Documentation > User Guide > Data models > Implementing data models
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Working with an existing data model

Once your data model has been created, you can perform a number of actions that are available from the data model 'Actions' menu in the workspace.

Validating a data model

To validate a data model at any time, select Actions > Validate from the navigation pane. The generated report provides the results of the validation. From the validation report, you have the option to update the reported validation status by clicking the Revalidate button, or to click the Reinitialize validation report button to clear the current validation report associated with the data model in order to be able to rerun a full validation from scratch.


The validation process checks basic data model integrity, but more complex checks are only performed at publication time. More messages may be reported when you try to publish your data model.

See Validation for detailed information on incremental data validation.

Data model import and export

TIBCO EBX® includes built-in data model services to import from and export to XML Schema Document (XSD) files or to archive files (zip). Imports and exports can be performed from the data model 'Actions' menu of the target data model in the navigation pane. An import or export is always performed in the context of a single data model. That is, during imports, the structure of the target data model is completely replaced with the content of the imported data model (XSD or archive). Similarly, during exports, the entire data model is included in the XSD or archive file.

When importing a data model, the corresponding XSD file must be well-formed and must comply with EBX® validation rules. If this document declares resources that are located in a module, the module must also be declared in the configuration of the data model. If the module has not been declared, you will not be able to import the data model. See Data model properties for more information on declaring modules.

To perform an import select 'Import data model' from the data model 'Actions' menu of the data model into which you are importing.

You can import an XML Schema Document (XSD) or an archive (zip file) from the local file system. To do so, click the 'From a local document' button in the import wizard and follow the next step:

You can also import a data model in an XSD that is packaged in a module. The import of a data model in XSD format from a module uses the following properties:


Module in which the data model is packaged.

Module path

Path to the module containing the data model.

Source path

Path to Java source used to configure business objects and rules.

This property is required if the data model being imported defines programmatic elements.


The data model in the module to import.


Imported XSD files must be encoded in 'UTF-8'. Exported XSD files are always encoded in 'UTF-8'.

To perform an export select 'Export data model' from the data model 'Actions' menu of the data model you want to export.

Duplicating a data model

To duplicate a data model, select 'Duplicate' from the data model 'Actions' menu for that data model. You must give the new data model a name that is unique in the repository.

Deleting a data model

To delete a data model, select 'Delete' from the data model 'Actions' menu for that data model. When you delete a data model, all of its existing publications will remain and continue to be accessible to their associated datasets. If you recreate a new data model with the same name as one that was previously deleted, the new data model will be reassociated with all the existing publications in the repository. At publication time of the new data model, you will have the opportunity to confirm the replacement of an existing publication.


Only an administrator can clean up the publications of deleted data models in the 'Administration' area.

See Publishing data models for more information on the publication process.

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Documentation > User Guide > Data models > Implementing data models