Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on Documentation > Release Notes
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All Release Notes

Version 6.2.0

New features

This release contains the following new features:


As new features are included and the user experience is improved, some screen shots shown in the documentation might not match the UI.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes to functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

[DMDV-3309] Scroll functionality does not work correctly when viewing an Org chart graph in step mode.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 6.1.3

New features

This release contains the following new features:


As new features are included and the user experience is improved, some screen shots shown in the documentation might not match the UI.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes to functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 6.1.2

New features

This release contains the following new features were added to improve Org chart graphs:


As new features are included and the user experience is improved, some screen shots shown in the documentation might not match the UI.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes to functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 6.1.1

New features

This release contains the following new features:


As new features are included and the user experience is improved, some screen shots shown in the documentation might not match the UI.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes to functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

The jQuery library was updated to version 3.6.4.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 6.1.0

Released: March 2023

New features

This release contains the following new features:


As new features are included and the user experience is improved, some screen shots shown in the documentation might not match the UI.

Changes in Functionality

When hiding child dataspaces, the data model definition is now used. All child dataspaces are now hidden, not just those from the selected dataspace.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.5.1

Released: February 2023

New features

This release was updated to ensure compatibility with the TIBCO EBX® Add-ons Bundle version 5.6.1.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes in functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains no closed issues.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.5.0

Released: September 2022

New features

Data model graph updates:

The number of selectable records when running the Display selected data and Display data using configuration services can be limited using the properties in the Global properties and options group. This option helps prevent performance issues by limiting the number of nodes generated when initializing a graph.

A limit can be set on the number of child nodes that automatically display when expanding a parent. The limit is set with the Threshold for node selection property when configuring a data value graph.

There is an option on graphs generated using the Display selected data service to toggle display of nodes from child dataspaces.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes in functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.4.0

Released: June 2022

New features

The add-on's logs were updated to improve the level of information provided.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes in functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

The following known issue was removed: When you deploy the TIBCO EBX® Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on, you must also deploy the TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on.

The following official bug was closed: [DMDV-1930] The order of table elements displayed in a data model graph changes at random after using features available in the graph.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.3.2

Released: April 2022

New features

This release includes no new features.

Changes in Functionality

Updates were made to ensure compatibility the TIBCO EBX 6.0.6 GA release.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third-party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains no closed issues.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.3.1

Released: March 2022

New features

This release includes no new features.

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes in functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

The jQuery library was updated to version 3.6.0.

Closed Issues

[DMDV-2524] Add-on performance is not optimal during configuration when using the Edit graph display service.

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.3.0

Released: February 2022

New features

This release includes the following new features:

Changes in Functionality

This release contains the following changes in functionality:

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.2.0

Released: November 2021

New features

This release includes the following new features:

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes in functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.1.0

Released: June 2021

New features

This release includes the following new features:

Changes in Functionality

This release contains no changes in functionality.

Changes to third-party libraries

This release contains no changes to third party libraries.

Closed Issues

This release contains the following closed issues:

Known Issues

This release contains the following known issues:

Version 2.0.1

Release Date: May 2021

Bug fixes

The following issues were fixed in this release:

Deployment note


When you deploy the TIBCO EBX® Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on, you must also deploy the TIBCO EBX® Digital Asset Manager Add-on. Otherwise, some features are inaccessible.

Version 2.0.0

Release Date: March 2021

Data value graphs

Data value graphs in this release contain the following new features and updates:

All graph types

This release contains the following new features:

Deprecated APIs

The isDisplayed() method was removed from the NodeContext class.

Version 1.4.6

Released: February 2021

Bug fixes

[DMDV-2037] The export, change orientation, and full-screen buttons do not work when viewing a graph via a workflow step.

Release Notes 1.4.5

Released: January 2021

Changes and updates

The following libraries were updated in this release:

Bug fixes

[DMDV-1893] The add-on services do not work when TIBCO EBX® is embedded in an iframe.

Release Notes 1.4.4

Release Date: October 20, 2020

Bug fixes

[DMDV-1866] Some images do not display correctly when using a custom URL for your TIBCO EBX® server.

Release Notes 1.4.3

Release Date: September 18, 2020

Bug fixes

[DMDV-1794] A deadlock in the add-on affects the server where EBX® is running.

Release Notes 1.4.2

Release Date: June 23, 2020

Updates and changes

The jQuery and Jackson Databind libraries were updated and the SLF4J library was removed.

Release Notes 1.4.1

Release Date: April 20, 2020

Bug fixes

[DMDV-1698] A deadlock in the add-on affects the server where EBX® is running.

