Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Digital Asset Manager Add-on Documentation > Developer Guide
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REST overview

The TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on allows access to its services using a RESTful API. The add-on follows the OpenAPI Specification (OAS) to document its REST API. This allows you to use tools such as Swagger to generate and interact with our REST documentation. It is not our intent to document how to use these tools here. However, the following example shows one of the more basic ways to view the REST API documentation.

To generate the add-on's OAS:

  1. Use a tool such as Postman to send a GET request to one of the following endpoints on your EBX® server:


    Your EBX® log in credentials are also required to access the following endpoints and can be entered in your REST client. For example, via Postman's Authorization tab.

    • http://<host>:<port>/ebx-addon-dama/rest/v1

    • http://<host>:<port>/ebx-addon-dama/rest/v2 This version includes endpoints that support searching for assets using multiple types and extensions and criteria matching.

    • http://<host>:<port>/ebx-addon-dama/rest/v3 This version includes endpoints that support searching for assets in folder.

  2. Ensure the response is formatted in JSON.

  3. Save the response to a file.

  4. Open a web browser and navigate to Swagger Editor:

  5. Select File > Import file to import the add-on's specification.

    The editor displays the formatted text on the left and HTML on the right.
