Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I01 |
Name | Number of workflow publications |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | Compute the number of active and inactive workflow publications existing in the repository. Note: when a workflow is published multiple times, the user has the choice of replacing the current publication, in which case EBX® saves a snapshot of the publication and makes it inactive before updating. These publications are visible in Administration workflow and can be activated again if desirable. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | ''Number of active publications": integer "Number of inactive publications: integer |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table. |
Input parameters | N/A |
Computation frequency | 'On demand' |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=no Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | No |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONNbWorkflowPublication |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I02 |
Name | Number of open workflow instances per publication |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | Compute the number of workflow instances for a workflow publication |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | ''Number of open instances": integer |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table. |
Input parameters | N/A |
Computation frequency | 'On demand' |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=no Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | No |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONNbWorkfowInstancesPerPublication |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I03 |
Name | Number of work items per state for a workflow publication |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | For all instances of a workflow publication the indicator computes the number of work items for each possible state: allocated, offered, started, completed and error. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | ''Number of allocated work items": integer "Number of offered work items": integer "Number of started work items": integer "Number of completed work items": integer "Number of error work items":integer |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table. |
Input parameters | N/A |
Computation frequency | 'On demand' |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=no Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | No |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONNbWorkItemStateForWokflowPublication |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I04 |
Name | Task average processing time for a workflow publication |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | This indicator computes the average processing time of each task for all the instances of a workflow publication during a period (periodicity of control). The computation is performed in an 'absolute' mode, and not on a rolling basis. For example, for the 'monthly' periodicity, if the indicator executes on April 5, then the period is the first five days of April. You can also configure a user (input parameter) when the computation must be applied to only a user. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | "Average processing time": Interval (the format is defined by configuring the input parameter "Interval format") "Task name": String "User": User profile |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table for each task. |
Input parameters | "Maximum of outputs": Integer (default = unbounded) "User": User profile (if undefined then the computation is achieved for all users and profiles). "Interval format": enumeration, with such possible values: (x weeks, y days), (x days, y hours), (x days, y hours, z minutes, w seconds), etc. "Calculate from the time offered or allocated": If set to 'Yes', a task's processing time will be calculated from the moment it is offered or allocated. Otherwise the calculation uses the start time of the task. |
Computation frequency | "On demand" |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=yearly, semester, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, any Minimum threshold=no, Maximum threshold=no, Tolerance number=no |
Probe | no |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONTaskAverageProcessingTimeForAWorkflowPublication |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I05 |
Name | Longest task duration |
Specification | This indicator computes the tasks with the longest durations for a wokflow publication during a period (periodicity of control). The computation is performed in an 'absolute' mode, and not on a rolling basis. For example, for the 'monthly' periodicity, if the indicator executes on April 5, then the period is the first five days of April. If the periodicity of control is set to 'any' then all time is considered. In this case, the 'From date' output is the creation time of the task, and the 'To date' is the indicator execution time. If the periodicity of control is set to 'none' then the input parameters are used. All instances of the publication are used. Only the tasks which have the started date in the range of the periodicity get computed. The duration is the difference between the started and the completed states. A task that is not completed is considered to have completed date equal to the date of the indicator execution. The maximum number of tasks durations is configured through the input parameter 'Maximum of output'. You can also configure a user (input parameter) when the computation must be applied to a user only. |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Worklfow |
Output parameters | "Task name": String "Task duration of a workflow instance": Interval (The duration between the start time and end time of a workflow instance's task represented through the 'Interval format'.) "Task average duration of all workflow instances": Interval (The average duration between the start time and end time of a task of all workflow instances represented through the 'Interval format'.) "From date": Timestamp "To date": Timestamp "User": User profile |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table for each task. |
Input parameters | "Maximum of output": Integer (default value = 1) "From date": Timestamp "To date": Timestamp "User": User-profile (if undefined then the computation is achieved for all users and profiles). "Interval format": enumeration, with such possible values: (x weeks, y days), (x days, y hours), (x days, y hours, z minutes, w seconds), etc. "Calculate from the time offered or allocated": If set to 'Yes', a task's processing time will be calculated from the moment it is offered or allocated. Otherwise the calculation uses the start time of the task. "Average calculation for all instances": If set to 'Yes', the indicator will compute the average duration of a task for all instances. Otherwise it will compute the task duration for each instance separately. |
