Documentation > Administration Guide > Installation & configuration > Installation notes
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Installation note for WebLogic 12c R2



  • This chapter describes a quick installation example of TIBCO EBX® on the WebLogic Server.

  • It does not replace the documentation of this application server.

  • They are not general installation recommendations, as the installation process is determined by architectural decisions, such as the technical environment, application mutualization, delivery process, and organizational decisions.

  • The complete description of the components needed by EBX® is given in the following chapter: Java EE deployment.

  • In order to avoid unpredictable behavior, the guideline to follow is to avoid any duplicates of ebx.jar or other libraries in the class-loading system.



  1. To download WebLogic 12c R2, please refer to https://edelivery.oracle.com/osdc/faces/Home.jspx

  2. Run the 'Fusion Middleware Configuration Wizard' (<weblogic_home>/oracle_common/common/bin/config.sh) and perform a standard installation with default options:

    1. Create Domain: choose 'Create a new domain' and specify the domain home folder, then click 'Next'

    2. Templates: keep as default and click 'Next'

    3. Administrator Account: enter a domain administrator username and password and click 'Next'

    4. Domain Mode and JDK: choose the production mode and your jdk installation home and click 'Next'

    5. Advanced configuration: check 'Administration server' and 'Topology'. That way, we create two independent domain nodes: an administration one and an application one, and click 'Next'

    6. Administration Server: enter your administration node name (for example 'AdminServer') and listen port (by default 7001), then click 'Next'

    7. Managed Servers: add the application node name (for example 'EbxServer') and listen port (for example 7003), then click 'Next'

    8. Clusters: keep as default and click 'Next'

    9. Machines: keep as default and click 'Next'

    10. Virtual Targets: keep as default and click 'Next'

    11. Partitions: keep as default and click 'Next'

    12. Configuration Summary: click 'Create'

    13. Configuration Process: click 'Next'

    14. End Of Configuration: click 'Finish'

Configuration for EBX®

  1. Create the EBX_HOME directory, for example C:\EBX\home, or /home/ebx

  2. Copy from the EBX® CD the ebx.software\files\ebx.properties file to EBX_HOME. In our example, we will then have the following file:

    C:\EBX\home\ebx.properties, or /home/ebx/ebx.properties, a text file

  3. Edit the ebx.properties file to override the default database if needed, by default the standalone H2 database is defined. The property key ebx.persistence.factory must be uncommented for other supported databases and it is required to comment the h2.standalone one.

  4. Configure the launch properties for the Managed Server (for example 'EbxServer')

    Edit the <DOMAIN_HOME>/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh script file by adding the following lines:

    EBX_OPTIONS="-Debx.home=${EBX_HOME} -Debx.properties=${EBX_HOME}/ebx.properties"
  5. Copy third-party library files to the <DOMAIN_HOME>/lib directory. In our example, for an H2 standalone data base, we will have:

    h2.jar (default persistence factory)

    The exact description of these components is given in chapter Components. Obviously, if those components are already deployed on the class-loading system, they do not have to be duplicated (ex: mail.jar and xml-apis-1.4.01.jar are already present in the WebLogic Server).

  6. Start the 'Administration server' (for example 'AdminServer'), <DOMAIN_HOME>/bin/startWebLogic.sh

  7. Launch the 'WebLogic Server Administration Console', enter the following url in the browser:


    Log in with the domain administrator username and password

  8. Click on 'Services > Data sources' in the 'Domain Structure' panel, then click on the 'New > Generic Data Source' button

    1. Type Name: EBX_REPOSITORY, JNDI Name: EBX_REPOSITORY Database Type: Your database type and click 'Next'

    2. Choose your database driver type, and click 'Next'

    3. Uncheck 'Supports Global Transactions', and click 'Next'

    4. Setup your database 'Connection Properties' and click 'Next'

    5. Click 'Test Configuration' and then 'Finish'

    6. Switch on the 'Targets' tab and select all Servers, then click 'Save'

    7. Restart the Administration server (for example 'AdminServer')



Deploying EBX®

  1. Copy from the EBX® CD the ebx.software/webapps/ear-packaging/EBXForWebLogic.ear to the EBX_HOME directory. In our example, we will have:

    C:\EBX\home\EBXForWebLogic.ear, or /home/ebx/EBXForWebLogic.ear

  2. Launch the 'WebLogic Server Administration Console', enter the following url in the browser:


  3. Click on 'Lock and Edit' in the 'Change Center' panel

  4. Click on 'Deployments' in the 'Domain Structure' panel, and click 'Install'

    1. Install Application Assistant: Enter in 'Path' the application full path to EBXForWebLogic.ear file, located on C:\EBX\home\, or /home/ebx/ folder and click 'Next'

    2. Choose the installation type and scope: Click on 'Install this deployment as an application' and 'Global' default scope and click 'Next'

    3. Select the deployment targets: Select a node name (for example 'EbxServer') from the 'Servers' list and click 'Next'

    4. Optional Settings: keep as default and click 'Finish'

  5. Click on 'Activate Changes', on the top left corner. The deployment status will change to 'prepared'

  6. Switch to 'Control' tab, select the 'EBXForWebLogic' enterprise application, then click on 'Start' > 'Servicing all requests'

  7. Start the application node name (for example 'EbxServer'),

    <DOMAIN_HOME>/bin/startManagedWebLogic.sh EbxServer http://localhost:7001

Start EBX®

  1. After WebLogic Server launch, run the EBX® web application: http://localhost:7003/ebx/

  2. At first launch, EBX® Wizard helps you to configure the default properties of your initial repository

Documentation > Administration Guide > Installation & configuration > Installation notes