Documentation > Administration Guide > Distributed Data Delivery (D3)
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D3 broadcasts and delivery dataspaces


Scope and contents of a broadcast

A D3 broadcast occurs at the dataspace or snapshot level. For dataspace broadcasts, D3 first creates a snapshot to capture the current state, then broadcasts this newly created snapshot.

A broadcast performs one of the following procedures depending on the situation:

Performing a broadcast

The broadcast can be performed:


In order to be able to broadcast, the following conditions must be fulfilled:


When a primary node shuts down, all waiting or in progress broadcast requests abort, then they will be persisted on a temporary file. On startup, all aborted broadcasts are restarted.

See also


On the target replica or hub node side:


Broadcasts are performed asynchronously. Therefore, no information is displayed in the user interface about the success or failure of a broadcast. Nevertheless, it is possible to monitor the broadcast operations inside '[D3] Primary node configuration'. See Supervision.

Replica node registration

Scope and contents

An initialization occurs at the replica node level according to the delivery profiles registered in the TIBCO EBX® main configuration file of the replica node. When the primary node receives that initialization request, it creates or updates the replica node entry, then sends the last broadcast snapshot of all registered delivery dataspaces.


If the registered replica node repository ID or communication layer already exists, the replica node entry in the 'Registered replica nodes' technical table is updated, otherwise a new entry is created.

Performing an initialization

The initialization can be done:


To be able to register, the following conditions must be fulfilled:


To set the parameters, see the replica or hub EBX® properties in Configuring primary, hub and replica nodes.

Accessing delivery dataspaces

Data services

By default, when a data service accesses a delivery dataspace, it is redirected to the current snapshot, which is the last broadcast one. However, this default behavior can be modified either at the request level or in the global configuration.

Access restrictions

On the primary node, a delivery dataspace can neither be merged nor closed. Other operations are available depending on permissions. For example, modifying a delivery dataspace directly, creating a snapshot independent from a broadcast, or creating and merging a child dataspace.

On the replica node, aside from the broadcast process, no modifications of any kind can be made to a delivery dataspace, whether by the end-user, data services, or a Java program. Furthermore, any dataspace-related operations, such as merge, close, etc., are forbidden on the replica node.

D3 broadcast Java API

The last broadcast snapshot may change between two calls if a broadcast has taken place in the meantime. If a fully stable view is required for several successive calls, these calls need to specifically refer to the same snapshot.

To get the last broadcast snapshot, see D3Node.getBroadcastVersion.

Documentation > Administration Guide > Distributed Data Delivery (D3)