Computation frequency | "On demand" |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=yearly, semester, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, any, none Minimum threshold=no, Maximum threshold=no, Tolerance number=no |
Probe | no |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONLongestTaskDuration |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I06 |
Name | Workflow publication average processing time |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | This indicator computes the average processing time for a workflow publication during a period (periodicity of control). The computation is performed in an 'absolute' mode, and not on a rolling basis. For example, for the 'monthly' periodicity, if the indicator executes on April 5, then the period is the first five days of April. If the periodicity of control is set to 'any' then all time is considered. In this case, the 'From date' output is the creation time of the task, and the 'To date' output is the indicator execution time. If the periodicity of control is set to 'none' then the input parameters are used. All completed instances of the publication are used. The duration is the difference between the started and the completed date of all tasks. You can also configure a user (input parameter) when the computation must be applied to a user only. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Worklfow |
Output parameters | ''Workflow publication average processing time': Interval (the format is defined by configuring the input parameter "Interval format") "From date": Timestamp "To date": Timestamp "User": User-profile |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table. |
Input parameters | "From date": Timestamp "To date": Timestamp "User": User-profile (if undefined then the computation is achieved for all users and profiles). "Interval format": enumeration, with such possible values: (x weeks, y days), (x days, y hours), (x days, y hours, z minutes, w seconds), etc. "Calculate from the time offered or allocated": If set to 'Yes', a task's processing time will be calculated from the moment it is offered or allocated. Otherwise the calculation uses the start time of the task. |
Computation frequency | "On demand" |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=yearly, semester, quarterly, monthly, weekly, daily, any, none Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | no |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONWorkflowPublicationAverageProcessingTime |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I08 |
Name | Completed workflow instances since last execution |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | This indicator's goal is to provide reporting on the number of workflow instances closed during a period of time (time elapsed since 2 executions of the workflow). Coupled with the scheduler it can provide information on the efficiency of a team to process a particular workflow over time. For ex: if executed once a month, the final output can show if the team is improving it's "performance" or not. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | "Number of completed workflow instances": Integer |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table. |
Input parameters | Void |
Computation frequency | 'On demand' |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=no Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | no |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONClosedWorkflowInstanceSinceLastExecution |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I09 |
Name | Workflow instances statistics |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | Compute the numbers of workflow instances in different states (In progress, Rejected/Cancelled, and Validated) and the average validation duration for a workflow publication during a period. Only terminated tasks are considered for the validation duration. The computation is performed in an 'absolute' mode, not on a rolling basis. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | 'Number of instances in progress': Integer. Not yet finished instances. 'Number of rejected/cancelled instances': Integer. Rejected or manually cancelled instances. 'Number of validated instances': Integer. Successfully finished instances. 'Average validation duration': Interval (the format is defined by configuring the input parameter 'Interval format'). |
Supported chart types | Line chart: All outputs Pie chart:
Bar chart: All outputs |
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table. |
Input parameters | 'Interval format': enumeration, with such possible values: (x weeks, y days), (x days, y hours), (x days, y hours, z minutes, w seconds), etc. |
Computation frequency | 'On demand' |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=yearly, semester, quarterly, monthly (default), weekly, daily, any. Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | no |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONWorkfowInstancesStatistics |
Property | Specification |
Code | [ON] W-I10 |
Name | Task acceptance statistics for a workflow publication |
Use other indicators | N/A |
Specification | This indicator computes the number of accepted work items and the number of rejected work items together with their corresponding percentage of each task for all instances of a workflow publication during a period. The computation is performed in an 'absolute' mode, not on a rolling basis. |
Linked records | no |
Applied to D.E.C. type | Workflow |
Output parameters | 'Task name': String 'Number of acceptances': Integer 'Number of rejections': Integer 'Acceptance percent': Percentage 'Rejection percent': Percentage |
Supported chart types | Line chart: All output parameters (limited to the first sequence) Pie chart:
Bar chart:
Storage procedure | Any resulting value is stored |
Reporting table | 'Flat data report' - One record is saved in the Flat data report table for each task. |
Input parameters | N/A |
Computation frequency | 'On demand' |
Periodicity of control and watchdog | Periodicity of control=yearly, semester, quarterly, monthly (default), weekly, daily, any. Minimum threshold=no Maximum threshold=no Tolerance number=no |
Probe | no |
Save last value only | Configuration |
Email alert | Configuration |
Data view | ONTaskAcceptanceStatisticsForWokflowPublication |