This document lists the Java API changes made in this release. The comparison is performed between the current version and 5.9 [v1098].
Method Adaptation.createQuery(String)
Creates a query over this dataset from the specified SQL string.
Method Adaptation.createQueryBuilder()
Returns a query builder initialized with this dataset for unqualified tables.
Constructor IncompatibleChangeError(String, Adaptation)
@since 6.0.0
Method Request.checkForbiddenNodes()
When the execution would fail and throw a {QueryPermissionException}, this method returns the forbidden fields and the dataset in which these are forbidden.
Method Request.isSortedByRelevancy()
Returns whether the results of this request should be sorted by relevancy.
Method Request.sortByRelevancy()
Specifies that the results of this request will be sorted according to their relevancy regarding the search criterion (most relevant first).
Method RequestSortCriteria.isSortOnLabel()
@since 6.0.0
Method RequestSortCriteria.isSortedByRelevancy()
@see Request#isSortedByRelevancy() @since 6.0.0
Method XPathExpressionHelper.createAdaptationFilterForXPath(String, SchemaNode, Locale)
Creates a new filter, given a table and an XPath expression.
Constant CategoryVersion.DATA_COMPACT_V1
Data-compact category version 1.
Constant CategoryVersion.FORM_DATA_COMPACT_V1
form-Data category version 1.
Constant CategoryVersion.FORM_DATA_V1
form-Data category version 1.
Method CategoryVersion.getCategoryUriBuilder(CategoryVersion)
Constant Constants.Auth.KEY_ACCESS_TOKEN
Constant Constants.Auth.KEY_LOGIN
Constant Constants.Auth.KEY_PASSWORD
Constant Constants.Auth.KEY_PASSWORD_NEW
Constant Constants.Auth.KEY_SPECIFIC
Constant Constants.Auth.KEY_TOKEN_TYPE
Interface Constants.Constraint
Constraint keys and values.
Constant Constants.Data.CATEGORY_COMPACT
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_KEY
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_OPEN_API_DETAILS
Constant Constants.Data.KEY_SORT_BY_RELEVANCY
Constant Constants.Data.PARAM_EBX_CHANNEL
Constant Constants.Data.PARAM_EBX_INDENT
Constant Constants.Data.PARAM_SORT_PRIORITY
Constant Constants.Data.URL_ACTION_COUNT
Constant Constants.Data.URL_ACTION_SELECT
Constant Constants.Data.VALUE_EBX_CHANNEL_UI
Interface Constants.Dataspace
Dataspace keys and parameters.
Interface Constants.DeleteReport
Deletes report keys.
Constant Constants.Error.KEY_ERRORS_LEVEL
Interface Constants.FormData
Form-data keys and parameters <a href="{/.
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_ASSOCIATION
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_ASSOCIATION_TYPE
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_AUTO_INCREMENT
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_CHECK_NULL_INPUT
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_CONSTRAINTS
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_LINKED_FIELD
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_LINKED_FIELD_PATH
Constant Constants.Meta.KEY_READ_ONLY
Constant Constants.Selector.PARAM_PAGE_SIZE
Interface Constants.ValidationReport
Validation report keys.
The compiled representation of a dataspace or a snapshot key.
Method RecordContext.setValue(Object, SchemaNode)
Modifies the value of the specified node.
Method Repository.reopenHome(AdaptationHome, Session)
Reopens the specified home.
Constant RepositoryId.LENGTH
Repository identifier length.
Constant RepositoryId.PATTERN
Repository identifier string pattern.
Method SessionInteraction.getWorkItemKey()
Returns the work item key associated to the current session interaction.
Method ModuleRegistration.handleSearchRegistration(ModuleSearchRegistrationContext)
Override this method to register module-defined search templates and custom lists of synonyms and stopwords.
Interface ModuleSearchRegistrationContext
Context for registering custom search resources in EBX®.
Class QueryPermissionException
This exception is thrown when a query fails because some nodes are not visible for the user.
Interface Query
An object that represents a compiled and validated SQL query.
Interface QueryBuilder
A builder for query objects, capable of creating queries which reference tables from multiple datasets.
Class QueryParseException
Thrown if a SQL query string cannot be parsed.
Interface QueryResult
Represents the result of a query.
Interface Tuple
Interface for extracting the elements of a query result tuple.
