This document lists the Java API changes made in this release. The comparison is performed between the current version and 5.8.0[v1054].
Nomenclature.addItemValue(T, String)
Adds a NomenclatureItemValue with the specified content to this instance.
Nomenclature.addItemValue(T, String[])
Adds to this instance a {NomenclatureItemValue} with the specified content.
Nomenclature.addItemValue(T, String[], Locale[])
Adds a {NomenclatureItemValue} with the specified content to this instance.
Nomenclature.addItemWithMessage(T, UserMessage)
Adds a NomenclatureItemWithMessage with the specified content to this instance.
Returns a label comparator.
Returns the empty nomenclature (immutable).
Replaces the value with the specified object.
public NomenclatureItemValue(T, java.lang.String[], java.util.Locale[])
This interface provides constants for the built-in RESTful services.
Administration report keys, parameters and operation name.
Authentication report keys, parameters and operation name.
Data keys and parameters.
Error report keys.
History keys and parameters.
Meta keys and parameters.
Pagination keys and parameters.
Procedure context keys.
Selector keys and parameters.
Indicates if the validation reports of the datasets contained in the parent dataspace are copied during the creation of the new dataspace.
Specifies whether the validation reports of the datasets contained in the parent dataspace must by copied in the child to be created.
This runtime exception is thrown by some methods which try to change the interaction state while the current interaction state has already been accepted or rejected.
This runtime exception is thrown by some methods related to interactions.
Constraint.checkOccurrence(T, ValueContextForValidation)
Checks the specified value and adds an error message if invalid.
ConstraintEnumeration.displayOccurrence(T, ValueContext, Locale)
Returns a string representation of the value specified for the end-user (a label).
Returns the uniqueness constraints applied on this table using the property xs:unique.
Returns true if the validation is disabled on this node.
Specifies an XPath filter that will be applied in the user interface to perform a search on the associated foreign key field.
Returns true if this association is over an XPath predicate.
Returns the validation policy of this facet.
This interface contains the information for an association that is over an XPath predicate (osd:association/xpathLink property).
Represents the validation policy defined by a facet using the property osd:validation.
Defines a uniqueness constraint (property xs:unique) held by a table node in a data model.
@see #setUnmatchedXMLElementIgnored(boolean) @since 5.8.1
Specifies whether the XML import should be tolerant to ignore extra columns that are not defined in the model.
Returns true if the current user or the session has at least one profile from the specified profile list.
Represents a list of URL query parameters.
public static final com.orchestranetworks.service.ServiceKey OPEN_LINK_RECORD
Built-in service to edit the record that links an associated object to its parent record.
Specifies that the hierarchy must be displayed expanded.
UIResourceLocator.getURLForRest(String, URLQuery)
Returns the REST URL string for the specified path and query.
public static final com.orchestranetworks.ui.UIButtonIcon DUPLICATE
@since 5.8.1
Returns a new dataset selector.
Returns a dataspace selector.
Returns the published view that will be used in the combo-box selection of the associated foreign key field.
Specifies the name of the published view that will be used in the combo-box selection of the associated foreign key field.
Returns the previously set foreground color.
Sets the foreground color of the component input.
A widget made of a combo box displaying the dataset tree and a text box for filtering.
A widget made of a combo box displaying the dataspace tree and a text box for filtering.
Sets the toolbar to one defined programmatically.
The current user service will close and user will be redirected.
Returns true if the underlying record or dataset has been deleted, possibly by another user.
UserServiceObjectContextBuilder.registerNewDuplicatedRecord(ObjectKey, Adaptation)
Registers a new duplicated record in the object context.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForAction(UserServiceEvent, URLQuery)
Returns a URL that will trigger an action event when clicked by a user.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForAjaxRequest(UserServiceAjaxRequest, URLQuery)
Returns a URL that will invoke an Ajax request callback.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForGetRequest(UserServiceGetRequest, URLQuery)
Returns a URL that will invoke a GET request callback.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForResource(String, String, URLQuery)
Returns the URL string for the specified web resource.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForServiceSelection(ServiceKey, Adaptation, SchemaNode)
Returns a user interface URL which selects the specified node of the given record or dataset and starts the specified service on it.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForServiceSelection(ServiceKey, Adaptation, SchemaNode, URLQuery)
Returns a user interface URL which selects the specified node of the given record or dataset and starts the specified service on it.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForServiceSelection(ServiceKey, Adaptation, URLQuery)
Returns a user interface URL which selects the specified record or dataset and starts the specified service on it.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForServiceSelection(ServiceKey, AdaptationHome, URLQuery)
Returns a user interface URL that selects the specified dataspace or snapshot and starts the specified service on it.
UserServiceResourceLocator.getURLForServiceSelection(ServiceKey, URLQuery)
Returns a user interface URL to start the specified service.
UserServiceTransaction.add(ObjectKey, UserServiceTransaction.DeletedObjectOutcome)
Adds an object to be created or updated.
Extended interface that can be implemented by a user service.
This interface provides information and utility methods useful when initializing a user service.
Enumeration for specifying the outcome of a transaction when the underlying data, of the object being updated, was deleted by another thread.
WebComponentDeclarationContext.setAvailableAsWorkflowUserTask(boolean, boolean)
Defines if the service is proposed in the user interface used to define a workflow user task, and if this user service auto-completes itself by calling {SessionInteraction#complete(com.orchestranetworks.interactions.InteractionHelper.ParametersMap)} in its implementation.
Returns the publication identifier associated to the workflow launcher.
Deletes the data in history for workflows terminated from a given date.
Deletes the data in history for workflows terminated for a given ProcessInstanceKey.
Returns a list containing all the process instance keys for the specified publication key, including deleted processes.
Replays the current step of the specified workflow.
Nomenclature.addItemValue(Object, String)
Adds a NomenclatureItemValue with the specified content to this instance.
Nomenclature.addItemValue(Object, String[])
Adds to this instance a {NomenclatureItemValue} with the specified content.
Nomenclature.addItemValue(Object, String[], Locale[])
Adds a {NomenclatureItemValue} with the specified content to this instance.
Nomenclature.addItemWithMessage(Object, UserMessage)
Adds a NomenclatureItemWithMessage with the specified content to this instance.
Replaces the value with the specified object.
public NomenclatureItemValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String)
public NomenclatureItemValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String[])
public NomenclatureItemValue(java.lang.Object, java.lang.String[], java.util.Locale[])
Constraint.checkOccurrence(Object, ValueContextForValidation)
Checks the specified value and adds an error message if invalid.
ConstraintEnumeration.displayOccurrence(Object, ValueContext, Locale)
Returns a string representation of the value specified for the end-user (a label).