This document lists the Java API changes made in this release. The comparison is performed between the current version and 5.8.1 [v1067].
Method Adaptation.getDatasetReference()
Returns the reference that uniquely identifies this dataset in its dataspace.
Method Adaptation.getValidationReport(ValidationSpec)
Returns the validation report of this dataset or record according to the specified properties.
Method Adaptation.getValidationReportForNode(SchemaNode, ValidationSpec)
Returns a validation report of the specified node according to the specified properties.
Method Adaptation.resetValidationReport(boolean)
Resets the validation report of this dataset.
Method AdaptationHome.resetValidationReports()
Resets the validation reports of the datasets contained in this dataspace.
Method AdaptationTable.getValidationReport(ValidationSpec)
Returns the validation report associated with this table according to the specified properties.
Method AdaptationTable.resetValidationReport()
Resets the validation report of this table.
Interface D3NodeAsSlaveOnStartup
Context having specific repository privileges to set up a D3 replica node, during EBX® module registration.
Enum CategoryVersion
This enumeration provides built-in EBX® category version services.
Interface Constants
This interface provides constants for the built-in RESTful services.
Interface Constants.Admin
Administration report keys, parameters and operation name.
Interface Constants.Auth
Authentication report keys, parameters and operation name.
Interface Constants.Data
Data keys and parameters.
Interface Constants.Error
Error report keys.
Interface Constants.Hierarchy
Hierarchy keys and parameters.
Interface Constants.History
History keys and parameters.
Interface Constants.Meta
Meta keys and parameters.
Interface Constants.Pagination
Pagination keys and parameters.
Interface Constants.ProcedureContext
Procedure context keys.
Interface Constants.Selector
Selector keys and parameters.
Interface DatabaseMapping
This interface allows interacting with the name of columns in the database.
Interface NewRecordContext
Context providing information on a record creation.
Method Repository.getDatabaseMapping()
Returns the delegate for interacting with the names of database tables and columns.
Method Repository.getDefaultLocale()
Returns the EBX® default locale.
Method Repository.getLocales()
Returns the EBX® declared locales.
Method Repository.newAnonymizer()
Returns a new delegate to be invoked for anonymization.
Method Repository.reopenHome(AdaptationHome, Session)
Reopens the specified home.
Interface RepositoryAnonymizer
Allows anonymization of records.
Interface RepositoryAnonymizer.RecordContext
Represents a record to be anonymized, granting the privilege to modify some field values.
Constant RepositoryId.LENGTH
Repository identifier length.
Constant RepositoryId.PATTERN
Repository identifier string pattern.
Method ModuleContextOnRepositoryStartup.createSystemUserSession(String)
Creates a session executing as the "system user".
Interface ModuleInitializedContext
Context for the registration of dynamic resources and module-specific initializations.
Interface ModuleRegistration
Ensures the EBX® module registration.
Interface ModuleRegistrationAdvancedD3
Completes module registration so as to be able to properly set up the required environment of a D3 replica node.
Class ModuleRegistrationListener
Ensures the EBX® module registration from a servlet context listener.
Interface ApplicationConfigurator
Provides methods to register specific REST Toolkit JAX-RS application components and package scan boundaries.
Interface ApplicationConstant
This interface provides constants for JAX-RS applications configuration.
Class LocalizedException
Class that can be extended by exceptions that return a localized error message.
Class RESTApplicationAbstract
Defines the components for a REST Toolkit JAX-RS application.
Class UnprocessableEntityException
A runtime exception indicating that the request was understood and the syntax was correct but that the server was unable to process the contained instructions.
Annotation AnonymousAccessEnabled
Annotation used to allow anonymous access on a given REST resource Java method.
Annotation Authorization
Annotation used to apply a specified {AuthorizationRule} on REST resource Java methods.
Annotation Documentation
Annotation used to document the purpose of a JAX-RS matched resource.