Constructor LocalizedException(int, UserMessage)
@see #LocalizedException(int, UserMessage, Throwable)
Constructor LocalizedException(int, UserMessage, Integer, Throwable)
Constructs a new instance with the provided data.
Constructor LocalizedException(int, UserMessage, Throwable)
Constructs a new instance with the provided data, without functional error code.
Constructor RESTApplicationAbstract(Consumer)
Creates a new REST Toolkit application configuration initialized with mandatory and custom properties, resources and providers.
Annotation ExtendedOutput
An annotation used to configure the extended JSON output format for a Data Transfer Object (DTO) field of type {ContentHolder}.
Annotation Table
An annotation used to reference a schema table linked to a Data Transfer Object (DTO) field of type {ContentHolder}.
Method SessionContext.getProcedureUtility()
Returns a configured procedure utility instance.
Class ContentHolder
Provides a facade to a table record in EBX®.
Class ContentHolderForInput
Provides a facade to automatically parse a part of the request body that may represent a table record.
Class ContentHolderForOutput
Provides a facade to automatically serialize an {Adaptation}, that corresponds to a table record, into a JSON response body.
Enum Include
Holds the available options for configuring the content of the generated JSON response body.
Constant BuiltinQueryParam.COMMIT_THRESHOLD
The query parameter "ebx-commitThreshold" specifies the maximum size of a transaction during the execution of a {Procedure}.
Class CategoryURIBuilder
Maps each REST category and available version to their related URI builder.
Interface ProcedureUtility
This class eases {Procedure} execution through automatic pre-configuration.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForDataAndHistory
Aggregates methods to generate built-in REST services {URI} to data and history category resources.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForDataset
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services {URI} to a dataset.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForDataspace
Beta feature: Contains methods to generate built-in REST services {URI} to a dataspace.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForNode
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services {URI} to a record field or a dataset node.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForRecord
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services {URI} to a record.
Interface URIBuilderForBuiltin.ForTable
Contains methods to generate built-in REST services {URI} to a table.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.extendedAction(String)
Appends the provided extended action to the generated URI path's end.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.firstPage()
Replaces the first page action from the existing set of query parameters.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.lastPage()
Replaces the last page action from the existing set of query parameters.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.nextPage(String)
Replaces the next page action and page record filter from the existing set of query parameters.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.pageSize(int)
Replaces the provided pageSize from the existing set of query parameters.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.previousPage(String)
Replaces the previous page action and page record filter from the existing set of query parameters.
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.queryParams(Map)
@see #queryParams(MultivaluedMap)
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.queryParams(MultivaluedMap)
Appends the provided query parameters to the existing set of query parameters.
Method URIInfoUtility.createBuilderForBuiltin(CategoryURIBuilder)
Creates a {URI} builder useful for generating URIs for the EBX® built-in REST services.
Method URIInfoUtility.createBuilderForBuiltin(CategoryURIBuilder, boolean)
Creates a {URI} builder useful for generating URIs for the EBX® built-in REST services.
Method URIInfoUtility.getBaseURIForBuiltin()
Returns the EBX® built-in REST services base {URI}.
Interface JavaBeanVersion
Defines a JavaBean behavior version.
Method SchemaNode.getFacetOnMandatoryField()
Returns the facet corresponding to the cardinality constraint related to a mandatory field (declares both minOccurs=1 and maxOccurs=1).
Method SchemaNode.getSchemaLinkedField()
Returns the information for a linked field.
Method SchemaNode.isLinkedNode()
Returns true if this node is a linked node.
Method SchemaFacet.getFacetValidationMessage()
Returns the validation message defined in the data model.
Method SchemaFacet.getSchemaNode()
Returns the node associated to this facet.
Method SchemaFacet.isFacetOnMandatoryField()
Returns true if this facet is related to a mandatory field (defines both minOccurs="1" maxOccurs="1").
Represents the blocking policy defined by a facet using the property osd:validation/blocksCommit.
Method SchemaFacetEnumeration.isConstraintEnumeration()
Returns true if this enumeration is programmatic (declared using the element osd:constraintEnumeration).
Method SchemaFacetEnumeration.isEnumerationStatic()
Returns true if this enumeration is static (declared using the element xs:enumeration).
Interface SchemaFacetOnMandatoryField
This interface corresponds to a cardinality constraint on a mandatory field (defines both minOccurs="1" and maxOccurs="1").
