Documentation > Administration Guide > EBX® Container Edition
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Building the image


TIBCO EBX® Container Edition image is Linux based (amd64 architecture) and includes the following:

Workstation requirement

The image can be built on a workstation meeting following requirements:

Building the image

Download the installer

To build an EBX® image, one needs to download file TIB_ebx_6.0.5_addon_5.X.Y_container_edition.amd64.zip from TIBCO eDelivery.

Running the installer

To start installer on Linux or macOS:

To start installer on Windows 10:

Follow instructions and select addons to be added to the image.

The installer will then build the image and print a summary similar to:

The TIBCO EBX Container Edition image was successfully created with following names:
This image includes the following addon(s):
 Match and Merge (MAME)
 Information Search (TESE)
 Digital Asset Manager (DAMA)
 Data Model and Data Visualization (DMDV)
To run this image with the default configuration and an embedded database, use command:
 docker run -p 8080:8080 -d ebx:latest
You can test EBX by visiting http://localhost:8080 in a browser.
To run this image with other configurations, for example with an external database, see

Testing the image

The image can be run locally using command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -d ebx:latest

In production, it is recommended to not use tag latest. The installer will always generate another tag depending on selected addons.

If previous sample, the tag is 6.0.5-mame-tese-dama-dmdv-5.X.Y because the following addons where selected:

The image can then be run using command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -d ebx:6.0.5-mame-tese-dama-dmdv-5.X.Y

If no addons are selected, the tag is 6.0.5

The image can be run using command:

docker run -p 8080:8080 -d ebx:6.0.5

Sharing the image

The steps to share an image depends on customer’s company infrastructure.

In following example, the image is pushed to a Docker private registry named myregistry:

docker tag ebx:6.0.5 myregistry:5000/ebx:6.0.5
docker push myregistry:5000/ebx:6.0.5
Documentation > Administration Guide > EBX® Container Edition