Documentation > User Guide > Data models > Implementing data models
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Implementing the data model structure

To work with the structural definition of your data model, select the data model you are working with in the navigation pane.

You can then access the structure of your data model in the navigation pane under 'Data structure', to define the structure of fields, groups, and tables.

Common actions and properties

Adding elements to the data model

The following elements are available to describe the structure of your data model:

Add a new element relative to any existing element in the data structure by clicking the down arrow /ebx_menu.png to the right of the existing entry, and selecting an element creation option from the menu. Depending on whether the existing element is a field, group, or table, you have the choice of creating the new element as a child of the existing element, or before or after the existing element at the same level. You can then follow the element creation wizard to create the new element.


The element root is always added upon data model creation. If this element must be renamed, it can be deleted and recreated with a new name.

Names, labels, descriptions, and information

Whenever you create a new element in your data model, you must provide a name for the field 'Name' that is unique in its level of the data structure. This name is assigned once the element is created and cannot be changed subsequently.

You have the option to provide localized user-friendly labels to be displayed in the user interface instead of the unique name of the element, as well as brief localized descriptions of the element. Unlike the unique name, the labels and descriptions are modifiable after creation. According to the language preference of each user, TIBCO EBX® will display the corresponding localized label and description of the element.

Deleting elements of the data model

Any element can be deleted from the data structure using the down arrow /ebx_menu.png corresponding to its entry.

When deleting a group or table that is not using a reusable type, the deletion is performed recursively, removing all its nested elements.

Duplicating existing elements

To duplicate an element, click the down arrow /ebx_menu.png corresponding to its entry. You must provide a name for the duplicated element that is unique at its level of the data structure. All other properties are copied from the source element.

The duplicated element is added to the data model at the same level as the element from which it was copied, appended after the existing elements. If you are duplicating a table or group containing other elements, all nested elements are copied with their original names.


If you duplicate a primary key field, the properties of the field are maintained, but the new field is not automatically added to the primary key.

Moving elements

To reorder an element within its current level of the data structure, click the down arrow /ebx_menu.png corresponding to its entry and select 'Move'. Then, select the left-arrow button corresponding to the field before which you want to move the current element.


It is not possible to move an element to a position outside of its level in the data structure.

Reusable types

Reusable types are shared element definitions that are created once and can be reused in different places in the data model.


If you modify the definition of a reusable type in the 'Simple data types' or 'Complex data types' section, you will modify the structure of all elements based on that reusable type. The structure of a groups or table using a reusable type is shown as read-only. To edit the structure of the associated reusable type, you have to access the type from the 'Simple data types' or 'Complex data types' section.

Defining a reusable type

From the down arrow/ebx_menu.pngmenu of 'Simple data types' and 'Complex data types' in the navigation pane, you can define simple and complex reusable types that will be available for creating more elements which share the same structural definition and properties. Alternatively, you can convert existing tables and groups into reusable types using their corresponding down arrow /ebx_menu.pngmenus.

It is possible to see the elements that are using a reusable type by selecting 'References to this type' on the specific page of each data type, under 'Simple data types' and 'Complex data types' in the navigation pane. A table then displays all elements that are based on this type. If a data type is not used by any elements, you can select the 'Delete type' from its down arrow /ebx_menu.pngmenu to delete the reusable type.

Using a reusable type

The structure of new elements can be defined using reusable types. To do so, select an existing reusable type in the element creation form. The created element will then share the type definition of the reusable type.

Including data types defined in other data models

You can also share reusable types between multiple data models. By configuring the inclusion of an external data model, you can use the data types defined in that data model to create new elements in the data structure the same way as using locally defined reusable types.


As the names of data types must be unique across all locally defined as well as all included types, you cannot create new reusable types with the same name as a data type in an included data model. Similarly, you cannot include an external data model that defines a data type with the same name as a locally defined reusable type or a data type in another included data model.

Included data types appear in the sections 'Included simple data types' and 'Included complex data types' in the navigation panel. You can view the details of these included reusable types; however, they can only be edited locally in their original data models.

See Included data models for more information.

Data model element creation details

Creating fields

When creating a new field, you must select its data type, which will define the data type of the values based upon this field. The data type of the field cannot be changed once the field has been created.

While creating a field, it is also possible to designate it as a foreign key, a mandatory field, and, if created under a table, a primary key.

Creating tables

While creating a table, you have the option to create the new table based on an existing reusable type. See Reusable types for more information.

Every table requires specifying at least one primary key field, which you can create as a child element of the table from the navigation pane.

Creating groups

While creating a group, you have the option to create the new group based on an existing reusable type. See Reusable types for more information.

Creating primary key fields

At least one primary key is required for every table. You can create a primary key field for a table by creating it as a child element under the table's entry in the 'Data structure' tree.

Besides creating a new field directly as a primary key, you can add any existing child field of a table to the definition of its primary key on the 'Primary key' tab of the table's 'Advanced properties'.

Creating or defining foreign key fields

Foreign key fields have the data type 'String'. You can create a foreign key field for a table by creating it as a child element under the table's entry in the 'Data structure' tree. You can also convert an existing field of type 'String' into a foreign key. To convert an existing field of type 'String' into a foreign key, enable 'Foreign key constraint' in the field's 'Advanced controls' and define the associated parameters.

Whether creating a foreign key directly or from an existing field, you must define the table that contains the records to be referenced.

Creating associations

An association allows defining semantic links between tables. You can create an association by creating it as a child element under the table's entry in the 'Data structure' tree and by selecting 'association' in the form for creating a new element. An association can only be defined inside a table. It is not possible to convert an existing field to an association.

When creating an association, you must specify the type of association. Several options are available:

In all types of association, we call associated records the records in the target table that are semantically linked to records in the source table.

Once you have created an association, you can specify additional properties. For an association, it is then possible to:

Modifying existing elements

Removing a field from the primary key

Any field that belongs to the primary key can be removed from the primary key on the 'Primary key' tab of the table's 'Advanced properties'.

See primary key in the glossary.

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Documentation > User Guide > Data models > Implementing data models