Method SchemaFacetTableRef.getXPathFilter()
Returns the XPath filter defined on this foreign key constraint.
Interface SchemaFacetValidationMessage
Represents the validation messages defined by a facet in a data model.
Interface SchemaLinkedField
This interface contains the information for a linked node (node that defines osd:function linkedField="aPath" property).
Interface SchemaNodeBreadcrumbProperties
Represents the breadcrumb element associated with a table, a foreign key or an association node in a resolved data model.
Method SchemaNodeDefaultView.isHiddenInAllViews()
Returns true if the associated node is hidden in all views of a table.
Method SchemaNodeExplicitRelationship.getBreadcrumbProperties()
Returns the properties defined in the data model (property breadcrumb) related to the breadcrumb displayed in the user interface.
Interface AfterDuplicateInstanceContext
Provides an execution context for handling post-dataset duplication operations.
Interface AfterModifyInstanceContext
Provides a context for executing operations after modifying dataset fields.
Interface BeforeModifyInstanceContext
Provides a context for executing operations before modifying dataset fields.
Method InstanceTrigger.handleAfterDuplicate(AfterDuplicateInstanceContext)
This method is called after the duplication of a dataset This method is invoked even if {ProcedureContext#setTriggerActivation(boolean)} has been set to false.
Method InstanceTrigger.handleAfterModify(AfterModifyInstanceContext)
This method is called after the modification of a field outside a table.
Method InstanceTrigger.handleBeforeModify(BeforeModifyInstanceContext)
This method is called before the modification of a field outside a table.
Class SearchStrategyKey
Identifies a search strategy.
Interface StopWordsDeclaration
This interface represents a list of stop words to be declared in a module.
Class StopWordsKey
Identifies a stop word list.
Interface SynonymDeclaration
This interface represents a list a synonyms to declare in a module.
Interface SynonymPair
Represents a pair of synonyms.
Class SynonymsKey
Identifies a Synonyms list.
Interface SearchTemplate
The main interface to implement for a search template.
Class SearchTemplateKey
Identifies a search template.
Interface SearchTemplateManager
Provides access to the declared {SearchTemplate search templates}.
Method AccessPermission.max(Supplier)
Returns the least restrictive between this permission, and the permission supplied by the specified function.
Method AccessPermission.min(Supplier)
Returns the most restrictive between this permission, and the permission supplied by the specified function.
Method LoggingCategory.isActivated(LogFacade.Level)
Returns {true} if the logging category is activated for the specified log level, {false} otherwise.
Constant ServiceKey.MY_PROFILE
Built-in service to access current user's profile settings.
Method Session.isUserOwner(AdaptationHome)
Returns true if this user is an owner of the specified dataspace.
Method ValidationReport.hasTooManyItemsOfConstraint(SchemaFacet)
Returns true if the message threshold has been reached by the specified constraint.
Method ValidationReportItem.getBlocksCommit()
Returns the blocking policy associated with this item.
Method ValidationReportItem.getFacet()
Returns the facet that is associated with this item, null if no facet is associated with this item.
Method ValidationReportItemIterator.close()
Closes this iterator, relinquishing any underlying resources.
Enum ValueContextForUpdate.ValidationPolicy
Defines the policy for validating this content.
Method ValueContextForUpdate.getValidationReport()
Returns the validation report of this content.
Method ValueContextForUpdate.getValidationReport(ValueContextForUpdate.ValidationPolicy)
Returns the validation report of this content.
Method ValueContextForUpdate.setValue(Object, SchemaNode)
Sets the value of the specified node.
Method ValueContextForUpdate.setValueFromXsString(String, SchemaNode)
Sets the string value specified.
Method DirectoryDefault.formerEncryptString(String)
Returns the encrypted string corresponding to the 'clear-text' password specified, as per releases prior to 6.0.2.
Method DirectoryDefault.hashPassword(String, String)
Returns the SHA-512 hash of the password, and uses the login as salt.
Interface HashComputation
Defines an interface to compute the hash of a password.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_form_setMandatoryIndicator(String, boolean)
Adds or removes a mandatory indicator (*) next to the label of the specified node to simulate that it is mandatory.
Method JavaScriptCatalog.ebx_getWorkspaceTitle()
Gets the title of the current workspace in which the component is running.
