Documentation > Administration Guide > Distributed Data Delivery (D3)
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Introduction to D3


TIBCO EBX® offers the ability to send data from an EBX® instance to other instances. Using a broadcast action, it also provides an additional layer of security and control to the other features of EBX®. It is particularly suitable for situations where data governance requires the highest levels of data consistency, approvals and the ability to rollback.

D3 architecture

A typical D3 installation consists of one primary node and multiple replica nodes. In the primary node, a Data Steward declares which dataspaces must be broadcast, as well as which user profile is allowed to broadcast them to the replica nodes. The Data Steward also defines delivery profiles, which are groups of one or more dataspaces.

Each replica node must define from which delivery profile it receives broadcasts.


Involving third-party systems

The features of D3 also allow third-party systems to access the data managed in EBX® through data services. Essentially, when a system consumes the data of a delivery dataspace, the data is transparently redirected to the last broadcast snapshot. This ensures a more controlled and reliable view of the managed data.

Third-party systems can either access data directly through the primary node or through a replica node. Thus, a physical architecture consisting of a primary node and no replica nodes is possible.


If JMS is activated, the conversation between a primary node and a replica node is based on SOAP over JMS, while archive transfer is based on JMS binary messages.

If JMS is not activated, conversation between a primary node and a replica node is based on SOAP over HTTP(S), while binary archive transfer is based on TCP sockets. If HTTPS is used, make sure that the target node connector is correctly configured by enabling SSL with a trusted certificate.

D3 terminology


Send a publication of an official snapshot of data from a primary node to replica nodes. The broadcast transparently and transactionally ensures that the data is transferred to the replica nodes.

delivery dataspace

A delivery dataspace is a dataspace that can be broadcast to authenticated and authorized users using a dedicated action.

By default, when a data service accesses a delivery dataspace on any node, it is redirected to the last snapshot that was broadcast. See Data services.

delivery profile

A delivery profile is a logical name that groups one or more delivery dataspaces. Replica nodes subscribe to one or more delivery profiles.

cluster delivery mode

Synchronization with subscribed replica nodes is performed in a two-phase commit transactional process. This delivery mode is designed to respond to a high volume of queries using load balancing and/or fault tolerance. It ensures the consistency of data in the cluster between replica nodes and their primary node delivery dataspaces. Primary and replica nodes use the same last broadcast snapshots.

federation delivery mode

Synchronization is performed in a single phase, and with each registered replica node independently. This delivery mode is designed to be used with geographically distributed and/or heterogeneous architectures where response time and network availability cannot be guaranteed. At any one time, replica nodes can be at different last broadcast snapshots. The synchronization processes are thus independent of one another and replay of individual replica nodes are performed for certain broadcast failures.

Primary node

An instance of EBX® that can define one or more delivery dataspaces, and to which replica nodes can subscribe. A primary node can also act as a regular EBX® server.

Replica node

An instance of EBX® attached to a primary node, in order to receive delivery dataspace broadcasts. Besides update restrictions on delivery dataspaces, the replica node acts as a regular EBX® server.

Hub node

An instance of EBX® acting as both a primary node and a replica node. Primary delivery dataspaces and replica node delivery dataspaces must be disjoint.

Known limitations

General limitations

Broadcast and delivery dataspace limitations

Administration limitations

Technical dataspaces cannot be broadcast, thus the EBX® default user directory cannot be synchronized using D3.

Documentation > Administration Guide > Distributed Data Delivery (D3)