Documentation > Administration Guide > EBX® Container Edition
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Customizing the image

The EBX® Container Edition image can be used as a parent image to create a customized image.

Setting default configuration

Setting default EBX® configuration should not be based on /opt/ebx/conf/ebx-container.properties as this file may be overridden at runtime.

Instead, proceed as following in the Docker file:

For the list of properties supported by EBX® see chapter TIBCO EBX® main configuration file.

Here is a sample Docker file that set the locale to "en-US"

FROM ebx:6.0.5

RUN mv /opt/ebx/webapps/ebx/WEB-INF/ebx-default.properties \

RUN echo "ebx.file.previous=ebx-default-original.properties" >> \
RUN echo "ebx.locales.available=en-US" >> /opt/ebx/webapps/ebx/WEB-INF/ebx-default.properties

Adding a custom module

One can extend EBX® by developing custom modules. An EBX® module is a standard Java EE web application, packaging various resources such as XML Schema documents, Java classes and static resources.

For more information on EBX® module see chapter Packaging TIBCO EBX® modules.

With EBX® Container Edition, it is recommended to deploy modules as "unpacked" (exploded) WARs. This allows a faster startup and avoids unnecessarily increasing container size because Tomcat will not need to unpack WAR files.

The recommended way to add a module to an image is to:

The Tomcat context XML file should have the following content:

<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<Context docBase="${ebx.container.base}/webapps/module_war_name"/>

Using variable ${ebx.container.base} is required for correct support of environment variable EBX_ROOT_PATH.

For more information on Tomcat contexts see https://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-9.0-doc/config/context.html#Defining_a_context.

Here is a sample Docker file:

FROM ebx:6.0.5
COPY "./module_name.xml" "/opt/ebx/conf"
COPY "./module_name" "/opt/ebx/webapps"

Adding a new locale

To add a new local you must have the jar file containing the language pack and add the locale to the ebx configuration.

Here is a sample Docker file

FROM ebx:6.0.5

COPY "<path_to_lib>" "/opt/ebx/lib"

RUN mv "/opt/ebx/webapps/ebx/WEB-INF/ebx-default.properties" \

RUN echo "ebx.file.previous=ebx-default-original.properties" >> \
RUN echo "ebx.locales.available=es" >> "/opt/ebx/webapps/ebx/WEB-INF/ebx-default.properties"

In this example, the lib is copied and the locale is set to "es" using the method described in the "setting default configuration" section

Adding a new JDBC driver

Adding a new JDBC driver is similar to adding a new library. You simply have to copy the jar file in the "/opt/ebx/lib" folder with the correct permission. Here is an example with the Oracle JDBC driver :

FROM ebx:6.0.5

 https://repo1.maven.org/maven2/com/oracle/database/jdbc/ojdbc11/ \

RUN chmod +r "/opt/ebx/lib/ojdbc11-"

See Database drivers for more information.

Documentation > Administration Guide > EBX® Container Edition