All Classes and Interfaces

Represents the data for a line chart, a bar chart or a category bar chart.
Represents common options for bar charts and category bar charts.
Represents the data for a line chart or a bar chart.
It contains multiple data points on a single axis.
Provides bar chart options.
Defines fields in the Big data report table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Represents a decimal outcome of IndicatorReport.
Represents a boolean outcome of IndicatorReport.
A collection consists of multiple category slices.
It is represented on a category bar chart as bars of the same color.
The data for category bar charts.
The options for category bar charts.
Abstract class used as the base for pie chart data as well as category bar chart data.
Represents multiple category slices.
Represents a label and a numerical value.
It can be used either as a slice inside a pie chart, or as a bar in a category bar chart.
Represents a chart.
A factory class to create instances of different kinds of charts.
Represents a dashboard configuration in DashboardExportSpec.
Contains all required information to export a dashboard.
Represents the available dashboard export types.
Operations on the add-on's dashboard.
Provides the entry point to operations applied on the dashboard.
Represents chart data.
Represents a Data Element Concept.
Encapsulates the common data types that are supported for ParameterDefinition.
It is used for parsing or formatting the value of parameters.
Represents a date outcome of IndicatorReport.
This abstract class must be extended to define the behavior of an indicator running on a Data Element Concept.
Execution context for a Data Element Concept.
The on-demand context for a data element concept.
The on-probe context for a data element concept.
The execution environment for a Data Element Concept.
An enumeration class for Data Element Concept sub types.
An enumeration class for Data Element Concept types.
Provides default implementations for optional properties of an IndicatorDefinition, and allows users to define the behavior of a DECIndicator.
Provides default implementations for optional properties of an IndicatorDefinition, and offers the ability to define the behavior of a WorkflowIndicator.
Represents the chart's display options.
Thrown during execution of an Indicator.
The factory for all EBX Insight Add-on's service instances.
A trigger to declare on any tables under the control of OnProbe indicators.
If the table has any existing triggers, a call to IndicatorController.executeOnProbe(DECIndicatorExecutionContextOnProbe) must be made.
Provides the list of parameters available when declaring an email template.
Data Element Concept sub-type for field type.
Declares the types of fields an Indicator works on.
Also see SchemaTypeName (EBX® API).
Retrieves specific data in the Flat data table or the Big data table from IndicatorExecutionContext.
Contains definitions of the fields in the Flat data report table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Defines a value set in either the Big data table or the Flat data table.
Represents the policy to format and parse various data types.
An enumeration class for frequency types.
Provides additional information for a ParameterDefinition, which is used for chart generation.
An enumeration class for UI component types such as dropdown box, check box, radio button, text box and date-picker.
This abstract class must be extended to define the behavior of an indicator.
Offers accessors to the configuration.
The entry point for indicator execution.
The factory class of IndicatorController.
Defines an indicator.
Guides and inputs the indicator declaration in the user interface.
Provides a catalog to register indicators.
Represents the configuration of an IndicatorDefinition.
The execution context of the indicator.
Execution environment of the indicator.
The Java Bean container an Indicator's outcomes.
Retrieves specific data in the Indicator report table and the Indicator value table from IndicatorExecutionContext.
The definitions of the fields in the Indicator report table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Global execution result of all indicators.
Defines the storage of results.
The factory class of IndicatorStorage.
Defines an atomic outcome of IndicatorReport.
The definitions of the fields in the Indicator value table - Insight - Reporting data set.
Represents an integer outcome of IndicatorReport.
Represents popular interval formats.
Represents an interval outcome of indicator execution.
Represents the legend's position.
Represents a collections of points.
It is used inside an axis, as part of the line chart and bar chart data.
The options for a line chart.
The relevant records that affect an indicator result.
Declares the rule that defines what kind of records affecting an indicator result.
Retrieves the rule that defines what kinds of records affecting an indicator result.
Definition of a constraint for a multiple occurred parameter or enumeration.
Represents a chart's options.
The definition of a constraint for the value of a parameter.
The definition of an Indicator input or output parameter.
Represents a percentage outcome of indicator execution.
Represents period types supported by the add-on.
Represents the data for a pie chart.
The class for pie chart options.
To define a value with a string label or a localized label.
An enumeration class for probe types.
Enumerates date options.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Defines the input of the Purge indicator service.
Enumerates storage options.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Declares associations between output parameters and reporting fields in the Flat data report table or the Big data report table of Insight - Reporting data sets.
Offers accessors to the reporting.
Identifies a named type definition that extends EBX® and is supported by the add-on.
Defines a service.
Purge indicator service.
Represents the result of a service execution.
Defines the settings for a service execution.
Defines all the services that are available in the API.
Represents the common options for axis charts.
Notably line charts, bar charts and category bar charts.
Represents the size of a two dimensional rectangle.
The options for a line chart.
Represents a string outcome of IndicatorReport.
Represents a template.
Represents the configured Watchdog for the Indicator.
The definition of a watchdog for an Indicator.
Represents a sub-type for the workflow Data Element Concept type.
This abstract class must be extended to define the behavior of an indicator run on a workflow.
The on-demand context for a workflow.
The execution environment for a workflow.