Constant UIButtonIcon.BINOCULARS
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.BLOCK_COLLAPSE
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.BLOCK_EXPAND
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.DYNAMIC_HIDDEN
Constant UIButtonIcon.FIND_NEXT
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.FIND_PREVIOUS
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.FULLSCREEN_OFF
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.FULLSCREEN_ON
@since 6.0.0
Constant UIButtonIcon.NO_SEARCH
@since 6.0.0
@since 6.0.0
Method UIButtonIcon.getCSSClass()
Method UIContext.getHierarchyMember()
Returns current hierarchy node if the current UIBeanEditor is instantiated in the context of a hierarchy.
Constant UIHttpManagerComponent.ViewFeatures.SEARCH_PANE
Workspace search pane.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.createWithURIWithParameters(String)
Creates an instance of this class in order to call the EBX® user interface from an external application.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.createWithURIWithParametersForSubSession(String, Session)
Creates an instance of this class in order to call the EBX® user interface in a separate sub-session (namely, a Web Component).
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.getPerspectiveName()
Returns the selected perspective name.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.getViewPublication()
Returns the published custom view that will be applied to the selected content.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.getWorkflowView()
Returns the workflow view using the service {ServiceKey#WORKFLOW}.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.selectPerspective(String)
Selects the specified perspective.
Method UIHttpManagerComponent.selectPerspectiveAction(String, String)
Selects the specified perspective action.
Method UIJavaScriptWriter.addJS_switchToPerspectiveAction(String, String)
Changes the page of the highest EBX® frame to the specified perspective action.
Method UILabelRendererContext.getCurrentPerspective()
Returns the current perspective.
Method UILabelRendererForHierarchyContext.getMember()
Returns the current hierarchy member being displayed.
Method UIResourceLocator.getURLForPerspectiveSelection(String)
Returns a URL that, when used, changes the current navigation context to the specified perspective.
Method UIResourceLocator.getURLForPerspectiveSelection(String, String)
Returns a URL that, when used, changes the current navigation context to the specified perspective action.
Method UIResponseContext.newTextBox(Path, String)
Returns a text input field with specified id, which can be one-line or multi-line.
Method UIFormContext.getCurrentPerspective()
Returns the current perspective.
Method UIFormWriter.addJS_setNodeMandatoryIndicator(boolean, Path)
Adds or removes a mandatory indicator (*) next to the label of the specified node to simulate that it is mandatory.
Method UITable.getRowToolbar()
Returns the programmatic toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.getRowToolbarName()
Returns the name of the toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.getTopToolbar()
Returns the programmatic toolbar to display on top.
Method UITable.getTopToolbarName()
Returns the name of the toolbar to display on top.
Method UITable.isRowToolbarHidden()
Returns true if row toolbars are hidden.
Method UITable.isTopToolbarHidden()
Returns true if table toolbar is hidden.
Method UITable.setRowToolbar(Toolbar)
Specifies the programmatic toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.setRowToolbarHidden(boolean)
Specifies if table should display its toolbars on rows.
Method UITable.setRowToolbarName(String)
Specifies the name of the toolbar to display on row.
Method UITable.setTopToolbar(Toolbar)
Specifies the programmatic toolbar to display on top.
Method UITable.setTopToolbarHidden(boolean)
Specifies if table should display its toolbar.
Method UITable.setTopToolbarName(String)
Specifies the name of the toolbar to display on top.
Method WidgetDisplayContext.getCurrentPerspective()
Returns the current perspective.
Method WidgetDisplayContext.getHierarchyMember()
Returns the current hierarchy member if the current {UIBeanEditor} is instantiated in the context of a hierarchy.
Enum DisplayDensity
Represents the display density mode.
Interface Perspective
Interface that provides information about a perspective.
Interface PerspectiveAction
Interface that represents the action of a perspective item.
Interface PerspectiveActionItem
Interface that represents a perspective action item.
Class PerspectiveHandler
An instance of this class offers methods to retrieve the perspectives defined in the current repository.
Interface PerspectiveIcon
Interface that represents an icon of a perspective menu item.
Enum PerspectiveIconType
Enumerates the different types of icons.
Interface PerspectiveItem
Interface that represents a perspective item.
Interface PerspectiveItemContainer
Interface representing an item that can have children.
Enum PerspectiveItemType
Lists the different items of the perspective menu.
Interface PerspectiveItemWithIcon
Interface that represents an item that can have an icon.
