String> tableTrustedSources = trustedSources
             SchemaNode addressField = table
             List<String> addressTrustedSources = trustedSources
    • Method Detail

      • getTableTrustedSources

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getTableTrustedSources()
        Get a list of trusted sources that have been configured for the matching table.
        List A list of trusted sources at the table level.

        Returns an empty list if this table has no configured trusted sources.

      • getFieldTrustedSources

        java.util.List<java.lang.String> getFieldTrustedSources​(com.orchestranetworks.schema.SchemaNode fieldNode)
        Gets a list of trusted sources.
        fieldNode - Represents a matching table field declaration in the resolved data model.
        List A list of trusted sources of specific field in table.

        Returns an empty list if this field has no configured trusted sources.

        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - When the parameter fieldNode is a node which does not belong to the matching table.