Documentation > Developer Guide > Data model
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This chapter details how toolbars are defined and managed by TIBCO EBX®.


Toolbars allow to customize the buttons and menus to display when accessing a table view, a hierarchical view, or a record form.

Toolbars can only be created and published using the Data Model Assistant and are available only on embedded and packaged data models.

For embedded data models, toolbars are embedded in EBX®'s repository and linked to a publication. That is, when publishing an embedded data model, the toolbars defined in the data model are embedded with the publication of the data model and managed by EBX®.

For packaged data models, toolbars are defined in a dedicated XML document and must be named as the data model and end with the keyword _toolbars. For instance, if a data model is named catalog.xsd then the XML document containing the definition of the toolbars must be named catalog_toolbars.xml. This XML document must also be placed in the same location as the data model. The toolbar document is automatically loaded by EBX® if a file complying with this pattern is found when compiling a data model.

Using toolbars

Toolbars can be used on tables and associations.

On tables, it is possible to specify the toolbar to display:

On associations, it is possible to specify the toolbar to display:

Documentation > Developer Guide > Data model