Documentation > Developer Guide > Data model
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Data services

This chapter details how WSDL operations' names related to a table are defined and managed by TIBCO EBX®.


EBX® generates a WSDL that complies with the W3C Web Services Description Language 1.1 standard. By default, WSDL operations refer to a table using the last element of the table path. A WSDL operation name is composed of the action name (prefix) and the table name (suffix). It is possible to refer to tables in WSDL operations using unique names instead of the last element of their paths by overriding the suffix operations' names.


Embedded data model

WSDL suffix operations' names are embedded in EBX®'s repository and linked to a publication. That is, when publishing an embedded data model, the list of WSDL suffix operations' names can be defined in the data model definition, under the 'Configuration > Data services' table and managed by EBX®.

Packaged data model

WSDL suffix operations' names are defined in a dedicated XML document file and must be named as the data model and end with the keyword _entities. For instance, if a data model is named catalog.xsd, then the XML document containing the configuration of the WSDL operations' names overrided will be named catalog_entities.xml. This XML document must also be located in the same location as the data model. The XML document is automatically loaded by EBX® if a file that matches this pattern is found when compiling a data model.


The suffix operations' names are validated at compilation time and contain a list of couples containing Path with a unique table name. Checked validation rules are:

WSDL and table operations

WSDL Generator

An additional validation rule has been added: a unicity check is systematically applied to table names. The SOAP operation name is composed of the operation type as a prefix and, by default, of the table name (last step of the table path) as a suffix. A dataset can contain several identical table names but with different paths. It is possible to override table names that are not unique in order to guarantee the unicity.

SOAP operations

When an operation request on table has been invoked from the SOAP connector, the target table is retrieved by priority, the name corresponds to:

  1. an overridden table name,

  2. the last step of the table path.

See also


WSDL operations' names are not available with external data models.

Documentation > Developer Guide > Data model