Interface SessionContext
This interface provides EBX® information for the current REST request.
Interface AuthorizationContext
Context providing useful information for checking authorization on REST resources.
Class AuthorizationOutcome
Defines the authorization for whether or not a user can access a REST resource.
Interface AuthorizationRule
A rule restricting access to the requested REST resource.
Interface BuiltinQueryParam
This interface specifies the HTTP builtin query parameters of the REST Toolkit.
Enum ResourceType
Identifies a type of packaged resource.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin
This class provides useful methods to generate URI to EBX® built-in REST services.
Interface URIBuilderForResource
This class provides useful methods to generate URI to EBX® packaged resources.
Interface URIInfoUtility
This class provides useful methods to generate URI specific to EBX®.
Constructor ConstraintViolationException(UserMessage)
Method SchemaExtensionsContext.setAccessRuleForCreateOnNode(Path, AccessRuleForCreate)
Declares that the access to a record node may be restricted by the specified rule while in a record creation context.
Declares that the access to an element's subtree may be restricted in a record creation context by the specified {AccessRuleForCreate}.
Method SchemaNode.isCheckNullInput()
Returns the value of the propertyosd:checkNullInput.
Method TableRefFilter.getValidationMessage(Adaptation, ValueContext)
Returns a validation message according to the specified context.
Method BeanElement.addFacetTableRef(AdaptationReference, Path)
Adds a table reference constraint to this element in the current dataspace or snapshot.
Method AssociationLink.getRecordFormFactoryClass()
Returns the specific {UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactory} class defined on this association node (property recordForm osd:class) or null if no {UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactory} class has been defined.
Method NewTransientOccurrenceContext.getValueContext()
Returns the value context of the record being created.
Interface AccessRuleForCreate
Specifies a programmatic access rule invoked only when a record is created.
Interface AccessRuleForCreateContext
Provides the context of the record creation for which the access rule is being called.
Method ProcedureContext.disableDatasetValidation(Adaptation)
Disables the constraints defined in the data model of the specified dataset during the execution of this procedure.
Constant ServiceKey.MY_PROFILE
Built-in service to access current user's profile settings.
Method SessionPermissions.getNodeAccessPermissionForCreate(SchemaNode, AdaptationTable)
Returns the current user's access rights on the specified node in a creation context.
Method ValidationReport.hasSkippedValidation()
Returns true if this validation report is empty because the validation of the dataset, table or record didn't wait for the end of a concurrent validation.
Method ValidationReportItem.isValidationMessageThresholdItem()
Returns true if this item is related to the maximum number of validation messages to consider per constraint when performing a validation.
Class ValidationSpec
Defines the properties for validating a dataset, a table or a record.
Enum ValidationSpec.RefreshPolicy
Defines the refresh policy for validating a dataset, a table or a record.
Method ValueContextForUpdate.setValueEnablingPrivilegeForNode(Object, Path)
Utility method to set a value for the specified node while disabling all permission checks for this node.
Method DirectoryDefault.formerEncryptString(String)
Returns the encrypted string corresponding to the specified 'clear-text' password, as per releases prior to 5.9.15.
Method DirectoryDefault.hashPassword(String, String)
Returns the SHA-512 hash of the password, and uses the login as salt.
Interface HashComputation
Defines an interface to compute the hash of a password.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_form_setMandatoryIndicator(String, boolean)
Adds or removes a mandatory indicator (*) next to the label of the specified node to simulate that it is mandatory.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_getContainerWindow(Object)
Returns the web component window hosting a user service, UIForm, custom widget or UIBean.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_getContentWindow(Object)
Returns the window directly hosting the content displayed in the workspace.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_getWorkspaceTitle()
Gets the title of the current workspace in which the component is running.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_setWorkspaceTitle(String)
Sets the title of the current workspace in which the component is running.
Constant UIButtonIcon.FILTER
@since 5.9.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.MORE_VERT
@since 5.9.0
Border color for an error This CSS class only defines a border-color.