Release Notes 1.4.0

Release Date: February 20, 2020

New features

The sections below highlight new in this release:

New data model graph features

Data model graphs can now display multiple data models. When a graph includes a table from an outside data model, users can right-click to select the Display external model service. Each outside data model displays using alternate colors to differentiate between them. Normal graph interaction is available when displaying multiple models. For example, users can apply templates to change appearance, re-arrange, filter, save and share the graphs. An additional feature for graphs containing multiple models is the level selector. This allows users to change the level of the graphs detail to: Field, Table, or Model. Choosing a level expands graph components to the selected level of detail and automatically resizes the graph.

The following image shows a data model graph with external models shaded and the base data model highlighted like a group:


Filter pane and table selection

The data model filter pane and table selection screens have been updated with:

New data value graph features

In addition to the option of adding one of the icons provided with the add-on, you can now update a table node style to include a custom icon. This functionality is provided through the new Image URL option when viewing a configured table's Node Style tab. The URL must point to an image located in the same domain as TIBCO EBX®.

The following image shows an example of adding a custom image to a node with a URL:



Saved data model graphs from previous add-on versions cannot be migrated and will be deleted.

Release Notes 1.3.0

Release Date: November 8, 2019

New features

The sections below highlight new in this release:

New graph features

The following updates have been made to graph functionality:

API features

This release contains the following new and updated API features:

Bug Fixes

This release contains the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 1.2.1

Release Date: August 6, 2019

Bug Fixes

This release contains the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 1.2.0

Release Date: June 20, 2019

New features and enhancements

This release contains the following new features:

Release Notes 1.1.0

Release Date: February 22, 2019

New features and enhancements

This release contains the following new features:

Known limitations

This release contains the following known limitations:

Bug Fixes

This release contains the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 1.0.2

Release Date: January 11, 2019

Bug fixes

This release contains the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 1.0.1

Release Date: December 3, 2018

Bug fixes

This release contains the following bug fixes:

Release Notes 1.0.0

Release Date: October 26, 2018

Overview of features

By generating interactive graphs of your data, relationships, and data structure, the EBX Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on allows you to:

The following sections highlight additional features and functionality of the EBX Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on.

Data model graphs

By default, no configuration is required to display data model graphs. You can display a graph by running the Display data model service from a table or dataset Actions menu. What displays in a graph depends on the model content from which it was generated and the template settings. The following image and table describe data model graph components.


1) Groups and Tables

A box is automatically drawn around components included in a group. You can collapse, expand, re-size and rearrange groups. The bottom-right corner of the images shows a collapsed group. Tables display their labels and fields. Standard DMA icons are used to indicate keys and relationships.

2) Relationships

Arrows indicate foreign key relationships and their direction. The labels correspond to each foreign key field.

3) Underlined field, plus icon, and italic fields.

An underlined field belongs to a table located outside of the current dataset. The plus icon next to a field indicates you can expand to display more information, such as fields included in a complex type. Fields in italics represent inherited fields.

4) Table located outside of the current dataset

When a table is located outside of the current dataset, it will be shaded in the graph. The color of the shade is editable in the template.

5) Orphan fields

Fields that are not part of a table display without a title.

6) Display additional fields

When a table holds more fields than can display, use the arrow icon to expand/collapse.

For more information on interacting with data model graphs, see Interacting with data model graphs.

You can save and load data model graphs. When loading a saved graph the add-on can help you visualize changes to model structure. As shown below, updated graphs highlight new items in green, changed items in blue, and deleted items in red (colors may differ depending on configuration):


Model graph API

The EBX Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on's API allows you to generate custom data model graphs from external sources and customize templates to alter look and feel. See Generating a model graph from an external source for more details. Additionally, you can create a custom service from which users can generate a custom data model graph. See Generating from a service for more details.

Data value and relationship graphs

A data value graph is a visual representation of how data values relate to each other. A graph can display relationships between multiple data models. Administrators configure the way relationships render when users run the Display values and relationships service by assigning a display type to each relationship. The table below describes the available types:


Example and description

As Lines

As shown in the following image when you set the display to lines, values display in rectangular nodes and lines between nodes represent relationships.


As Containers

As shown in the following image containers show a parent/child relationship as nodes within nodes. Outer nodes are the parents of the smaller, inner nodes.


The following image highlights some of the data value and relationship graph features; see Configuring graphs for more details:


Value graph API

The EBX Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on's API allows you to:

Known limitations

The EBX Data Model and Data Visualization Add-on has the following known limitations: