EBX® Add-ons Version 6.2.0

Classes and interfaces to call Adix import and export.
Provides the extension API.
Provides the interfaces and classes to perform backup and restore operations on the {addon.label.full} dataset.
Provides Entity Beans for working with digital assets.
Provides the interface to perform actions on media fields using Digital Asset Component services.
Provides the interface to perform actions on digital assets contained in a drive.
Provides enumerations for permissions on assets, asset state, and sorting assets.
Supplies a class to define the result of an operation's execution and allows you to define an exception for the add-on.
Provides factories to register and retrieve implementations.
Provides classes to register resource.
Provides the API for a Drive that accesses an externally managed storage location.
Provides Entity Beans for working with external management assets.
Provides Entity Beans request to access external management.
Provides the Entity Beans response after accessing external management.
Provide class to retrieve attached assets from media field.
Provide classes to call {addon.label} services.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} import, export and transfer data.
Classes and interfaces to define mappings in {addon.label} SQL import and export.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} transformation functions to convert data for import, export and transfer.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} import Excel, CSV, XML and transfer data service using validators.
Classes and interfaces to call the {addon.label} import, export and transfer.
Provides the classes and interfaces used to supply a context for integrating {addon.label} services.
Classes and interfaces used to generate tables, fields and mappings for the XML and SQL import, export and transfer data services.
Classes and interfaces to define specifications for the import, export and transfer data services.
Classes and interfaces to configure mapping between source and target applications.
Classes and interfaces to define a result when executing data import, export and transfer.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} transformation functions for the import, export and transfer data services.
Classes and interfaces to call {addon.label} import Excel, CSV, XML and transfer data services using validator.
Provides classes and interfaces to execute a data integration task.
Provides classes for source and target table specifications.
Provides classes and interfaces for creating a mapping specification between source and target tables.
Provides classes and interfaces for creating the field mapping steps and the transformation mapping steps.
Provides classes and interfaces that represent fields and tables for the supported data source.
Provides classes and interfaces that represent a specification for a user defined template.
Provides classes and interfaces to define and register transformations.
Provides classes and interfaces for creating an aggregate transformation.
Provides classes and interfaces for creating a conversion transformation.
Provides classes and interfaces for creating a query transformation.
Provides classes and interfaces for creating a split transformation.
Provides an exception class for the Add-on.
Provides common classes for the Data value graphs API.
Provides the interfaces and class to define a filter that depends on the currently evaluated link.
Provides the interfaces and classes to define the label for a link or node.
Provides the interfaces and classes to define the style for a link that depends on the currently evaluated link.
Provides a widget factory to create a data value and relationship graph in the UI.
Provides the interface and classes to generate data model graphs from external sources and customize look and feel.
Provides common classes to build a custom layout for nodes of each tables.
Provides common classes to build a node template.
Classes and interfaces to call the Dynamic data modeling service.
Provides the factory for all operations in the add-on.
Provides classes and interfaces to create custom functions.
Provides classes and interfaces to perform operations on indicators.
Provides classes and interfaces to define, publish and execute indicators.
Provides classes to define charts and write them to an HTML document.
Provides common classes that are used by other classes such as exceptions and enumerations.
Provides classes to execute indicators on-demand, or using triggers.
Provides classes to operate with add-on's dashboard.
Provides APIs to execute the {addon.label} services.
Provides classes and interfaces required for the Search and History operations.