Border color for an info This CSS class only defines a border-color.
Border color for a warning This CSS class only defines a border-color.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.getAdditionalParameterValue(String)
Returns the requested additional parameter or null if this parameter is not defined.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.getAdditionalParameters()
Returns all additional parameters.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.selectPerspective(String)
Selects the specified perspective.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.selectPerspectiveAction(String, String)
Selects the specified perspective action.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.setAdditionalParameter(String, String)
Adds an additional parameter.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.setAdditionalParameters(Map)
Adds additional parameters.
Method UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_switchToPerspectiveAction(String, String)
Changes the page of the highest EBX® frame to the specified perspective action.
Method UILabelRendererContext.isHTMLForbidden()
Returns {true} if the HTML tags in the label are escaped, {false} if they are interpreted.
Method UIResourceLocator.getURLForPerspectiveSelection(String)
Returns a URL that, when used, changes the current navigation context to the specified perspective.
Method UIResourceLocator.getURLForPerspectiveSelection(String, String)
Returns a URL that, when used, changes the current navigation context to the specified perspective action.
Class DisplayMode
Defines how a toolbar action has to be displayed on launch.
Class DisplayMode.ModalCustom
Indicates that the modal should be of the specified custom size.
Class DisplayMode.ModalMedium
Indicates that the modal should be of the built-in medium size.
Class DisplayMode.Workspace
Indicates that the action should be displayed in the workspace.
Method WebComponentAction.getDisplayMode()
@see #setDisplayMode(DisplayMode) @since 5.9.0
Method WebComponentAction.setDisplayMode(DisplayMode)
Specifies how the action should be displayed at launch.
Method UIFormPane.isPaddingEnabled()
This method allows this pane to declare that a padding must be applied on display.
Method UIFormWriter.addJS_setNodeMandatoryIndicator(boolean, Path)
Adds or removes a mandatory indicator (*) next to the label of the specified node to simulate that it is mandatory.
Method UITable.getRowToolbar()
Returns the programmatic toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.getRowToolbarName()
Returns the name of the toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.getTopToolbar()
Returns the programmatic toolbar to display on top.
Method UITable.getTopToolbarName()
Returns the name of the toolbar to display on top.
Method UITable.isRowToolbarHidden()
Returns true if row toolbars are hidden.
Method UITable.isTopToolbarHidden()
Returns true if the table toolbar is hidden.
Method UITable.setRowToolbar(Toolbar)
Specifies the programmatic toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.setRowToolbarHidden(boolean)
Specifies whether the table should display its toolbars on rows.
Method UITable.setRowToolbarName(String)
Specifies the name of the toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.setTopToolbar(Toolbar)
Specifies the programmatic toolbar to display on top.
Method UITable.setTopToolbarHidden(boolean)
Specifies whether the table should display its toolbar.
Method UITable.setTopToolbarName(String)
Specifies the name of the toolbar to display on top.
Method ToolbarButton.setHighlighted(boolean)
Defines if this button should be highlighted.
Constant ToolbarLocation.PERSPECTIVE_MENU
Menu displayed in perspectives.
Constant ToolbarLocation.SIDEBAR
Menu displayed as a sidebar in the app.
Constant ToolbarLocation.WIDGET_SPECIFIC
Toolbar displayed in specific widgets.
Method ToolbarLocation.isSidebar()
Interface UserServiceForCreate
Extended interface that can be implemented by a user service replacing a creation form.
Interface UserServiceGetCreatedRecordContext
This interface defines methods to get contextual information about the user service being invoked.
Method UserServicePane.isPaddingEnabled()
This method allows this pane to declare that a padding must be applied on display.
Method UserServiceRawPane.isPaddingEnabled()
This method allows this pane to declare that a padding must be applied on display.