Interface PerspectiveSectionItem
Interface that represents an item of a perspective section.
Interface PerspectiveTheme
Interface that represents a perspective theme.
Method ToolbarButton.setDescription(String)
Sets the description of the button.
Method ToolbarButton.setDescription(UserMessage)
Sets the description of the button.
Method ToolbarButton.setHighlighted(boolean)
Defines if this button should be highlighted.
Constant ToolbarLocation.CUSTOM_LOCATION
Menu displayed in a custom location.
Constant ToolbarLocation.SIDEBAR
Menu displayed as a sidebar in the app.
Method ToolbarLocation.getCustomToolbarLocation(ServicePermissionRuleContext)
Returns the custom toolbar location contextual information.
Method ToolbarLocation.isCustom()
Method ToolbarLocation.isSidebar()
Method UserServiceDisplayConfigurator.newTabbedPane()
Creates a tabbed pane.
Method UserServiceDisplayConfigurator.newTabbedPane(String)
Creates a tabbed pane.
Method UserServiceRequest.getCurrentPerspective()
Returns the current perspective.
Method CreationWorkItemSpec.forAllocationWithPossibleReallocation(UserReference, Collection)
Allows to create a work item allocated to the specified user with the possibility to reallocate to a profile contained in offeredToProfiles.
Method ProcessInstanceStep.isHiddenInProgressView()
Indicates if the step has been defined as hidden in the progress view.
Method ProcessLauncher.isDefinedAsInputParameter(String)
Returns whether a specified variable name is defined in the data context as an input parameter.
Method ProcessLauncher.isForegroundSubworkflow()
Indicates whether the sub-workflow is considered has a foreground sub-workflow.
Method SubWorkflowsCreationContext.setForegroundSubWorkflow(ProcessLauncher)
Registers which sub-workflow should be opened, accordingly to the progress strategy of the previous step.
Method WorkflowEngine.getFromUserServiceContext(UserServiceRequest)
Creates a workflow engine from a user service context.
Constant Constants.Data.PARAM_COUNT
Constant Constants.Error.KEY_ERRORS_SEVERITY
Method HomeCreationSpec.isRelationalModeDataSpace()
Returns false.
Method HomeCreationSpec.setRelationalModeDataSpace(boolean)
Indicates that this dataspace is relational.
Method ValueContextForValidationOnRecord.removeRecordFromMessages(ValueContext)
Validating a record does not modify the persisted validation report.
Class ServiceContext
This class provides the necessary context and navigation functions for integrating legacy user services.
Method ValidationReport.hasTooManyItemsOfSeverity(Severity)
Returns false.
Interface UIServiceComponentWriter
This interface allows building standard EBX® components, from a {ServiceContext}.
Interface UserServiceRootTabbedPane
Method AdaptationHome.toString(): String
Method AdaptationTable.toString(): String
Constructor InvalidPrimaryKeyException(String, Throwable)
Method RequestResult.getAdaptation(int): Adaptation
Constructor DeliveryMode()
Constant Constants.Data.PARAM_VIEW_ID
Interface Constants.Hierarchy
Method RecordContext.setValue(SchemaNode, Path): void
Constructor ModuleRegistrationListener()
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForDataset(Adaptation): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForDataset(Adaptation, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForDataset(HomeKey, AdaptationName): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForDataset(HomeKey, AdaptationName, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForNode(Adaptation, Path): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForNode(Adaptation, Path, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForNode(HomeKey, AdaptationName, Path): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForNode(HomeKey, AdaptationName, Path, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForRecord(Adaptation): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForRecord(Adaptation, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForTableFirstPage(Adaptation, SchemaNode, int, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForTableLastPage(Adaptation, SchemaNode, int, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForTableNextPage(Adaptation, SchemaNode, String, int, Map): URI
Method URIBuilderForBuiltin.buildForTablePreviousPage(Adaptation, SchemaNode, String, int, Map): URI
Method URIInfoUtility.createBuilderForBuiltin(CategoryVersion): URIBuilderForBuiltin
Method AuthenticationException.getUserMessage(): UserMessage
Method UserServiceDisplayConfigurator.newTabbedPane(): UserServiceRootTabbedPane
Method UserServiceDisplayConfigurator.newTabbedPane(String): UserServiceRootTabbedPane