Cloud Software Group, Inc. EBX®
Match and Merge Documentation > User Guide > General Tasks and Views
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Managing groups

During matching, the add-on groups records that meet the criteria to be considered positive matches. The add-on also identifies records that are suspected of matching records in a group. When you manage a group of records, you can compare records, view record metadata, accept suspect records as duplicates, and reject false positive results. You can also enter the Merge view to merge data into a golden record.

After a matching operation, you can open the Manage group view:

The following image and table describe available actions:


1) Actions and View menus

The Actions menu allows you to:

  • Select and remove records from the list of matches by selecting Matches > Remove. Any removed records are categorized as false positive matches and are not grouped with a record's suspects or matches. See the bullet point below on metadata for additional information about false positive categorization.

  • Accept or reject suspect records as matches using the corresponding option under Suspects. When you confirm that a record is a positive match, the add-on moves it to the list of matches where it can be used in a merge operation. If you reject a suspect record, the add-on marks it as a false positive and will no longer include it in groups with the current records.

  • Compare two selected records using the Compare service.

  • Use the Evaluate matching service to see how two records were evaluated in the matching process.

  • Use the Unmerge option to revert a merge operation.

  • Use the Metadata service to view a selected record's matching-specific metadata. When viewing metadata, you can use the Identified as false positives tab to see records that were manually identified as not matching with the selected record. False positive records are no longer grouped with a record's suspects or matches. You can use the Actions menu when viewing metadata to remove the false positive categorization to reverse this behavior. Note that in some instances, merged records marked as false positive can be re-included in groups. In these cases the add-on uses the /false-positive-icon.png icon as a designation. You can hover your mouse over the icon to view list of related false positives.

The View menu allows you to select from any predefined table views. This allows you to create specific tabular views optimized for performing matching-related tasks. Note that the menu displayed in the add-on does not provide the option to create a new view. Instead, create these views from the standard EBX® tabular view by opening the View menu selecting Create a new view.

2) List of matches

The list of records identified as matching. Records are considered matches if they meet the criteria set out in the matching configuration, or if you confirm a record in the Suspects list. Use the Reject icon to remove a record from the list. Double-click a record value to open the record in the details view.

3) List of suspects

This list contains records that were determined to be suspects. A record is considered a suspect when it meets the criteria defined in a matching policy. The icons displayed at the top of the list and across from each record allow you to: reject all records, reject individual records, or accept individual records. Double-click a record value to open the record in the details view.

4) Merge button and Set as golden icon (not shown)

The Merge button opens the Merge view and makes all of the records in the Matches pane available for a manual merge.

The /set_golden_icon.png displays when the Matches group contains only one record and its state is not yet golden. Selecting this icon sets the record to golden. If this button is enabled and there are suspects, setting the record to golden will automatically reject the others as suspects.

The Manage group view is slightly different when matching is performed on business objects. The Actions menu combines options for the Matches and Suspects pane. As shown in the following image, you can choose to display related tables; display fields included in matching only; show all fields in the business object.