Method WebComponentDeclarationContext.setAvailableAsToolbarAction(boolean)
Defines whether the service is proposed in the user interface used to define a toolbar web component action.
Method ServicePermissionRuleContext.getEntitySelection()
Returns the current selection.
Interface UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext
This interface defines methods to get the contextual information when the user service must be created in replacement of the default record form, for an associated object to be created or accessed.
Interface UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext.ForCreate
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected association and current user session.
Interface UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext.ForDefault
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected association record and current user session.
Interface UserServiceAssociationRecordFormContext.ForDuplicate
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected association record and current user session.
Interface UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactory
This interface defines a factory to create a {UserService} replacing the default record form in the context of an associated object to be created or accessed.
Interface UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactoryContext
Provides methods for setting up a {UserServiceAssociationRecordFormFactory} in the context of its data model.
Interface UserServiceRecordFormContext
This interface defines methods to get contextual information when the user service must be created in replacement of the default record form.
Interface UserServiceRecordFormContext.ForCreate
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected table and current user session.
Interface UserServiceRecordFormContext.ForDefault
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected record and current user session.
Interface UserServiceRecordFormContext.ForDuplicate
This interface defines methods to get information on the current selected record and current user session.
Interface UserServiceRecordFormFactory
This interface defines a factory to create a {UserService} replacing the default model-driven record form.
Interface UserServiceRecordFormFactoryContext
Provides methods that are useful when setting up a {UserServiceRecordFormFactory} in the context of a data model.
Method ProcessInstanceStep.isHiddenInProgressView()
Indicates if the step has been defined as hidden in the progress view.
Method ProcessLauncher.isDefinedAsInputParameter(String)
Returns whether a specified variable name is defined in the data context as an input parameter.
Method PublishedProcess.getOriginalPublicationName()
Returns the original publication name.
Constant UserTask.CompletionStrategy.IGNORE_REJECT_STRATEGIES
Method WorkflowEngine.getProcessInstanceKeys(String)
Returns a list containing all existing workflow keys for the specified launching publication name.
Method WorkflowEngine.getProcessInstanceKeysFromHistory(String)
Returns a list containing all existing workflow keys for the specified launching publication name, including deleted workflows.
Method ModulesRegister.registerWebApp(Servlet, ServletConfig)
Registers a new module based on the specified servlet's web application.
Method ModulesRegister.unregisterWebApp(Servlet, ServletConfig)
Unregisters a module that has been registered by the registerWebApp().
Interface RestConstants
This interface provides constants for the built-in RESTful services.
Method SchemaNode.getSchemaDefaultLocale()
Returns the default locale of EBX®.
Method SchemaNode.getSchemaLocales()
Returns the locales that are supported by EBX®.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.createWithBaseURI(String, boolean)
Creates an instance of this class in order to call the EBX® user interface from an external application.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.createWithBaseURI(String, boolean, AdaptationName)
Creates an instance of this class in order to call the EBX® user interface from an external application.
Constructor DeliveryMode()
Interface RestConstants.Admin
Interface RestConstants.Auth
Interface RestConstants.Data
Interface RestConstants.Error
Interface RestConstants.History
Interface RestConstants.Meta
Interface RestConstants.Pagination
Interface RestConstants.ProcedureContext
Interface RestConstants.Selector
Method ModuleRegistrationServlet.destroyBeforeUnregisterModule(): void
Method ModuleRegistrationServlet.handleRepositoryShutdown(): void
Method ModuleRegistrationServlet.handleRepositoryStartup(ModuleContextOnRepositoryStartup): void
Method ModuleRegistrationServlet.handleServiceRegistration(ModuleServiceRegistrationContext): void
Method NewTransientOccurrenceContext.getDefinitionMode(): DefinitionMode
Method AuthenticationException.getUserMessage(): UserMessage
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.getURIToMyProfileWithParameters(): String
Constant UserTask.CompletionStrategy.ignoreRejectStrategies