Class DataIntegrationSpec

    • Constructor Detail

      • DataIntegrationSpec

        public DataIntegrationSpec​(com.orchestranetworks.service.Session session,
                                   MappingSpec mappingSpec)
        Constructs a new DataIntegrationSpec.
        session - The user session.
        mappingSpec - The mapping specification.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If the session or the mapping specification is null.
    • Method Detail

      • getSession

        public com.orchestranetworks.service.Session getSession()
        Returns the session.
      • getMappingSpec

        public MappingSpec getMappingSpec()
        Returns the mapping specification.
      • getDataFormats

        public DataFormatOptions getDataFormats()
        Returns the global data format options.
      • setDataFormats

        public void setDataFormats​(DataFormatOptions dataFormats)
        Configures the global data format options.