This release was updated to ensure compatibility with TIBCO EBX® version 6.2.0 and the Add-ons Bundle version 6.2.0.
This release includes no updated functionality.
This release contains the following third-party library updates:
Angular was upgraded to version 15.
Spring Web MVC was updated to version 6.1.8.
This release includes no closed issues.
This release contains the following known issues:
Dashboard export: There are several differences in styles between the charts on browsers and those in the exported files.
Flat data report: Dynamic labels and descriptions are not applied when directly accessing the table in the reporting datasets.
Hierarchy view by data models on the Indicator on D.E.C. table: Orders of data elements may not be the same as in the data models.
The date format used in the calendar and on chart axis annotations behaves as follows:
English: MM/dd/yyyy
French: dd/MM/yyyy
All other locales will follow English.